Are y'all missing me?

Crap... I have no time to blog... SO just going to drop a quick little update so you don't think I have really run away to Italy/Greece.

Bjørn is home... yippee... He is doing well, although still in pain. We picked him up yesterday... & get ready for this.... He will be joining us in the states a week later. So he is still missing the Chicago part... but will be there for my sisters wedding.. AND to control my spending. (lucky me)

The next few days are going to be CRAZY with the trips back & forth to the hospital with Eva... making sure Bjørn is OK at home, and trying to get everything caught up at work before I take off for 3 weeks.

Blogging news *** I got another award, (yippee!) this time from Deb... but I will have to do the post about it tomorrow... as I am off to the hospital yet again... before beating butt over to work... (2 hours late again)....

Have to keep telling myself it is all worth it...this time next week, I will have my butt parked at a pool in CHICAGO...


Stacia said…
Things are finally looking up for you guys. Yah!
All this running around like crazy will be worth it next week when you are relaxing with family and friends.
You can always sleep on the plane!
darn, I had a great pun about being "Bjorn Free" for your's such a shame to waste a perfectly good pun....but glad to hear that he'll be with you!
Christelle said…
Hi! It's been a while since I've checked your blog and wow, a lot happened. I went in hospital to be induced on June 23rd (but they ended up doing it the next day) and that's when your husband fell off the roof, then your daughter got sick, (I was just going over posts I missed)- wow! Glad to hear everything seems to be going better and hope you enjoy your trip to the States :)
Debz said…
OH YAY!!! finally some good news!
Suzanne said…
Woo Hoo!!!! Hey Tressa, we are cranking up the heat just for you. You're going to need that pool so you don't fry. We'll also see if we can whip together a nice big thunderstorm and maybe a tornado.... hmmmmm, well, we'll have the tornado strike a path through an empty cornfield where it won't hurt anyone...just give a fabulous show.

Take it easy on yourself. We don't want you in the hospital.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
JAY said…
That's really, really good news !!!! I'm so happy for you :-)

Only a week to go ...YAAAAAAYYYY !!!

You soooo deserve this!! :-)
Unknown said…
ARRRGGGHHHH !!! My hubby keeps forgetting to log out from Google, when he's finished. Usually I check, but I've been busy making a card for a friend's birthday. My first one (the card, not the friend) so I was a tad distracted.!!

So that comment from 'Jay' is actually from me :-)
Frizzy said…
I am happy to hear Bjorn and your daughter are on the mend. Life may still be crazy but you see a light at the end of this incredibly long tunnel. Have fun on your vacation and at your sister's wedding. Being home from Europe can fly by so fast and trying to see everyone in a short period of time can almost feel like a job itself. Remember to relax and if it's important for someone to see you they can come to you. (You'll have already flewn from Europe I'd say you've met them more than half way.) This was a hard lesson I had to learn otherwise I'm afraid I might not have come home at all after my first trip d/t pure fatigue alone.
Kelly said…
I am so happy that things are looking up!!!!!!!!!!
You are going to have a wonderful time at home; Enjoy every precious moment.
I wish I could see you when you're here, but I can wait til next year and we'll do the "Mouse" together!
I'm totally intrigued.....hooker boobs, a guest list passed out by dad, and living in Norway. I'll be back.

Thank you so much for taking the time to pop over, browse around and comment on my posts.
Jennifer said…
Glad to hear hubby is home!! How great he can join you for part of the trip. Yay for good news!!
scargosun said…
Yea! Great news! You can get thru it. I am looking my vaca in the face right now after a crazy week (not like yours of course) and it is SOOO satisfying!

BTW - My friend over at A French Fatum is Norweigen.
Unknown said…
man... I was getting all excited that some guy named Jay had been checking out my blog... bummer.. But good news it was karen.
Nichole if you check back.. I can not get into your blog... it hates me. Off to check the news from Christelle & the baby
S Club Mama said…
Oh I'm so glad you guys get to be together in the states!
MoMo 2.0 said…
Ok, are you from Chicago or just going to visit??
It is my FAVE city in America! My daughters and my Special city.. Michigan avenue is like heaven on earth! LOL

I will send you a message very soon with all my "how I ended up in DK" details! LOL
Debz said…
Tressa you made me pee my pants:

"Why does he have so much free time? Hmm? maybe he is in prison? What if it is your hubby seening if you will take the baite?
Do y'all think I am a little paranoid?"

I dont think the fella is in prison cause he told me last time he lives in the next town over from me (prison Bwahaahaa)
My hubby can barely use the TV remote let alone the computer (Lol)
And really...paranoid much??
Your crazy!
Heather said…
You can do it!! You're almost home!!
Angie's Spot said…
Glad things are looking up! I'm crossing my fingers that everything is smooth sailing, especially for your trip next week. Whee!!
Jill said…
Oh I'm overjoyed to hear that Bjorn is home - AND that he'll be joining you for part of your USA tour! That's fantastic news.

Keep sane, stay healthy, clear your head, and get prepared. The USA is waiting for you - and I for one am excited you'll be here.

P.S. I still think you should shop 'til you drop! You deserve it lady!
N said…
Who will take care of your husband while you're away? Have a safe and amazing trip to America.
Scary Mommy said…
Yay for you!!!! You deserve it!
running42k said…
Glad hubby is home and enjoy your trip.
Rhea said…
You do sound busy, but at least things are looking up again! I'm so glad hubby is home and Eva's doing better. :o)

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