Nothing a little chewing gum & diet coke can't fix...

This week I have had to be at work by 7 am... thus meaning I need to drag little Miss Sunshine out of bed by 6 am. (she is NOT a morning person..)
So this morning we had a full blown fit at 6.:15... I tried to do all of the things a good mommy should... I hugged her, I apologized for getting her up so early... I promised we would do fun things when mommy got home ... She was not buying it... She was in hysterics at this point... and as we all know... MOMMY is at a breaking point.... So I did something I have never done before...
I asked her if she would like some soda with her breakfast... " HUH? WHAT? "
sweet S- I- L- E- N- C- E.

OMG... give the screaming monster something it wants & I get sudden peace... Wow... that worked so well, I asked if she wanted some chewing gum to go along with it.... She thought that was a SUPER DUPER idea....
So I have now hit an all time LOW... I gave my 3 year old Coke & Gum for breakfast.... & made her pinkie promise not to tell anyone. (Before you call child services,I did pack a breakfast to take to daycare.)
I have decided today... NO MORE MOPING... NO MORE WHINING... If I have to take the easy way out...damn it... I will bribe the kids & whoever else I need to with all kinds of crap until things get back to normal.
Yesterday I was feeling pretty sorry for myself... I am a worrier by nature... so not only did I have all of the hospital crap going on... the Dr. said Bjørn would most likely not be going to the states with us... and of COURSE this year instead of flying right home to my parents from Oslo...we decided we would take a train to Sweden fly into Chicago.. few days sightseeing... would stay in Chicago on the way back from KC...bla bla bla... all of a sudden I just start PANICKING...

How am I going to do this great big trip with 2 kids by myself? Of course my parents offered to drive 9+ hours to pick us up in Chicago...(ya a few days before the big wedding I sure that is exactly what they need right now)
On my way into work this morning I just started wondering...WHO AM I? What have I become?..beside a great big cry baby.

This is the girl who backpacked through Europe 3 times before I was 22.... this is the girl who had her nose broken in apendectomy in Turkey...all by myself...moved to Norway not speaking the language & barely knowing the man I promised to spend the rest of my life with... I am not a sissy.....surely I can get through Chicago with 2 kids by myself.
Gosh darn it... I can do it... just need to start stocking up on gum & coke...


Unknown said…
Oh, Tressa! I wish there was
something I could do to help! As always, you are in my prayers!
Simple Answer said…
You can soooo do it!
Angela said…
You DEFINITELY can do this. Just take one step at a time. One minute at at time. One coke, stick of chewing gum, plane ride, etc. at a time and before you know it, you'll be at that wedding!
Diet Coke will solve all your problems.

We take a lot of trips without my husband. He only has 2 weeks of vacation - so we do things without him. We went to Texas a few weeks ago without him. We are leaving for the beach in 2 two days for 2 weeks...but he is only going to be there the first few days.

You'll have a great time...and you will manage beautifully!
Unknown said…
You'll do it.

It's simply that at the moment, you're under a lot of stress. You probably feel like you're pushing a large rock uphill and the moment you get to the top a laughing gnome pops up and kicks it all the way back down again.

Thangs will get better. Do whatever you have to do, within reason :-), to get yourself through this...

And sure, you did all those things before, but there was just you. there wasn't two kids depending on you. That changes things somewhat. So don't beat yourself up.

Rhea said…
Coke and gum is the secret to all success. You can do it!! You really can, I believe in you. Just plan well, make lists, and take it one little step at a time...or change your plans, if you can get refunds. :o)
I think the theory "Do what ever it takes right now" attitude is best. I call these times Survival
Mode. It always passes and normal will return. I'm rootin for ya girl!
Kelly said…
I just had to laugh at the bubble gum and soda for I've done the same with Emmy...Chocolate cake for - part laziness/part "I wish my mom had allowed me to do this at 6"! You gotta do what you have to do...we've all been there!
It's time for you to break out your scrapbooks, memory books, whatever, and remember just a very short time ago, the majority of the time it was just you and the kids. I have every confidence in the world that your trip home will be!!
LY, Kelly
Angie's Spot said…
You can do this! Diet coke and gum could definitely be the key to this whole puzzle called life. LOL! We're all pulling for ya. Just remember to breathe and bring lots of dollar store crap. Kids love that kind of stuff.
WheresMyAngels said…
Big hugs and yes you can do it. Chicago isn't bad (course, I stayed on the outside of it, when I went to visit, lol). Now the train ride might be different, not sure I would want that with two kids. lol teasing, you will be fine. KC is your home town? My home town was St Joe, 1 hr from it. Now I am 2 1/2 hr from KC.
Suzanne said…
Woo Hoo. ... .Tressa...I'm available to help you wrangle kids. I'm only an hour on the commuter train from Chicago. What were you planning to do while you're in Chicago? I can be the extra pair of hands if you need them. I AM NOT KIDDING. Let me know.

I had the feeling that they weren't going to let Bjorn take the trip. I'm sorry this monkey wrench has been thrown into the works.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Jill said…
I am a HUGE fan of bribery... in any way, shape, or kind! Good for you...

I too always bribe with chewing gum... green is my girls favorite color for it!
running42k said…
No guilt. With what you have been through lately, a little "unhealthy breakfast" won't bring the world to an end. You probably won't want to make a habit of it, or perhaps you want to market it as a new alternative to Froot Loops.
Leanna said…
You can do this. Our American friend Ginny did a 20 hour trip from Norway to Montana (or somewhere out there in plains) with 4, that's FOUR kids. Alone! She survived and so will you. Take one step at a time and get some liquor on the flight.
S Club Mama said…
Good for you to get your confidence back! It's so easy to worry (I, too, am a worrier by nature...ask my hubby), but you sound so brave & tough. I have confidence in you! Good luck.
I'm in awe of you, girl! You will be just fine, I'm sure of it!!! :) Just think of it as a crazy, fun adventure! Can't wait to hear how it goes!

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