Just ignore me...

OK...so I lied. 

Thought the problem was solved...but NOOOOO

By switching to the classic template y'all can comment...but I can't have any of my really cool widgets. : (

I have a very nice person trying to help me... so I had to switch it back to the NO comment mode...

Can I just say ARRRGGH one more time?


Yea, it's working ... it's working..... am I getting through to you? :lol:
Sues2u2 said…
Can comment but miss your cute widgets. Good luck getting them back.
Cristin said…
oh no!!! Hope you get it all figured out!!
beaverboosh said…
it is technical gremlin season, bon chance!
MsTypo said…
Your comments still seem to be working. Great news!

(But please, please switch to the popup comment box and not this bottom of the screen box. I hate these things! They don't work on firefox and i have to open a new screen in safari and double hit people. Sorry back to focusing on you now...)

Glad you found someone who can help you fix your blog issues!! :) Good luck!!
LadyFi said…
I can comment!

Why not move over to Wordpress instead? Highly recommended.
Anonymous said…
poor-Poor dear..this must be awfull for you!..Hope you get it fixed soon..It really is terrible when you cannot comment..I had so much to say to you..But now I can not remember..hahahah..No really I was thrilled to see your comment back...and you thought it was gone?? hmmmm
Mammatalk said…
So sorry you are having trouble. At least comments are working!
Nicole said…
We come and read anyway how colorful it is. LOL
Frizzy said…
Hello from CALIFORNIA! Hope you get your comment issue fixed. I HATE IT WHEN MACHINES DON'T DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD!

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