One of "THOSE" days...

Anyone who has been reading American in Norway for a while KNOWS...that

one of "THOSE "days..

Is usually a RANT about the HUGE Zit that popped up right before a big meeting.. or my MIL making me CRAZY...or the zillion things I have to do..which I have yet to start because I am BLOGGING... (I know... I have a really ROUGH life..)

But today was one of those OTHER kind of days....

The kind of day that starts with a good bye kiss from my husband...

(although I am sleeping...I always know when he kisses me good bye)

I was awakened by Eva crawling into my bed for a little cuddle

& the "little man" aka BABY BOY putting coffee on for me ...before my feet hit the floor... (I have taught that child RIGHT!!... )

The kids were off of school for a planning day, so I took the day off to be with them....

After kisses, cuddles & coffee... we had a little breakfast.... went for a bike ride in the sunny-ish fall weather....

I made homemade Potato Soup...(to.die.for.) while waiting to pick up Dane's friend to go to the movies...

As I was making dinner, I started thinking about how truly BLESSED I am.... 2009 has been such a great year for all of us.... I am not only HAPPY... I am CONTENT... when I was younger, I wasn't sure I could ever be CONTENT... wow...

This year has been a somewhat healthy year for us...(thank goodness....- after the horrors of LAST year...)

We have been blessed with a lot of wonderful family time... traveling, & loads of old & NEW friends....

Why don't I write more posts about THESE kinds of days?

I dunno...maybe cause y'all would HATE me if you knew how good things really are....

(Can't hate me cause I didn't lose a SINGLE. POUND. ALL. YEAR. - more like gained 5)

Or because I worry about JINXING myself....

If I really say it out loud..I AM HAPPY & CONTENT...something will come along & ruin it...

I guess I am taking my chances with this post.... crossing my fingers ...

I let the kids pick the movie, because I was in nice "mommy mode" today...

They chose Michael Jackson " This is it"..... Not my choice... but it brought back many great memories...(Michael Jackson's VICTORY TOUR was the first concert my MOM took me to... on the FLOOR at the ASTRODOME... wow)

Should have seen all of the kids dancing in the aisle...F U N N Y...

Anyway... if one day my kiddos should go & decide to read mommy's blog... I just wanted to know today was a REALLY GOOD DAY...
Thank you for being the wonderful people you are...


BenLand said…
that's awesome....sometimes it's easier to see the bad and we forget about all the good things in life......glad you're having a great year and i hope 2010 is even better :)
This is more than just seeing the bottle half full - it's a bottle full - to the brim - of happiness!

What a day for the kiddos; nice "mommy mode" day must have been a blast!

Btw: I don't blame you looking at the pic of the kiddos - charming :-)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Just thinking about her coming into your bed to snuggle makes me smile... and miss Jess... hold onto those moments. They grow up so darn fast and are gone before we realize it.

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