FAT GIRL.... the post...

OK... I really didn't want to have to go there...
The FAT GIRL post... but here we are... the truth is hard & horrible & UGH... But I said it out loud... I am fat... (hey Mr. ex boyfriend who occasionally pops by to read my blog... I'm Not really THAT fat...
actually I am a smoking hot domestic goddess...)
OK, yes i am REALLY THAT FAT...
I would like to say that I don't know how I have gotten this big... I no longer eat fast food... We are out walking & hiking... WTH? But to be honest.. I make poor choices...

I have been doing a lot of self reflection the past few days... I have been letting myself go... my marriage /kids have never been better... but I have put myself on the back burner & it is time to get a grip...

I went out today to buy a scale.... We haven't had on in the house since we moved to Norway...
ladies....it is bad.... but not really a surprise.

I guess I should tell you now that i am depressed & miserable & feeling hopeless... but I'm not.

I had an A-HA moment over the weekend... everything I WANT for myself... is within my reach... Being fit, being healthy, being active.... being organized, making my life easier... these are all things I can do, if I begin to focus more on ME... ME... ME... ME

This week I have been out walking... I mean really walking... through the woods...up & down hills... between 45 -60 min. per day... I threw away all of the crap /junk food... every little thing helps right?

I will try to refrain from writing too much about the battle of the bulge on here.... however I will be more than happy to BRAG about myself every week... (so if I don't mention it again, it means I have fallen off of the wagon...so PLEASE ask... )

OK...off to walk & start cleaning closets out... Hope you all have a super Wednesday..


Simple Answer said…
I used to work for a gym and here is the truth - 80% of weight is what we eat. Exercise can only do so much. I think of that everytime I eat something I shouldn't - but I always eat it anyway. Self-control has never been mine.

BTW - I've seen your photos. You are smokin' hot! So, I 'm not buying the fat thing.
Anonymous said…
I don't buy the fat thing either. But we never like our bodies do we?

Anyway, it is a lifestyle change not a diet and think a lot of people forget that. But you seem to have it figured out, exercise, eating healthy and feeling good about yourself in general makes a world of difference.
I hope you let us in on your success and failings (should they happen). We are here to support you however you need it.
Anonymous said…
I'm with Simple Answer, you are smokin' HOT. :) But we all need to feel comfortable in our own skin. Your ideal body should be where you feel healthy, not so much about looking like those chicks who have never had babies and have time to parade up and down a run way!! You have my support and praise!!
Debie Napoleon said…
I'm not buying the fat thing either. I think you look great and probably have just a few lbs to lose to feel like your old self.

In January I went through the same type of reflection and I can tell you it's only good.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
scales are instruments of the devil.. .I am convinced of that!!

The key is to be happy with how you look.... not about that "number"... so I say keep the walking up..you will start to tone adn then you will like what you see in the mirror more. I am trying the same thing here... so maybe we can encourage each other!!

One thing though... I do like my weight in KILOS a whole lot more than POUNDS! :o)
Anonymous said…
Don't go there - with the scales, I mean... it will only get you down. Go by how you feel, and how your clothes feel - loose, tight? They are bound to feel tight during PMS times, so take no notice.

Don't eat too many snacks or junk food, but do give yourself a treat every day. And get out there and walk!

Oh - and have fun!
I am going to refrain myself from stepping on the scale for the next two weeks.

I think I'm going to measure myself once a week instead. Seeing inches fall off will make me feel better.

We can do this TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Yay! Good for you for throwing out all the bad stuff and getting OUT there :) *applaudes*
Shanda said…
Oh Girl, I am so totally with you! Just had my b-day the other day and realized I weighed more now than ever in my life...ugh...but it IS within reach....

Popped over from SITS...have a great Thurs.!
MsTypo said…
I just posted a blog about how i was a fat kid adn my own mother responded by saying i wasn't fat - "then." The number on teh scale can be low but it won't mean anything if you're not happy with who you are. :) And who you are is pretty cool.
Anonymous said…
That is so great that you are taking action and you know exactly what you need to do!

