Weekend Update....

Here is another shot of the Atlantic Highway... It really is AWESOME...

Just so you can see that it does go somewhere...

"The Atlantic Road zigzags across 12 low bridges that jut out over the sea, linking the islands between Molde (famous for its annual Jazz festival in July) and Kristiansund in the western Fjords. The Hustadvika is an infamous stretch of ocean and in storm it's fantastically dramatic. In calmer weather you might spot whales and seals" . http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel

**Sigh*** To say I am P O O P E D... would be an understatement!
We showed up for Eva's treatment last night... 4:30 in the afternoon & arrived home at 2 am this morning... Mmm Hmmm.. another wonderful family night at the hospital. Her IV was worn out... she had had it for over a week... & despite keeping my fingers crossed.... It just wasn't going to make it for the 4 more treatments she had. So we had another nightmare of a time trying to get the IV's in... this time they ended up having to put her under... they ran the IV from the underside of her elbow... up through her arm into her chest... this is for 4 more treatments of antibiotics!!!.... I was on edge as usual... kind of pissed about the whole situation... why didn't they do this to begin with? Coulda,woulda, shoulda... We made it through hopefully the last IV... knock on wood...it is almost finished although my 3 year old looks like some kind of a junkie with the bruises all up & down her arms. (wonder who is going to find me on google now, first with HOOKER BOOBs...Now talking about Junkies?)

And OF COURSE this was the morning I was going to catch up on some of the work I need to get done before I leave on TUESDAY.... So I needed to get up at 3am to be in the office by 5am... needless to say, I didn't bother trying to even get a nap..it was in the shower, a pot of coffee & off to the office.

Did I mention I am tired? I used to be able to go for weeks on less than 4 hours a night.... but I guess that was when I was a lot younger....

On an upbeat EXCITING note.... I finally got off of my behind & got my train tickets & hotel booked in Gøteborg, Sweden for next Tuesday.... I am so relieved to not have to worry about driving through Sweden in the middle of the night trying to find this airport early in the morning, stressing about making the flight etc,

The kids & I are going to take the train on Tuesday afternoon & have a night down town. It is a really nice brand new hotel...so I thought we could go out to dinner & take in a little of the city, & into bed early so we are ready to head back to America.. YIPPEE...

I think it will be a fun trip for them... I don't think Eva has ever been on a train trip... oh & then we have the buses & L's to look forward to... should be an adventure just with the public transportation---

I haven't started to pack (yet here I sit...blogging) I have another early morning tomorrow...plus Bjørn has invited a family from Poland, (He works for Bjørn in Dubai...but is visiting/working here in Norway for a few weeks)over to dinner tomorrow night... NICE... I am sure I can pull it off... with a smile... Just hope I don't fall asleep during dinner...


N said…
Now, this is what the bridge looks like. A really amazing design. I hope everything will go well before you leave and hopefully your stress level will be reduced. I wish you all the best to you and your lovely family.

When you go to Sweden do you speak to Swedes in Norwegian? My fiance didn't want speak Danish with the Swedes when we were in Malmo. He said they speak too fast...or something like that.

I also want to wish you a pleasant trip and I'm sending you lots of positive thought!
Unknown said…
Okay...now I can see where that road goes. What a fantastic design.

Poor Eva, she is really being put through the wringer.:-( . It's hard though, when you see your kid going through all that. Only another couple of treatments to go, so hang in there.

If you're going to fall asleep, make sure it's not during the soup course!! LOL....

Onlya week to go and then you're America bound. hang on to that, it will help you get through the coming week!

Jill said…
Oh you definitely get the award for most stressful weekend... and action packed! I can't believe how you're able to stay up as late as you can and get as little sleep. I'm such a bear when I'm cranky.

Wow - I can't believe you're leaving so soon! I hope you'll be able to blog while you're gone! I'm already missing reading you (you know what I mean)...
S Club Mama said…
Wow that bridge is amazing....looks kind of scary, though! Ugh, I'm old.

I didn't realize Eva was only 3! Not that having LD & such a horrible IV experience would be better if she were older, but poor tot.

And how amazing would the train trip be! I'd love to take my family on a train ride even. Something most people don't get to experience anymore.
hello, I found you on Google under Junkie Hooker Boobs...lol just kidding, I stopped by to get my daily Norway fix...glad your daughtr has "better" IV access ~ YES they coulda woulda shoulda done that procedure when they knew she'd be getting IV therapy. It just takes one knowledgable doc or one diplomatic nurse to whisper into his ear ~ "brilliant idea, let's give the poor little thing ONE IV access route for the duration" ohhh well...have a safe and wonderful trip!
Robin said…
That is the cooolest bridge I've ever seen!

Sending love and prayers to Eva, bless her heart..
MoMo 2.0 said…
I am so sorry you have to go through all this at the hospital...being the mom when your baby is sick is an awful feeling. You want to go through it for them!!

But in only a few days, you will be in Chicago... ready for FUN and relaxation! So just hang on till then!
Anonymous said…
Just chant two more day, two more days. Make it your mantra until you get on that train. It's too funny we leave for the US on the same day. We are Frankfurt, Denver then Spokane (WA). Then the hour drive. I did something really stupid and translated that if we arrive at 7:30 pm local time to our destination, what time would that be at home in Germany? 4:30 am. Trust me don't do that to your brain.

I hope the rest of the treatments go well (poor thing). Have a safe journey :)

I love the picture btw, I really thought it just fell off into the water!
Angie's Spot said…
Wow, you're making my "to do" list this weekend look pretty sad. :-) I'm so impressed that you're still keeping on, with a good attitude nonetheless. Way to go Wonder Woman! Glad to hear that Eva's hospital visits are almost done. And that hotel in Sweden looks awesome! Can't wait to hear about your adventures back to the states!
Debz said…
oh thank god you posted another pic of the highway - i had nightmares about falling off the face of the earth.

poor, poor Eva. I can relate to the challenges of IV's and little ones - it was one of the worst parenting times for me.
Kelly said…
Beautiful! Sometimes you just got to sit back and say, "I can't believe I live in a place like this..." (Especially amongst all the stress!!)
2 more days! 2 more days! Good for you treating yourself when you're in Sweden! Enjoy your trip and try not to sleep through it!!
i think we are cousins twice removed or something because that whole procrastination thing? Yeah. I hear ya loud and clear! That's me!

Have an amazing trip! Can't wait to get the update and pics when you get back.

PS I dont have any good dating stories yet - sorry :( The one hopeful turned out to be all creepy mccreeperson. You know I'll blog about it, dontcha worry! :)
running42k said…
That sounds like a nice little get away before your great big getaway.
Anonymous said…
I lived in Stavanger for two years -- just came across your blog and it's taking me back. I also refer to Norway as utopia. Love it.

We're a new online women's travel magazine with some great contributing writers. You should submit something to us!

Anonymous said…
That bridge photo is wonderful; thanks for sharing that. I'm excited for you about the trip! We're going to Holland, MI this weekend to visit family. There is a couple from Norway (distant cousins) also visiting. Should be fun!

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