A new Girl in Town.....

There is a new girl in town..... Oh... I was the new girl more times than I care to remember....

After I arrived to my 3rd High school... this time in Wilmington,
Dela-where? I remember eating my lunch in the bathroom for the first two weeks until my mother threatened to call the Principal...if I didn't go into the cafeteria....

Anyone who has had to move, especially in High School or Jr. High knows that going into the cafeteria is the WORST part of starting a new school... Where are you going to sit?

When I finally braved St. Marks lunch room... I quietly took my tray & sat at the end of a long table... with a bunch of girls I didn't think would mind. The details of almost 20 years has blurred in time... but I know that this was where I had my first contact with Kelly.

She came over to the table to asked me to sign her Student Council petition...& invited me to eat lunch at her table, thus... saving me from being branded a "dork" for the rest of my years at St. Marks... (come on, I know it sounds mean...but we were in HIGH SCHOOL)

That was the first of many times Kelly would come to my "rescue". Oh the stories I can tell from my years spent in Delaware.... Although I say we were bad... we weren't really... we both had a desire to see what lay out in the greater tri-state area... Philly, New Jersey, New York....(oh the places our crappy cars took us.) & we both liked boys in uniform.
We spent our summers together working as lifeguards, going to the shore & cruising South Street . She helped me hear the difference between words like Bin & Ben... (I still had my Southern drawl at that point) & she made Delaware bearable...even fun for me.

Twenty Two years (yikes) have passed now.... & although we we haven't always been the best at keeping in touch... especially after we married & had our kids.... she is STILL always there for me when I need her the most.... BFF....
Well BFF has finally jummped out there & started her own BLOG... Yea! So now Kelly is the "New Girl in Town" I hope you will pop over to... Song for Whoever & give her some comment loving... so I can look after her, like she was me over all of these years-----


How sweet of you to introduce your friend. Why didn't I think of that when friends of mine started to blog?! Have gone over to share the comment luv...
Suzanne said…
Oh Tressa - look at how cute you and Kelly were. I'm going to pop over to her blog now and check it out. I had such a friend in high school. We were both huge DORKS...really huge. We clung to each other like life rafts and that got us through some tough times. We also share a birthday. I still hear from him. Dennis a very successful Broadway choreographer and producer now and has had an exciting career, traveling all over the world. Even dorks grow up and turn into beautiful swans.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Jennifer said…
That's a great story! I will go check out her blog right now!
Anonymous said…
Ah Delaware. Yep, my son was born there and we lived there (Newark and across the line in Elkton, MD) for 9 years. The shore, Rehobeth Beach. You're making me miss 'home'!
I'm loving the old pictures by the way.
Angie's Spot said…
That's so sweet! And those pics are too funny. I'm off to visit Kelly and welcome her to the wonder of blogger fun!
Unknown said…
Awww ... sweet photos and memories.

I'm off to her blog to leave some comment love :-)
Frizzy said…
I have been reading your blog and have commented on some old posts. You continue to remind me of myself. I was always the new girl as my father's job required us to move yearly if not more at times. I too am thankful for those friends who took me under there wing and whom I continue to call friends today. I think of it this way, had we not moved so much as kids maybe we wouldn't have been so open to change and moves to Europe with our dear husbands. I was "An American in Italy" for 2 years while my husband worked and I too experienced many of your frustrations. The simplest things become the biggest challenges in your day. Though moving and being the new kid was difficult at the time, I'm thankful for the strength it gave me for my life now. I know it did the same for you. Keep the posts coming and I hope your sweet husband and daughter heal quickly. Oh BTW,I too have had trouble spelling my entire life and again am thankful to read I'm not alone. Would love to chat with you when you get some free time. Ciao!
Kelly said…
Tree,Thank you for my wonderful welcome...I've gotten so many nice comments...Ly Kelly
Jill said…
What a lovely post about your friend!

I had to pop by and say hello to her too... any friend of yours is a friend of, well, yours. But I do want to join the party!

Anonymous said…
Wow, Joan Rivers AND Vannah White in the family?! Love the hair!!

Give hugs and kisses to Eva from X and V. = )

Robin said…
Love your post! Off to visit Kelly!
Heidi said…
Hi, I'm new to your site. Your post makes me think about my daughter. She's only in Kindergarten, but has lived in 4 states, (not military, just business). We keep saying that when the kids start school we won't move, but we haven't found the right place yet. I hope to not have her moving in high school, but if she does, I hope there's a "Kelly" out there for her. You sound like a great friend too.

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