Bjørn Update....

After a good long cry on the phone to both my mom & dad...(HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I so wish I was there...) A couple glasses of wine... a little Hanna Montana (in English...way to go Disney Scandinavia...) I thought I would give you an update on Bj...
Yesterday he went in for a marathon surgery... almost 10 hours... I only knew he had gone down in to surgery after the 15th time I tried to call him on his cell with no answer... around 11am I called the nurses station. Where an overworked, RUDE, witch answered the phone... I will save you all of the details & just say the conversation ended with me apologizing for being a worried wife, & saying that when I called the next time, I hoped there would be someone a little nicer on the other end. CLICK. (I know really mature.... but I just HATE the way things work here...)
Finally about 7pm last night, recovery was nice enough to call & say he was out of surgery.
I talked to Bjørn for a few min... & he said not to bother coming to the hospital because he was in a lot of pain & was going to try to go back to sleep.

I went into work today...ASSUMING.. (that makes an ASS out of me...) that he would be back in his room & things were fine. I called his cell phone another 15 times before calling the nurses station only to be told that he was still in RECOVERY... umm, this is around 2pm. I then call my mother in law who informs me that Bjørn had a blood clot... & was in pain all night I quote... "he thought he was going to go crazy he was in so much pain".... (This coming from a man who would have to have his testicles cut off before he complained of being in pain)
...... so that is why they kept him in recovery until about 2:30 this afternoon. BLOOD CLOT? PAIN? Sorry... thought I was the wife & someone might call me... Um, nope... that's not the way it works here.
I did manage to get a hold of Bjørn after he got back to his (4-man room)told me I didn't need to come to the hospital after work because he was hurting & just wanted to sleep....
Of COURSE, I have to drive overto the hospital to check on him before I picked the kids up.
I get to his room & he is just covered in sweat.... attached to a some sort of morphine bag that he can push a button & get drugs when he needs them.
I look at his arm... ( I will save you the gory details... but they STILL have not stitched him up... so basically he is open from his wrist to his elbow.) The wound is wrapped in some sort of plastic wrap so I could see more than I wanted....
I did ask to speak with a Dr. before I left the hospital... one of the surgeons showed me the x-rays & said they would do the next surgery on Friday....
FRIDAY? We seriously thought he would be home by the weekend....
Umm nope.... looking at another 2 weeks in the hospital... ANOTHER 2 weeks?
Have I mentioned we are supposed to be going home in 3 weeks?
I managed to keep it together until I left the hospital...but fell apart in the car on the way to pick up the kids....
I am exhausted & angry about everything... I am mad at Bjørn for falling... (like he did it on purpose...) I am mad about not being at home ... in an American hospital...surrounded my support system... I am mad about not understanding/accepting the way things work here... I am mad about not having daycare after next week for Eva... & none for Dane right now... & still having to work full time.... I am just pissed off...
Believe me... I do realize how much worse it could have been.... I know we are blessed... it has just been a very VERY LONG DAY....
So all of you that check in to "American in Norway" thank you for letting me vent... just getting all of this off of my chest.... so now, I can go upstairs & pretend everything is OK & cuddle my babies before I put them to bed....
Here is to hoping tomorrow is better.... love, T


Debz said…
Oh Tressa, I can do nothing but this:


I hate that you all are going through this, but it will get better. Hold on honey, hold on.
Unknown said…
I'm so sorry that you are going through this, Tressa.

Like Deb, all I can do is give you a big, cyberspace *HUG* and hope that things will begin to improve.

Just to let you know, I'm thinking of you and sending heaps of positive wishes, for a quick recovery for your hubby.
scargosun said…
Vent away ma dear! That is why we are here. Would it be at all possible for him to see someone when you are in the states?
Simple Answer said…
I'm am soooooo sorry. Keep venting. We'll keep listening. And don't forget to take care of you!
Angie's Spot said…
You poor thing! Sending lots of virtual hugs and a shoulder to cry on. Vent away sista! I hope things take a turn for the better VERY soon.
Laural Out Loud said…
I can't even imagine not being told that my husband has a BLOOD CLOT! Of course you're upset! Venting will help, and hopefully talking to your parents helped a bit, too.

