Happy Birthday Blue Eyes

Y'all knew it was coming....

Just have to say it...

Bjørn says he doesn't want a big deal made out of it...but deeep down I know he does... we all do, don't we?

He called me as soon as he got to the office...his office was filled..floor to ceiling with balloons.. & the girls were all lined up to give him a hug...maybe a little birthday spanking..(he didn't tell me that...)

I would say the day is off to a good start...lets just hope everything else goes as planned...

Have a super weekend y'all..full report on Monday...

Sorry, I couldn't resist....
brwaaaaa haaa haaaaaa


Stephanie said…
Happy Birthday to Bjorn!!! Hope everything goes as planned for your bday extravaganza!!! Love that you posted that picture again! It gave me a little giggle!
Doriana Gray said…
Happy Birthday and enjoy the weekend- remember he doesn´t want you to be stressed!
Ash said…
Happy Birthday Bjorn!!

Try to enjoy the weekend. It's going to be wonderful.
MsTypo said…
Happy birthday, Bjorn!! :) Have a great birthday weekend! :)
Kim said…
Happy Birthday to Bjorn!
Lori said…
Happy Birthday Bjorn! Enjoy this special day with your family!
Happy Birthday to Bjorn!

Have a great weekend!
Corrie Howe said…
Happy Birthday! Love the pictures!
Rebecca Jo said…
Happy birthday to your love...

that last picture is freaking hilarious!
Cristin said…
Happy Birthday Bjorn!!!
Sues2u2 said…
Happy Birthday, Bjorn! Good luck this weekend. Can't wait to hear all of the details.
Corinne said…
Happy Birthday, Bjørn!

I bet this is going to be a hell of a birthday, you've been plotting up a storm. Lots of pictures when everything calms down over there, please!
MoMo 2.0 said…
That pic is hilarious!!! I want to see one of you from that time period too! :o)

Happy Birthday to your Norwegian viking!
Lacy Kline said…
Boy he is rocking that mullet! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Hurra for Bjørn som fyller sitt år, ja han vil jeg gratulere!

Hey: Next time we meet, bring him with! Well, it's nothing wrong with you - but boys wanna have fun sometimes too you know ;-)

Do we have to wait until Monday to get posted?
Can't wait to see your cake! Be there to wish him ourselves in a moment. :)
Skogkjerring said…
Hahaha, that second photo was funny...sad part is I remember people dressing like that....well, minus the funny hat....but the rest is familiar..
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BJORN!! Hope your birthday and party are fabulous!
Robbi said…
Gratulerer med dagen til Bjørn!

That 80s photo is hilarious! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
cat said…
Happy Birthday Bjorn!

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