That is soo cool....

There is nothing I love more than following my FEEDJIT thingy to see where my readers come from. & there is nothing cooler than finding out I am on someone's favorite/readers list.... especially when they have never left me a comment. What a nice little surprise. That is sooo cool!

Amazing how blogging makes the world seem so small... & I think that is cool... I feel ike the 2.5 months I have been blogging I have met not only friends but family.... I was going to ask if that is weird... but come on... you know you feel it too! I have my "big sister's" lifeinredshoes ,Food, Glorious Food...and life in general at home with the farmer's wife , Postcards from the Edge ... who have been talking me down during crisis mode the last few weeks.... (Suzanne even offered to meet me in Chicago to help getting my kiddos through the city..BLESS BLESS BLESS) then the girlies with kids about the same age...who check on me on a daily basis... The Perlman Update , Angie's Spot ,Texas Word Tangle , and there is Ramblings of a 30-Something Year Old Single Girl who I like to keep tabs on to make sure she is staying out of trouble.... ; )

Not only have I met tons of friends blogging... I have found the one way of keeping all of my friends & family updated on everything happening here in Norway.... People I didn't even know were interested...Uncles, aunts, friends of my parents...old classmates... WOW... That is SOOO cool.
Thanks for caring....

Today I am really..(no I mean it)....REALLY going to get things done...I promise... Started with finding the kids passports... (huge sigh of relief...remember most of everything is still boxed.) The house is clean... so people can pop by unexpected with out me freaking out....
& I am starting on my College video for my get together with Sean & the gang in 2 short WEEKS... (Sean...I know you thought I wasn't going to pull this off...but I WILL)
I have been scanning pictures all morning... & all I can say is...OMG...what were we thinking? The only way I can describe my "style" from college is Big TEXAS Hair meets Chicago Mob.... NICE.... I will have to post pictures when I get them sorted....

& Because I know my parents are scanning my blog every day for Eva/Bjørn updates.... STILL haven't received Eva's test results.... (they were due on Thursday...) but she seems to be feeling fine... & Bjørn was looking great yesterday, he was even waiting outside for us when we arrived for Eva's treatment... YIPPEE...things look like they are going in the right way.... & I feel like the FOG has lifted.....

Thank you to EVERYONE... who has been by my side through all of this.....


Angie's Spot said…
Awww, thanks for the shout out and I'm so glad you're feeling better. :-) Blogging and the internet has been a saving grace for me. It really does make the world small and it gives a (much needed) connection to wonderful women (and guys) that I would never have met otherwise. I miss not having connections from an office, so this is the next best thing. Have a wonderful day and I can't wait to see some of these college pics!
Jenny said…
Hi. I am one of those 'lurkers' picked up on the feedjit thingy.
I have been reading your blog for awhile (but had not left a comment yet - due to the miserable time you have been having - I didn't think it was the right time to just drop in and say something), I discovered it via another, via another etc.
Thanks for the positive thoughts about my bedroom (now that will get people wondering!!).
I have laughed about thoughts on the MIL.
Well, it's great to 'meet' you!
I have been thinking about you a's amazing what can happen when the world starts praying for you :-) Glad that the fog is starting to clear. And I can't wait to see your Texas mob hair...
Debz said…
YOUR WELCOME!!!! i so agree with you, i feel like i have made so many new "bloggy" friends. and again i agree that it rocks to see that your listed on someone else blog roll. but you know what else is awesomely awesome? do ya?
when someone gives ya a shout out as a way of saying thanks for something so easy as listening and lending some supportive words. that makes me warm and fuzzy all over... :))
Kelly said…
I am so happy to hear things are looking up! If you need any additional Texas big hair pics, I'll be more than happy to send them your way ;)
Laural Out Loud said…
Sounds like you are reaching the light at the end of the tunnel- so good to hear!

I'll continue to pray for strength of mind and body for you, to get you through the next few weeks. Soon you'll be on vacation having a great time!
Suzanne said…
Oh Tressa, you have such a sweet heart....yes you are a sweetheart! You're young enough to be my daughter so I feel very protective of you. Yes, the community we've cobbled together on the internet is an amazing place. Thanks for mentioning me in your list. I read many of those you have mentioned but there are a few new faces to check out too.

We're all rooting for you and I for one am so happy you can come home for a visit.

I'm praying for your storm to be passing.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Angela said…
Yay! So glad things are looking up for all concerned. And yes, I agree on the blogging in general and the feed readers in particular. I love to see people subscribe to my blog. It just puts a big smile on my face!
Jennifer said…
LOL about your college hair! I'm glad things are looking up around your household!
Anonymous said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog - I never win anything so I was super excited to get a Tarjay card!

Hope you win the next one!
Woo hoo!! I got a shout out!! Thanks for keeping an eye out for me!
Unknown said…
Awww...shucks...thanks for the mention :-)

And you are more than welcome. If I'd been living near you, I'd be over there with casseroles and pep talk and doing the laundry and running herd on the kids and....:-)

I'm betting that a few others, like Suzanne, Heather, Kat and so on, would have been doing the same thing.

I'm so glad you're feeling better and that things are looking up, you deserve it, damn it!!!

Big *Hugs* and prayers your way. :-)
See, we are all in this together. When the Lord closes a door, He opens a window...breath in the fresh air! That is the beauty of what we do, with you every step of the way.XOXO, B
Rhea said…
I'm glad everyone is looking better and feeling better!!

and thank goodness for finding the passports!

I love the blogging world too, for so many of the reasons you listed.

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