When I grow up....

Dane..my baby boy... is a TALKER... Oh. lord .is he a T A L K E R.

(must admit, he comes by it honest...)

This morning the talking began while I was still asleep & he was sitting on the potty...
yelling across the upstairs...

" Hey M O M... I have found my apartment.." (didn't know he was looking...)

"G R E A T baby... can we discuss this over breakfast/HUGE cup of coffee?)

(that child NEVER forgets ANYTHING...)

10 min. I get downstairs...

"Soooo mom,... did you get a chance to look at the apartment? it is only1,800,000... huh, huh,huh? I figure when I turn18 I will just get a job that I don't really llike... so I can get a loan... & then I will get a girlfriend & we can buy the apartment together....
whatdoyathink? huh? whatdoyathink?
(all of this in one breath)

At this point I should have just nodded...said "sure sweetie...sounds like a great idea?"

- as I am praying for the coffee to drip a little faster & remembering my mother cursing me with a child JUST LIKE ME...almost 30 years ago... the boy was just like ME..he talks just like me....

But NOOOOO... I chose 7 am to suggest better choices & the reasons I was against my 10 year old buying the 1,800,000 kr. apartment with the girl he wasn't willing to marry,
(because she could split the bills..- WHERE does he get this?)

"But D A N E.... I thought you wanted to travel the WORLD? (totally MY dream)

-you don't want to get some job you hate, so you can buy some apartment that you CAN'T afford..) you will have all sorts of bills.. you'll have to buy a car...& then come the kids....

"MOOOOOM! - who said anything about kids? & I don't need a car, I will get a MOPED..."

***sigh*** can I go back to bed now?

Happy to say, by the time we finished breakfast & I was shoving him out the door... he had decided to put off the apartment & the little tart he was going to shack up with... & had decided we would become either a Doctor, a Dentist or an Engineer for NASA... all whilst riding his MOPED...


LadyFi said…
Hilarious! I love the things children say...
Corinne said…
LMAO! At least you know he's already planning ahead....
MsTypo said…
Got to admire a kid who likes to plan ahead. LOL Where was the flat, btw? *innocent*
Skogkjerring said…
How clever to already have a plan for splitting bills!!! ;-)) If you're smart you're writing down all these fun things he says now and when he really does get married, you can hold one HECK of a speech sure to bring the whole wedding party to tears of laughter..
cat said…
Oh he is a true original! What a kid.
Rebecca Jo said…
Love the minds of kids & what their future holds... so sweet & innocent!
Betsy said…
Too funny! I have a little me and a little of my husband. Not sure who drives me more crazy.
This is hilarious! The things they come up with in their little minds. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)
Anonymous said…
He is a very clever young man. Children always say the funniest things. Thanks for providing me with a good laugh.
Anonymous said…
He makes me smile, really you have one lovely little guy there!! Too funny!
So where did he see this apartment that he wants? At least he did not think you'd be living there too to help him pay for it...

(And this is SOOO a conversation that Madalyn would have with me! And have I mentioned that she likes to talk about her friend Dane a lot?)
Anonymous said…
Yo what is up with your blog? Today is the second day I try to click through via google reader and get the previous days post.

And I was all set to gush about you being a Random Tuesday Virgin. Sigh...

Happy RTT on MOnday's post then!
Frizzy said…
They want to and do grow up WAY too fast anymore. Way to talk him back down to earth and his age.
Corrie Howe said…
Funny! I love to hear what our little ones aspire to become...except in my daughter's case. She announced she's not going to college, not getting married, but having children. Hummm? At least have a decade or so to work on her before she leaves the house.

Thanks for stopping by the Pickle Talks.
Kelly said…
H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S.!!! He takes after his Mama in the humor department too.
Bwahaha - would've loved to be a fly on the wall for that one.

I've got a similar story from yesterday but I'm not sure I'm ready to write it down yet. It involved the dictionary, the word: Gonorrhea and how you get it........

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