Jack o lantern cake... Halloween Norwegian Style...

I DID it...: )
I am very pleased with the way it turned out... much scarier than some of the cakes on saw on line...

This was for Kristoffers 12th birthday/Halloween party... so we had to have it look a little mean-

Baking "cute-sie "cakes here in Norway is more difficult than doing it at home only because we don't have the same of candy, decorating stuff who knew I would be unable to find ... ICE CREAM CONES... (I wanted to use one for the stem... no flat cones to be found...)

I used Marzipan for the stem & leaves... & am now a convert...

More about the big weekend tomorrow...

....OH look... found this post from LAST year... pretty much sums it up..Halloween here is still pretty PAINFUL... (but getting better)

Halloween in Norway
... one of our favorite Holidays... or at least it USED to be until we moved to Norway...

Halloween is still pretty new to Norway... Not sure how long it has been over here... but not long enough for people to know WHEN they are supposed to go out Trick or Treating... or get excited about decorating... or even to know that you need to go buy some good candy... (NOT clean out their junk drawers with whatever they might find...... some loose change... old gum.... a LIGHTER........)

I love when Nowegians get all excited & ask me questions about Halloween... like

"Why do you celebrate Halloween?" "Ummm..free candy..." I know there is a story as to why we celebrate Halloween ... but whatever
..."when do you go out trick or treating for Halloween?

***crickets*** "Ummmm, ....ON Halloween"
being a busy working mom...I haven't had a chance to spread the news to EVERYONE over here, that we need to trick or treat ON Halloween... so it is not unusal to have trick or treaters the week BEFORE or AFTER Halloween...
A co worker told me she had trick or treaters 3 weeks early... (I think the kids were just trying to pull one over on her & get some extra pre Halloween candy )
I also haven't had the time to tell the Norskis that if they don't want trick or treaters...
turn off your porch light... No need to yell & a bunch of 6 year olds & slam the door in their faces... (yes, this was my first experience with trick or treating in Norway & i have been scarred ever since...)
Costumes? Good luck if you want to be something other than a Witch or a Pirate...
Last year we came up with this little didy... KISS & all we needed was 5 rolls of Aluminum Foil & some black clothes...
I couldn't believe hubby went along with it...but I think he really enjoyed the aluminum foil " nut cup" (look closely.. you can see it) & prancing around in his silver boots...

OK... I just wanted an excuse to post my favorite Halloween family photo... Pics from THIS year tomorrow...


That was just the best cake EVER - thank you! You rock!!
Stone Fox said…
your cake looks amazing!!

loved the post about halloween - it's hilarious to think that you are helping norway "learn" halloween.
LadyFi said…
Wow - that cake looks amazing!
MoMo 2.0 said…
the cake looks awesome, but those KISS outfits are the coolest I have ever seen!
Sandy said…
Excellent job on the cake!

lol.. enjoyed your Halloween repost. :)
Kelly said…
Turned out great!!! Impressive!
Anonymous said…
Great job, despite the no-cone!

PiNG aka Patti said…
Consider me impressed!
JEDA said…
Haha! Great KISS costumes! I might even get my mister to go along with that one.

Your cake looks great. I'm feeling a bit like an underachiever now with my humble tombstone cupcakes...
Roxane said…
That cake is to die for! Love the marzipan, I would eat it all day if I could. The KISS costume is amazing! Can't wait to show it to Mr.H...he's friends with one of the members, i'm sure he'll be proud LOL
Cristin said…
Killing me with the KISS costumes.. you guys are soooooo freaking cool.
Frizzy said…
I met your identical twin at a Halloween birthday party here yesterday. So wierd! I kept staring at the lady the entire party. She must have thought I was a nut. Snkr!

Great job on the pumpkin cake! What a great mom you are!
MsTypo said…
That cake looks awesome! You did a great job!

BTW, i have something special for you over on my blog! :p
Laura said…
Wow, awesome job! You go girl!!1
Batgirl said…
Awesome cake! :-)

I tell Norwegians every year about the "turn off your porchlight" bit. It seems to be spreading, the Stavanger Aftenblad had an article about it this weekend: http://www.aftenbladet.no/innenriks/1104742/Mener_norske_barn_misforstaar_halloweenfeiring.html
cat said…
What a great cake. In South Africa, Halloween is not big at all.
Corinne said…
Sverre's four year old cousin showed me her Halloween "haul." Raisins, and what looked like scattered pieces of unwrapped chocolate. Oh, for the days of Halloween innocence when unwrapped candies were safe! I think they're catching on, there were a number of kids out trick or treating around the apartment....
Jill said…
Wow - the cake looks awesome!

And your family photo... to die for! You're already giving me ideas for next year. :)

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