I KNOW what I NEED to do. I haven't quite got there yet. What I NEED is more time...but what I NEED more than that is DETERMINATION. *sigh* promise I'll get there too :)

Good luck! I am so proud of you! I think it's awesome!
Khadra said…
If you are fat, I am the size of a planet. We have seen your pictures lady, you arent fooling anyone!! lol!

But seriously, doing something for yourself is a GOOD thing. Good luck!
Anonymous said…
I am someone who is truely considered medicaly obese. SOOOO...When I read how fat you thought you were I wanted to pop you in the head like one of those V8 commercials.

You are GORGEOUS not giagantic! ONERY not obese! MOTHERLY but not matronly. SEXY not supersized. You are HUMOROUS not humongous!!!

I stumbled on your blog a while back, and have completely enjoyed reading the life of a complete stranger.

Also ...there is a website called SPARKPEOPLE.COM It is WONDERFUL!! It is FREE !! And I have lost 35 lbs because of it!! Check it out and see for yourself!!!
Dr. Wifey said…
kudos for starting taking the initiative to get healthy! i did that last year and have lost 40lbs so far. i will be your cheerleader! :)
Suzanne said…
It is a constant battle and it gets harder as you get older. Unfortunately due to health reasons, some people cannot engage in that type of activity so count yourself a lucky girl. You go girl. I want to see you on some Norwegian pin-up calendar.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Tiff said…
Geez I was reading this while eating trail mix...darn it now I must put them away and exercise...I need to tone up terribly....Good luck on losing weight..you can do it!! :)
Ugh you completely ruined my "pringles for lunch" idea!

I love anonymous' response!

Smile you're beautiful lots of people think so! And more importantly you're funny!
Jen said…
Good for you. I really need to start doing the same thing. I think it may be time to give myself a little attention.
KimmyJ said…
You go, girlie! I am glad you are thinking of putting yourself first, I stil haven't learned to do it, but I am working on it.
Skogkjerring said…
Whatever you do, DO NOT READ MY BLOG TODAY!!!! ;-) Seriously, I was on TVNorge's Slankekrigen in 2005 and I lost 26.5kilos in 6 months..it was no hocus pocus but you really do have to focus on yourself, something that doesn't come naturally for a mother...we focus on everyone but ourselves. My best advice, eat four to five times a day (the healthier choices you make the more you can eat at each sitting) and then MOVE....even when you stand, rock back and forth...move, move, move..and you will see results I promise, and last but not least, don't be hard on yourself if you slip up, in fact pick one day a week where you allow yourself something "bad" and you will stick with your new lifestyle longer. Now...all I need to do is follow my own advice and join you in this new lifestyle!!! ;-)
hexe said…
I am with you. After returning from Italy, I made it to the gym ONCE. Yesterday, I started running again. Today I could barely walk and only made it half the distance I did yesterday.

I agree with the others that the number doesn't matter, but you know when you're comfortable with your weight. Children and age have long term effects on our bodies. Just aim for healthy. I know that I feel a lot better just exercising everyday, even if the scale doesn't show the numbere I want.
So, I'll keep asking you, if you keep asking me.
Skogkjerring said…
Yeah I'm on facebook...Amy Kippernes....just add me as a friend and I'll see ya there.. ;-)
Linda Sue said…
Ok, fatty fatty two by four! POOH! What, maybe afraction of an inch extra??? I KNOW how you feel however- I REALLY did gain a buncha weight- out of the overweight and into to Obese, while in Norway I hiked everywhere, ate very little, lost ten pounds, came home and lost 30 more, using HCG available only in europe...Dr. Simeons protocol- radical but lost it all in one month and a half and have kept it off for over a year no probem and no extra excercise- counterproductive actually because it increases appetite. Anyway, check it out and do not beat your beautiful self up- I won't stand for it!
Brittany said…
I swear to god, i almost wrote this exact same fat girl post today, so I truly, truly feel ya on this!
Jen Sue Wild said…
I think you are far from fat..
But i hear what you are saying..
Good luck on getting yourself in to the shape you want..
Anonymous said…
It's not easy! I am also fighting the battle of the BULGE and it sucks!!!! Keep my posted!!!
Loved Anonymous's response.
Scales are the debbil. Try not to step on it too often. ME Time sounds like a great idea. Keep us posted!
P.S. You are so not f.a.t. ~
Debz said…
ABout 3 weeks ago I started a diet (I hate that word) in earnest. I stepped on the scale and like to die. There is no way this can go on. My next weigh in is tomorrow, but I was down 6 pounds on my 2nd weigh in.

