Game on!

GAME ON....Its C R U N C H time....
Ol' Blue eyes will be 40 tomorrow... WOW.

So now I am running around the house like the Keebler Elf...trying to get all of my baking done..

1 of 2 Chocolate Mocha cakes...done...
2 sour dough bread bowls.. done
meat for the Italian meat sandwiches done... (in the land of NO CROCK POTS it took me 18 hours to get the meat JUST RIGHT...)
Cheese Balls... (almost)
(I found cheese balls/logs in Sweden for $30 a POUND.. is that not messed up?)

Made a run for the border (literally) over to Sweden to buy some "CHEAP" alcohol... HA..

I drove about an hour to make it to the Swedish Vinmonopolet (yes, we have to go to a government owned alcoholic beverage retailer ..if we want wine & spirits..)

So I made the hour trek for my 24 cans of beer... thank goodness they were sooo cheap..averaged out to about $2.70 a CAN.. I was so disgusted by my "cheap" buy, I just had to giggle - (to keep from crying)

Anyhoo... bought the rest of my food.. I have given up on the idea of any super fantastic decorations... After being with Bj for so long, I know he would much rather have me in a good mood with a drink in hand when the guests arrive..instead of stressed, bitching about all of the things I couldn't do/find ... *sigh*

Last night as I was cleaning the kids rooms the doorbell rings... Dane thought it was someone selling something... I told him to tell whoever it was, that I wasn't interested.

I hear Dane talking to someone & says "Mom... its for you..." I tromp down the stairs...(in my PJ's no less... ) to see a MAN standing in my foyer...

(my children have been in Norway tooo long to remember STRANGER DANGER... & how about NOT letting strangers in the house... - I know, how about me getting off my butt & answering the door myself... - this is a WHOLE nother post..)

My first reaction was to beat him over the head with my Croc... (can you imagine how HOT I am looking right about now? - thank god I still had a bra on!)

He must have seen the look of HORROR on my face... & quickly explained that he was a friend of Bjørn's... he thanked me for the invitation...he would be unable to attend the party, but had a little gift for Bjørn... 2 tickets to the football (soccer) game on Friday night... SCORE!

Called Bj in Holland to tell him about the tickets, - did he want to go even though it would mean cancelling the birthday dinner with his mom... I think he said something like " Hell Yes"...

This totally gets me off the hook of making the big birthday dinner & time to get to the airport to pick up his friend who is flying in from Northern Norway to surprise him.... Tee hee hee...

By the time Bj gets home from the game I will have buddy boy here & ready to start HAPPY HOUR....
Life is good... Are y'all getting sick of hearing about this bloody birthday already? 2 more days..bare with me

Oh... question for those of you GOOD at baking things... I wanted to bake a wheel of Brie... it says to use ready made puff pastry... but HELLO..I live in NORWAY...I don't think we have that here... wondering, can I use croissant dough instead?
(don't y'all like how I use you as my own personal GOOGLE? )


Cristin said…
No crock pots? That's messed up.

Good luck with the rest of your preparations!
Joanna Jenkins said…
I'm pretty sure crescent rolls will work for the Brie but you might have to adjust the cooking time.

The party sounds like it will be wonderful. You're a week ahead of me. My husband's big party is next Saturday.


Betsy said…
I think you can definitely use that as a substitute. I hope that it all goes well. BTW, I have a really easy 5 min cheese ball recipe if you still need more food.

I'm sure the party will be amazing!
Robbi said…
You can use croissant/crescent dough. Here's a recipe that uses that same dough, and it has come out well for me, both with the preserves and without the preserves.javascript:void(0)

Ha det.
MsTypo said…
I'm totally stuck on the no crockpot portion of this message. *eek* We're going to have to look for one here to send in our shipment now. Crap.
I'm confused:
"in my PJ's no less" and then you wore a bra?

Still; I'm sure it will be a blast of a party!

Anonymous said…
Darn it, I'm too late. But for the next time you make a Brie wheel, just remember puff pastry is butterdeig or smørdeig. I use that stuff all the time.


Helen McGinn said…
Snap! I was 40 on Thursday the 5th....we're both in great company by the sounds of it and you are a rockin' wife! xx

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