Unexpected Facelift....

y'all know... I had an unexpected "face lift".... I was thinking about changing my layout..

I just hate being FORCED to do anything.

(don't you love that I was posting every 10 seconds when I was having problems... but as soon as it is OK... I draw a blank?

Not sure what I am going to with the Ol'blog...but have a feeling it will be a work in progress.

I have to give Andy aka Dark UFO a great big shout out & THANKS for saving the day & getting everything fixed....

SO y'all know when weird BLOGGER things happen, they can be fixed IF you know what you are doing..

In all of this chaos I did lose my BLOGROLL... I will try to get y'all added back... but if you want to help me (hint, hint) go ahead & leave me a comment or drop me an email... It will save me from trying to find y'all again.

I just noticed...did they REALLY take spell check off of the new blogger? gimme a break

From: "Lorac" If you use Blogger in Draft, it does spell check. Looks great!

- Although I didn't do anything to change it... I now have a new toolbar.. which includes STIKETHROUGH-REMOVE FORMATTING- INSERT JUMP BREAK...
should make for some interesting posts... get ready to laugh at with me... :)
UPDATE...the NEW editor does not have spell check... lots of other things... but no spell check... I switched back.


Anonymous said…
OMG! I LOVE it. This looks fantastic!
Anonymous said…
Dangit, now I want to redo mine - again!
Mammatalk said…
Lovin' the new look.

And, no spell check? How did I miss this?
That's the great thing about Blogsphere: Friends everywhere :-)

Congrats with your new blog home! Not that I think you needed a face lift, but it's great anyway!

(hint, hint): Your on my blog roll - I even included you in my last post about my blog Anniversary - could not celebrate without you, you know!

Btw1: Glad to notice the Oslo Blog Gathering 2010 have survived the face lift!
Btw2: Happy week ahead!
Btw3: Good night :-)
Kim said…
It looks great!

I hate that there is no longer a spell checker. Why did they take that away?!
I love the new look! Your pictures are great...can we say awesome smile!?!?
What A Card said…
Welcome back! And may I say you're looking FABULOUS :)
Jen said…
I am in LOVE with your new header. It is fabulous.
Cristin said…
Oh, I would be lost without Spellcheck, I type fast and SLOPPY!

Liking the new digs by the way...
Corrie Howe said…
I love your new look too! Sorry it was so frustrating.
Jill said…
Hooray, hooray you're finally back!! I had no problems viewing you on my computer... though not being able to comment was a bit of a drag. :)

Missed you lady - glad all is well in your bloggy world again! Big hugs.
Kelly said…
I like it!! Looks fab.u.lous!!
Lorac said…
If you use Blogger in Draft, it does spell check. Looks great!
Skogkjerring said…
Love the new layout!! And you have a photo of the Atlantershavveien!! Cool!!! Maybe you had that before and I missed it? Have you been up to Averøy? Cool. I love the new look! Wish I could make a cooler banner for my blog..but I have the standard and haven't a clue how to get anything else. UGH...ME COMPUTER STUPID...hahahaha...
Doriana Gray said…
Beautiful gorgeous header! And love the plain background ;)
JEDA said…
I like it. Nice and cleeeeeen. And all those pictures are very YOU.

Welcome back!

Did you ever figure out exactly what happened?
Jennifer said…
I love the new look! It's so bright and fresh!
Corinne said…
I really like the new header, too. This new format took much less time to load on my computer than your old one!
LOVE it! So glad your back on track again.
MsTypo said…
The new header is awesome! How did you do that? I need a bloglift soon and have been torn about what to do.

Love it! Gotta second Corinne that this took less time to load than your old one.
cat said…
Great new look!
Anonymous said…
Stopping in to say HIYA!
I l-o-v-e the layout...great new look!
I'm a compulsive spellchecker...but the day they invent a "sentence-structure checker"...I'll be in H-e-a-v-e-n! Woo Hoo!
Lee said…
Love your blog! New follower, and didn't see the old look, but your surgeon did a nice job!!
Stephanie said…
Did you do that header yourself?? I am seriously impressed! It looks great!
beaverboosh said…
how do you get your teeth that white?
ACR said…
LOOOOOOVE the new look !! Great job - -even if you were forced to do it. :)
Sues2u2 said…
I love your new header! So absolutely cute.

Maybe I am glad that I defected to wordpress. I am starting to get the hang of it. *g*
Aspen Real Life said…
I'm new to your site and have enjoyed your layout.

Blogging can be hell at times but once you're over the hump it feels like you have bought a new wardrobe.

Love reading about your life in Norway. You, your family and your photos are beautiful!
Love the new look! Header looks great and amazing pix! Glad you're back up and running...comments and all.
Robbi said…
Gorgeous layout, especially the new header!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I know it has been a rough road....but it was worth it because I LOVE THE NEW LAYOUT!!!! The masthead is AWESOME!
JennyMac said…
LOVE your look. Sorry to hear you were having Blogger issues.I have had them as well and like you...havent a clue how to fix them. I need to be in touch with your friend! LOL.
PiNG aka Patti said…
Nice new spiffy digs you got here.

And, if you switch to Firefox, it has it's own built-in spell check, no matter where on the web you type, it checks it!
Frizzy said…
I'm still here and reading. Like your new layout/facelift by the way. Very nice. Maybe I should have something happen to mine. Hmmmm who could I ask to help me fix it?
Kacie said…
Yeah, I actually love the new photos in your header!
The face lift worked. Seems very much to match where you live.
Hi, stopping by for a visit as an American living in England. I've visited your blog a few times before, but I didn't leave a comment, but I will say I love your new header! Wish I had one similar. Interesting reading about life in Norway as that is where my ancestors came from and we really ate lutefisk!
Christina said…
Not going to lie, I do like the new layout... but I hate being forced to do things, too, so I can relate.

I hope your day is going swimmingly!

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