In 2 short weeks...

Just home from catching up on some paper work at the office.... & I can't sleep... 2:30 am here in Norway.

Driving home tonight it hit me.... in 2 short weeks...I will be in the U.S. with all of my buddies from Western Illinois.... YIPPEE! Yes...I am thinking POSITIVE thoughts... we will make it on the plane...we will, we will we will!

Started flipping through the pictures for the slide show/video... that I am now running out of time on.... Sean... Mr. "I have soooo many pictures from the good ol'days.".. came up with umm, 5. Thanks baby.... so I think I may have a 2 min. video if I am REALLY Lucky... Just thought I would share.... a few... Really... I hope you won't think less of me... BUT, OH MYYYYYYYY!

What the hell was this Star Spangled DOOZY I was wearing? I look like a 60 year old woman!

& the big puffy people? Ummm... we owed most of that to HARDY's Drive Thru when the bars closed....

If y'all knew how much time & hairspray I spent on the "DO".... & everytime I see a picture of Sean I feel like screaming.... "Is that a PLEDGE PIN your wearing?" (you need to spit when when you scream it.... ) Look closely... yes my goodness... it is his PLEDGE PIN...

Relax people.... just so you don't think we ended up like this....(By the way... we were all gussied up in that photo..) IS the same guy.... he just lost the PLEDGE PIN...
Can't wait to see you all! : )


Angie's Spot said…
T, that pic from college is hilarious! I really love the outfit the most. :-) Priceless!
Rhea said…
Great pictures! You guys are cute together!!

Is Eva going to be ready to travel? What about your hubby?
WheresMyAngels said…
LMAO Glad you said it looking like a 60 year old's outfit, not I. Even though I agree!! lol

Course I wear my mothers clothes and she is almost 70, so what am I laughing at!! lol (But she doesn't own anything like that ;) )

Great pictures though and you guys look good together!
Simple Answer said…
I can't believe the transformation!

I had the same hair. We are responsible for the hole in the ozone.
Unknown said…
LOVE the pictures!!!
Jill said…
I kinda dig the hair in the first photo... It just screams "sassy"!

Oh you look like you'll definitely have fun... lots and lots of fun!
Diane Mandy said…
Even with big hair, you looked adorable!

I'm excited about your trip for you!
trash said…
So now we know who is responsible for the ozone situation, huh? That hairspray had to go somewhere!

See what happens when I look away for a few weeks - hope Eva is getting better and send her my commiserations about the IV (my arm still bears the scars).

Hope your trip home is full of fabulousness and fun.
LiteralDan said…
I hope you enjoy Illinois, though I promise you it will likely seem boring in comparison to globe trotting most anywhere else.
Unknown said…
Hehehehe ... love the hair and the outfit :-)

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