We're Heeeeere!

Ah.., it is so nice to be "home"
We made it safe & sound... All of us fighting jet lag... but so thankful to be back in the U.S.
We had a change of plans the night before leaving... I was unable to find a train back from Sweden to Norway on the way home, so I ended up having to drive to the airport. Bummer, but everything went smooth.

It has been 1.5 years since Eva has been on a plane, so it was really exciting for her. When we finally landed in Chicago I pointed to the big picture on the wall & said... "look honey, there's Chicago!" She looked at me & said "that's it?" like, I have been traveling for over 20 hours for THAT? Then I had to explain that that was just picture of the city... we didn't come this far to see the picture.

We made it to my baby sisters apartment & are enjoying the high life.. She has a great apartment overlooking the city & lake Michigan...
Today I am going to try to get the kids to Shed's aquarium, & the Field Museum before we meet Aunt Ali for lunch & shopping ... Going to try to get the kids home & down for a nap around 3 so that we can go out to dinner in Greek Town tonight... This is what I am HOPING to get done... lets see what I manage...


Anonymous said…
I love Chicago....my favorite things there are the Museum of Science and Industry and Ed Debevic's (did I spell that right?)....welcome back to the States!!!
Jill said…
Yay you made it!!!!!! So happy to "see" you around again. Glad your trip was uneventful - and you're here safe and sound.

No go out and shop 'til you drop! Have fun. Write often.
Angie's Spot said…
So glad you made it here safely! Have a WONDERFUL trip! :-)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Our fave place to eat on Michigan Avenue is the Grand Lux Cafe on the 2nd floor above Ann Taylor... Jess and I discovered it many years ago and it is where we go every time we go back!

Hope the Aquarium is GREAT!!!

And you are getting lots of relaxation!
Lauren W said…
Yay! I'm glad you made it safe and sound :) Enjoy your time in Chicago. Take lots of pictures :)
Have a great time and keep us "posted"

bad pun. very bad pun.
Suzanne said…
Oh yeah!!! Your plans are perfect. I know you won't miss the dolphin show which is spectacular in that arena that overlooks the lake.

I can feel your presence Tressa - we live just 50 miles west of Chicago. I hope you have a fabulous time. You deserve it after the weeks and weeks of incredible stress you've been living under.

Please promise me you'll order some saganaki in Greek town. OOOOPAH!!!!!
Kelly said…
I am so glad that you guys made it without any issues!!
I was starting to go through Tressa-withdrawal (I haven't been like this since College!!!); I was actually going to write about it...May be I still will. At least you know your stalker well and you LOVE her!! :)
Give my love to everyone!!
Sydney said…
So glad you made it to the States! Welcome back. I LOVE Chicago. It's my dream city. I want to live in one of those fabulous high-rise condos... oh wait... i'm married and have a kid. NOPE! Not happening in this life! Have fun in the Windy City and take tons of pictures of your adventure!
Welcome back to the states!!
Frizzy said…
Welcome home! So glad you are finally here safe and sound. Glad you're back with us again too. We've missed you and look forward to hearing stories about your trip. Ciao!
S Club Mama said…
we're going to IL next week; too bad it's nowhere near Chicago's part. I would love to see the city.
Robin said…
Yahoo, you're home! Have an awesome time. I luvvvv Chicago! The Field Museum is one of my faves..If you have time for a side trip, come visit us in Vegas!
Unknown said…
Yaaayyyy !! :-)

Was anybody waiting at the airport with a martini ??? :-)

Have a fantastic trip, you so deserve it!!
Laural Out Loud said…
I can't believe you're already here!

Chicago is one of my favorite US cities. Hope you have a blast- can't wait to hear all of your traveling stories!
Rhea said…
Yay, welcome home to the good ole U.S. of A!! Glad y'all made it safely. Have fun exploring Chicago.
tiarastantrums said…
oh, I was just in the city all day!
Glorious day!! I was at Navy Pier though!
So glad you made it safe and sound!!!!! Enjoy your trip! :o)
Debz said…
welcome "home". enjoy yourselves!
So glad that you and the fam are safe, sound, and happy. Have a wonderful time, soak it all in. This trip will sustain you the future. XOXO, Red Shoes
Camille said…
I love your blog header.....random, but my brother used to live in Norway.
Enjoy your visit to the homeland!
And, I will make sure to never buy bathroom furniture from your retailer- if I ever am lucky enough to travel to Europe!

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