Halloween pics...

Little Miss Eva as Bat Girl...
She REALLY wanted to be
Buzz Lightyear but compromised with me when I couldn't find the costume.. as long as she didn't have to be a PRINCESS...

Here is Kristoffer with the awesome piñata his mama made... way to go Caroline!

Dane was a commando..... I was SOOO MAD.. I left my memory card at home.. so I think I was able to get 4 pictures....

Sometimes I can be such a DUMMY.

We had a great time at Kristoffers b-day... trick or treating wasn't too bad... just a lot of work trying to find the right house

... sigh... (which TOTALLY justified the many bottles of wine we needed to recover from taking 9 kidlets trick or treating)

At least the newspaper wasn't filled with upset readers writing in on how HALLOWEEN should STAY in AMERICA... (oh yea... I have read that EVERY YEAR for the past 4 years...)

I am still worn out from our fun filled weekend... but there is no rest for the weary... less then a week til Bjørns b-day.. eeek! I have decided to go ahead & try my hand a baking his b-day cake..(thanks for the nudge Tarah!)

Keep y'all posted...


Not been here for some days and now it's filled up with lots of scary (as well as some cute and sweet) Halloween stuff - thanks for sharing!

Good to see children in all ages have so much fun!
Corinne said…
Wait a minute...those costumes didn't come from Nille.... :D
Helen McGinn said…
Very cool batgirl! xx
Jill said…
The kids look great! And yeah... we hear the same thing here - even in India!

Can't wait to see everything you've planned for B's b-day!
Kelly said…
Love it! Great pictures....I've forgotten my camera on big events before....it totally sucks!
They look great!
Norway doesn't sanction Halloween?? That's scary.
Joanna Jenkins said…
YEAH! Halloween. The kids look GREAT. Thanks for the pics.
What A Card said…
Looks like so much fun! Glad you're getting to celebrate Halloween :)
MsTypo said…
Excellent batgirl costume! :) I miss giving out candy on halloween - they don't do it here either.

Hey, don't forget to send me your email addy so i can send your prize. :)

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