This boy can move! My new work out

I stole this off of my little sisters blog today... it made me smile... Think I will have to learn this routine & do it in front of my kids friends.... (hee hee...)


MsTypo said…
It was merely disturbing until he went down on one knee. Now i'm scarred for life.

Time to forward the link for that video to all my friends! :p
Lisa said…
not bad,,,,, good workout.ha!
Anonymous said…
hahaha i believe i have also been scarred! hahaha that was so funny! But he can sure dance better than i can!
That was HILARIOUS!!! It was gross when he got on one knee...I thought his junk was gonna fall out! HA
Cristin said…
Oh my.... when he turned to the side... his 'profile' cracked me up!
Mammatalk said…
Oh, my. Hot diggity dog!
Kelly said…
I'm impressed he found a leotard that fit him so well!
KimmyJ said…
I thought he was give us a real show there for a mintue, hilarious!
Anonymous said…
ARGH... He can dance - but preferable not in that costume!
Frizzy said…
If only I had confidence like that I could do anything! I envy him. Is that strange?
Jen said…
ok that is hilarious. Were you are scared as I was that something was going to fall out of the bottom of that suit!?!
Skogkjerring said…
HAHAHAHA....I think I'd probably skip this routine, doesn't really look like it's got much effect other then a belly ache from laughing too hard while watching it...hahahaha...
LORI said…
The Blonde Duck said…
Saw you on SITS and wanted to say hello!
silverdot said…
too funny. ha - i have to show this to my friends.
Suzann said…
Okay, I cannot stop laughing and I showed my 18 year old son and he's completely freaked out (LOL). Here I just merely came by to say Hi and way to go on being the first to comment on SITS today and I've been entertained in a great way this morning. Hmmm...I wonder if i could lose any weight with this routine?
larkswing said…
Hehehe - good idea about the kids. Mine would leave the room! hmmm yep, still a good idea!
Valerie said…
I thought his junk was gonna fall out too. lol I woke up this morning and said I need to find a workout routine. I'm here by way of SITS thought I'd give you a holler. Have a great day!
Laural Out Loud said…
At first I was like, "Ahhh, he's not THAT bad." Then he turned to the side! Yikes! And the only thing I have left to say is it's so disturbing that men don't get cottage cheese thighs.
That made my day. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! That was hilarious. I left a blog award for you on my blog simply because I love your blog. Come check out the details. Have a good Thanksgiving.
Tiff said…
LOLOLOLOLOL.....enough said... :)
Lizzie said…
Dude, that was so funny! One problem... my hubby saw me watching the video, now he thinks i am in to chubby guy in leotard porn! SAVE ME!
SabrinaT said…
YIKES! He should have waxed that back before wearing that!!
Joy said…
That was interesting.
I'm trying to figure out what he had stuffed all in the "you know where" region.
Linked over from Keeper of the Skies.
Great Blog.

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