When I grow up....
Dane..my baby boy... is a TALKER... Oh. lord .is he a T A L K E R.
(must admit, he comes by it honest...)
This morning the talking began while I was still asleep & he was sitting on the potty...
yelling across the upstairs...
" Hey M O M... I have found my apartment.." (didn't know he was looking...)
"G R E A T baby... can we discuss this over breakfast/HUGE cup of coffee?)
(that child NEVER forgets ANYTHING...)
10 min. I get downstairs...
"Soooo mom,... did you get a chance to look at the apartment? it is only1,800,000... huh, huh,huh? I figure when I turn18 I will just get a job that I don't really llike... so I can get a loan... & then I will get a girlfriend & we can buy the apartment together....
whatdoyathink? huh? whatdoyathink?
(all of this in one breath)
At this point I should have just nodded...said "sure sweetie...sounds like a great idea?"
- as I am praying for the coffee to drip a little faster & remembering my mother cursing me with a child JUST LIKE ME...almost 30 years ago... the boy was just like ME..he talks just like me....
But NOOOOO... I chose 7 am to suggest better choices & the reasons I was against my 10 year old buying the 1,800,000 kr. apartment with the girl he wasn't willing to marry,
(because she could split the bills..- WHERE does he get this?)
"But D A N E.... I thought you wanted to travel the WORLD? (totally MY dream)
-you don't want to get some job you hate, so you can buy some apartment that you CAN'T afford..) you will have all sorts of bills.. you'll have to buy a car...& then come the kids....

"MOOOOOM! - who said anything about kids? & I don't need a car, I will get a MOPED..."
***sigh*** can I go back to bed now?
Happy to say, by the time we finished breakfast & I was shoving him out the door... he had decided to put off the apartment & the little tart he was going to shack up with... & had decided we would become either a Doctor, a Dentist or an Engineer for NASA... all whilst riding his MOPED...
(must admit, he comes by it honest...)
This morning the talking began while I was still asleep & he was sitting on the potty...
yelling across the upstairs...
" Hey M O M... I have found my apartment.." (didn't know he was looking...)
"G R E A T baby... can we discuss this over breakfast/HUGE cup of coffee?)
(that child NEVER forgets ANYTHING...)
10 min. I get downstairs...
"Soooo mom,... did you get a chance to look at the apartment? it is only1,800,000... huh, huh,huh? I figure when I turn18 I will just get a job that I don't really llike... so I can get a loan... & then I will get a girlfriend & we can buy the apartment together....
whatdoyathink? huh? whatdoyathink?
(all of this in one breath)
At this point I should have just nodded...said "sure sweetie...sounds like a great idea?"
- as I am praying for the coffee to drip a little faster & remembering my mother cursing me with a child JUST LIKE ME...almost 30 years ago... the boy was just like ME..he talks just like me....
But NOOOOO... I chose 7 am to suggest better choices & the reasons I was against my 10 year old buying the 1,800,000 kr. apartment with the girl he wasn't willing to marry,
(because she could split the bills..- WHERE does he get this?)
"But D A N E.... I thought you wanted to travel the WORLD? (totally MY dream)
-you don't want to get some job you hate, so you can buy some apartment that you CAN'T afford..) you will have all sorts of bills.. you'll have to buy a car...& then come the kids....
"MOOOOOM! - who said anything about kids? & I don't need a car, I will get a MOPED..."
***sigh*** can I go back to bed now?
Happy to say, by the time we finished breakfast & I was shoving him out the door... he had decided to put off the apartment & the little tart he was going to shack up with... & had decided we would become either a Doctor, a Dentist or an Engineer for NASA... all whilst riding his MOPED...
(And this is SOOO a conversation that Madalyn would have with me! And have I mentioned that she likes to talk about her friend Dane a lot?)
And I was all set to gush about you being a Random Tuesday Virgin. Sigh...
Happy RTT on MOnday's post then!
Thanks for stopping by the Pickle Talks.
I've got a similar story from yesterday but I'm not sure I'm ready to write it down yet. It involved the dictionary, the word: Gonorrhea and how you get it........