You can do it Tressa!! I know you ca . Just decide to and it's that easy. Honestly! Good luck!
Hey-I feel you on this post. Even if you're not "fat" by most standars...if you're not happy with your weight than that's what matters. But, it sounds like you are really geared up to make a change! Good for you! Remember, drink lots of water, cut down on portion size and if you are ever really craving something just repeat to yourself, "Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels." Just saying that in my head while I reach for that delicious looking cookie makes me stop my worst enemy, mindless eating, in it's tracks! And keep us posted!
Anonymous said…
I just found your blog....I recently moved to Stavanger from Lakeland, FL....married a Norwegian, as well. I'll be reading! =D
S Club Mama said…
Girl, I highly doubt you are fat. In fact, I'll almost guarantee that you weigh significantly less than me (if you don't, you're probably significantly taller than me).

But it's good to walk and such anyway to stay healthy for you and your family. I wish you the best of luck in this challenge!
Kelly said…
Oh, you know, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling. I consider myself pretty diet savy...I don't necessarily follow my knowledge, but I know what I should be doing. I was watching the biggest loser the other day and they had this guy on who wrote this book, "Eat this, Not that". Let me tell you, I failed that quiz!!! So now I really don't know what I know...does that make sense?
It sounds like you're making the right decisions...and you ARE NOT fat!!! You know that!!
Cristin said…
I need to use you as inspiration....It's within my reach too... but so are the Funyons... I have issues.
Good freakin luck girl!!! I'm on that same path...so maybe we can be accountable together? :)
silverdot said…
I'm with you on this. But my body shape is what it is. I do want to be healthy though. I'm cleaning out my closets this weekend too! I'm also going to get back to my Team and Training walk marathons. Get healthy and raise money for a very worthy cause.

You look amazing in your pics, but it's always great to be healthy too. :)
Jill said…
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... just get yourself a good set of glasses!

My advice? Just wear black - it's slimming. Then you can eat whatever you want and it doesn't matter.

At least that's what I tell myself.
Rhea said…
walking and throwing out crap are the two main signs of a happy woman, I promise. I need to do the same!!

You go, girlfriend!
Sister, I am right there with you...I mean it. I feel you like you don't even know!!! Good for you for keeping up with your walking...I'm very proud of you! I know it takes alot to keep up with exercising while running a family. It really makes me realize that I have no excuse for not working out. If you can find the time with a husband and 2 (gorgeous) children, then surely I can. You are rocking it! :)
Candid Carrie said…
If I got rid of all the clothes that don't fit me, won't fit me, aren't flattering to me I would hae absolutely nothing left in my closet.

I can't decide if it is better to be comfortable in this body and shop to fit this body or strive to get back the body that used to fit in those clothes.

Please advise ;)

I'll go walking with you if we can be on the cell phone together at the same time.
binks said…
Fat? I think not.

I do agree that you need to put yourself first sometimes.
Good luck with the exercise regime I hope you loose those extra 6 pound quickly. ;)
most of the fat in body is in colon , you can try colon cleaner to reduce your fat .

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