Comment away....Really... I've missed you!

F I N A L L Y...looks like we are moving in the right direction

Unfortunately... thus far.. you are only able to comment on my blog if I use THIS template...
(not that there is anything WRONG with this template...I know there are 1.000.000's who have it) I would just like something a little more personal.

OK better than nothing.

I was thinking I was going to have to start AMERICAN IN NORWAY II... (insert SAD face..)

Anyway... I have been searching the net for the past two days on a solution to my "no comment" problem... I tried the whole resetting the widget thing...NO LUCK...

in the end.. I just clicked the "revert back to classic template" & Voilà

Just thought I would throw that out there in case someone else comes across the same problem...

OK... so I am waiting by my in box to see who is going to comment first...
I've missed y'all!


MsTypo said…
You could have the plainest template ever and we'd still love you!!

(And that's not just the vodka, rum, and other assorted booze talking.)
What happened? Do you know what caused your blog to act up? I hope you can get it back - did you contact the blogspot support people?
You know I've missed being able to comment too and been thinking of you and your dramatic experience - sounds like a nightmare!

I'm happy I can tell you we love you and miss you and whatever template, we admire your spirit!

Skååååååålllll - ohhh Nooooo, empty glass (again)..... BRB ;-)
Jen said…
I am so sorry that you are having all these issues. That totally sucks.
Corrie Howe said…
Yeah!!!!! Welcome back.
Betsy said…
Yay!!! Glad you are back!
Stephanie said…
My goodness woman! Get it together! Just kidding! Sorry you are having so many issues with blogger! I'd be soooo frustrated..and probably using inappropriate language. I wonder what is up! Hopefully you get it all back soon! Good luck!
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