Is there a way that you can have his care transferred to the States when you come?
nancy said…
I hope it's better for you too. And him.

Suzanne said…
Tressa, blow off all the steam you need. We're here for that. Bjorn is busy pumping drugs.

These types of injuries are very complicated and they follow a certain path in the surgery, let things subside, more surgery, etc. My nephew had bolts coming out of his leg that were attached to a bar. He looked like something out of Frankenstein.

And you are allowed to break down. Do it when you can. It's cathartic.

more later.

Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
N said…
I'm sorry to hear about this...I don't know how to work in Norway. However, I do hope that your husband will recover from hospital madness soon and that you all can have a pleasant trip back to US.

Take care now.
Sydney said…
my prayers are still heading across the pond to you and Bj in Norway! Hang in there! and friends are for venting, so vent away!
Angela said…
You poor thing! I agree with the others - is there any way you can have him seen by doctors here at home when you come?
Robin said…
Vent away girl..That's what we're here for. I wish I knew what else to write but just know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Hoping you'll be to come home as planned!

We are all listening and it is your turn lean on us. I am just hoping that Bjorn will be released in time to come to the states with you for some much needed R&R! Please keep writing.
Unknown said…
Vent all you need, Tressa! We are praying for you and Bj!
I'm SO sorry! Sending prayers and hugs to Norway for you and your family! Hugs!!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
I'm SO sorry! Sending prayers and hugs to Norway for you and your family! Hugs!!!!
sorry my comment button went a little haywire! Oh well, that's just that many more hugs to you! lol :)
S Club Mama said…
I know that internet hugs are nothing compared to real ones, and I know you could use one right now. But that's all I have. You are still in my prayers, you poor sweet woman. I'm so sorry that doctors and nurses aren't so nice over there.
You are doing a great job, though. Your husband is alive and being taken care of (even if in unusual mannerisms) and your children are cared for and you have pulled yourself and kept your family together.
WheresMyAngels said…
OMgosh woman, what a trial you are going thru. Hope your husband feels better soon and recovers well. It sounds awful there. Did you cuss them any? That is the one thing I could do. My best friend in high school was a exchange student from Norway and she taught me all the good phrases and cuss words!! lol In fact, I use some of them now in front of my kids, cause no one has a clue I am cussing. And no one bothers to repeat it cause they think I am just babbling. Hope you get everything all worked out.
Anonymous said…
Bummer! I remember a hospital experience once when I was there so I know what you are up against. So different than here. At least different than here if you have health insurance.

Vent all you want!
Jennifer said…
Big hugs to you Tressa--what a terrible ordeal this has been!! Hang in there--you're doing a great job coping!! I hope things will get better really soon and that your hubby earlier than expected. Good luck!!!!
running42k said…
Yikees. Hope the worst is behind you and he is well on his way to recovery.
Jill said…
Oh Tressa! What an unbelievable ordeal. It never ceases to amaze me how different hospital protocol and communication is in "foreign" countries.

I am SO sorry for your pain during this horrific hospital experience. I wish there was something I or anyone else could do to help you through this.

I haven't been online in the past 5 days - but every time I check my Google Reader, I look forward to seeing an update from you on Bjorn's progress.

I am sending good thoughts and prayers that things get better in the next few weeks before your departure to the U.S.
Kori said…
I'm so sorry to hear that your day yesterday sucked. I hate days like that when you feel like evrrything is just against you. It will get better. Just hang in there.
Anonymous said…
Oh, I wish I could help, at least to take the kids for you. Maybe there's a church you could use support from? (just grasping here). I'll keep you all in my prayers...
Gramma 2 Many said…
Sweetie, there is nothing wrong with a good cry. It is cleansing. You do not have to be super mommy through all of this. You are human and need to be able to show it. I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It is just a pin prick right now, but it will become more evident with time.
A great big gramma hug to you.

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