Halloween Hangover..the neverending POST

I was torn, should I call this just Halloween Hangover post... or the post that lasts forever....cause seems like my weekend went on F O R E V E R .... (we had LOTS of things to do this weekend... ) So grab a POT of coffee & relax cause this could take a while....

So the Halloween "get together" went great... the kids DID get to go trick or treating.. (although it is no where near the same as in the US... not really a bad thing after reading all of your candy dilemmas)

My American girlfriends brought over their stash of American Candy... Reese's & candy corn... YUM...(my already huge ass THANKS YOU!)

& we had a great night of playing TABOO..(LOVE this game) & wine.. (LARS is a cheater...anyways...)

All of the cute little American Trick or Treaters...going out to show the Norwegians how it is done.....

We made it through Friday.... with the rest of the weekend LOOMING.... Dane had an all day outing in Oslo on Saturday.... & we had tickets to an ABBA show the same night.... 2 overly tired children... I knew it was going to be a BLAST.....

During my free time i like to play STAGE MOTHER... here is Eva up on stage during the ABBA (TRIBUTE) show.... Unlike her mother,... she was speechless & in utter AWE... very cool experience for her... & she was beaming the rest of the weekend...
As if we hadn't had enough excitement throughout the weekend... the Kids & Bjørn voted to take the boat out one last time before the winter... (I was out voted....)
So I packed a picnic, & we took the boat out to the islands.... (May I remind you that it is NOVEMBER in NORWAY... & I FROZE My tail off...)
Where my darling children decided they would help mommy drop a few pounds while I ran between one hanging off of the cliffs...& the other hanging off of the old lighthouse..... (as hubby sat on his big caboose..taking pictures.....)

I am READY to go back to work today just so I can get a BREAK!
How was your weekend?


MsTypo said…
My weekends are nearly as exciting as yours!! I can't even imagine the steam rising my husband's ears if he had drive someone home in teh middle of a concert he was excited to see.
Queenie Jeannie said…
Wow! Busy weekend!! You got to see ABBA?????? Jealous beyond belief over here!!!

The housewife said…
Not as exciting as yours. But the kids go back to school today after mid term break YAAAAYYYYYY!
Mum-me said…
Sounds like a busy, but fun, weekend.

I often wish I could go to work to have a break. Childcare costs so much that I'll have to wait until all the children are in school, and then I won't need to go to work to get a break!
Anonymous said…
Hi, Tressa! Halloween just isn't the same in another country ... we "celebrate" it at the school I work at to give them the "flavor" of the "Western" experience but, of course, it's all a little strange. I actually skipped out on the foreigner parties this year: too crowded!! A shame because back home, Halloween is my favorite holiday. I'd much rather have gone to that ABBA concert; I LOVE them. Too bad about your MIL. Oh, and by the way ... GORGEOUS children! Just gorgeous. They're lucky their mom cares enough to expose them to her culture. Trust me; as the child of foreigner parents they will be so very very grateful to you when they grow up and can remember celebrating your heritage as well as their father's.
My weekend wasn't as fun as yours!!!

I'm jealous you got to see ABBA!!!

Great costumes and I love the pumpkin hangover.
Anonymous said…
i worked all weekend, so i am ready for a little play time!! :)

The kids look so cute in their costumes!! My little sister would be very jealous of ABBA!
Anonymous said…
Looks like SO much fun! That is a scary looking picture of the little Kiddo hanging off the ledge! LOL :)
Stacia said…
Sounds hectic but memorable.
Too funny about the concert!
It must have been a concert type of weekend. We went to see AC/DC and NO ONE had to be driven home in the middle and let me assure you it was LOUD!
Hope your week is a relaxing one Tressa!
Lizzie said…
great pumpkin! what a busy girl you have been. i spent the weekend emptying my attic. (i know, so exciting right?) have a good week.
jewelstreet said…
Oh, dear! Sounds like so much fun. I bet you're glad Monday is here.
What A Card said…
Wow, that sounds like a very fun, and very full, weekend. Well, all except the MIL breakdown mid-concert :)
Anonymous said…
Okay I admit I like ABBA. I was an ABBA fan before most of you were born.

It's also great house cleaning music.
Frizzy said…
What a fun weekend. I so wish I could have been their for the ABBA tribute. I LOVE THEM! I feel bad for your man having to leave during the show. He's a Super Trooper for sure. hehehe
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Halloween came to Denmark too... so I guess we can officially add it to the Scandinavian Holiday list!!!
Your MIL went home during an Abba tribute show? Went home? While your babies danced on stage? Okay....

How fun...I want to go see Abba. I have to just be content with stage versions of Mama Mia.

And the kids in their costumes - awesome!
Cristin said…
I spent the weekend snuggled up at home with a cold, had a nice fire in the fireplace, ate all of Graham's candy... it was lovely...
Laural Out Loud said…
ABBA!!! How cool! I can't believe your MIL ruined it for your husband. Yes, no more cool concerts for her. Though you really should try to get her to wrap her head up like a babushka again so you can get a picture for us, lol.

When does the snow hit?
KimmyJ said…
Sounds like you had a great time - and busy. I know some weeks I need to go to work to get a break too. the kids are precious!
Unknown said…
Hehe sounds like fun was had by *most* sorry about mil having to leave the concert... not sure I know many who would have taken her home... maybe told her to go wait in the restroom or a coffee shop. ;)
Great pics, thanks for sharing.
Jen said…
oh my, how scary. I lost my breath just seeing the pictures. I can't imagine seeing it in real life.
And Wow, that was some weekend.
Good grief! I'm exhausted just from reading that!

And suddenly craving candy corn...
Sydney said…
Great costumes! Great story! Great pictures. Good lordy, your heart must have been racing from your kiddos exploring!
Kelly said…
It does sound like a L O N G weekend. I'm totally in awe of Eva getting serenaded at the ABBA concert...so awesome.

I'm glad to hear your Halloween get together turned out well.
Angie's Spot said…
The pumpkin is AWESOME! The kids are adorable! Sorry you MIL is such a party pooper. And love the pic of you climbing that lighthouse!
Mammatalk said…
Oh, that pumpkin pic says it all. I am glad you had a fun weekend. I would have loved to have seen that ABBA show. ( Was it really ABBA?)
The Happy Mom said…
Ok, the pics of the kids hanging off cliffs/lighthouses was about enough to give me a heart attack! (I'm kind of a paranoid mommy)

What an adventure of a weekend you had!
Tiff said…
Wow what a weekend...my a** is ready for all the candy to be gone..so it can be assured the fat process slows back down..lol...love the pictures..looks like a fun and busy weekend..well fun besides the freezing and chasing of children...cute costumes :)

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