Happy Birthday Blue Eyes

Just have to say it...
Bjørn says he doesn't want a big deal made out of it...but deeep down I know he does... we all do, don't we?
He called me as soon as he got to the office...his office was filled..floor to ceiling with balloons.. & the girls were all lined up to give him a hug...maybe a little birthday spanking..(he didn't tell me that...)
I would say the day is off to a good start...lets just hope everything else goes as planned...
Have a super weekend y'all..full report on Monday...

brwaaaaa haaa haaaaaa
Try to enjoy the weekend. It's going to be wonderful.
Have a great weekend!
that last picture is freaking hilarious!
I bet this is going to be a hell of a birthday, you've been plotting up a storm. Lots of pictures when everything calms down over there, please!
Happy Birthday to your Norwegian viking!
Hey: Next time we meet, bring him with! Well, it's nothing wrong with you - but boys wanna have fun sometimes too you know ;-)
Do we have to wait until Monday to get posted?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BJORN!! Hope your birthday and party are fabulous!
That 80s photo is hilarious! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.