Procrastination...My middle name...

OK can you say P R O C R A S T I N A T O R ? Look it up...& yes you will find a picture of Moi!

First...Thank you to Lauren W ...because girl... You rock! She told me how to save the new header & import it. Yes Kat, I totally am planning on hiring someone to make over American in soon as I get back from America.... But just got this wild hair to do something tonight....

Never mind I have 150,000 things I should be doing...(procrastinator...) One of the biggest things I hate about myself...I always put off doing today/3 weeks ago...what I can do at the last min... mmm hmmmm

I did get a lot done today...but once again, they are things I SHOULD have done 3 weeks ago.

I finally got Bjørn's Green Card returned to the American Embassy... THAT should have been done 3 years ago... & he should have done it himself.... but alas....

The poor post lady had to pry the envelope out of my hands today.... I just didn't want to see that baby go...because that REALLY means... we aren't going back to live in America.... I didn't think he was going to change his mind... but just in case, we could have if we wanted to.

I finally went in to get the kids new Norwegian passports... (umm, yes, we leave in a week.. & I am just now applying for their Norwegian passports... ) SMART... After I handed their old passports in & they had put giant holes through them, did I realize that Dane's passport was still valid for another year....

Telling you, these two tasks took 4 hours to get done.... First I get to the post office only to discover that I had left Bjørn's Green Card on the table... Come on kids...back in the car.

We get that taken care of...on the way to the Police station to get the passports when I realize I left their bloody passport pictures on the table as well... OK kids...back to the car (had to drive through 2 towns during lunch hour traffic...)

I bit the bullet & bought the kids some summer clothes for when we land in Chicago... I drew the line at spending $80 EACH on new sandals... we are just going to have to look like trash until we land... (people on the plane... please don't judge me on my children's scummy shoes)

& then I did something I have never done before...bought a cheap swimsuit off of the rack without trying it on... Good does cover the hooker what more can I ask for?

At least it is better than the getup I wore to the pool on the 4th of July... I was unable to find the top to my suite so I wore the bottoms with a black bra & tank top... (Keeping it classy)

So now...when I should be in bed ... I sit here blogging...and ordering clothes to be sent to my sisters apartment for next week....

Lets all say it together...P-R-O-C-R-A-S-T-I-N-A-T-I-O-N...


Lori said…
WOW, I love the new header!

I often feel like kicking myself for procrastinating, but then I remember I can always kick myself later.
N said…
I really like the new header. It's amazing. Is it easy to do it? I'm not a very artistic person though.

Does Norway accepts dual citizenship? I hope you'll have a great time in US.
N said…
I tried to make my own scrapblog and it looks okay. Can you please tell me how to put it on my blog? Thank you.
Lauren W said…
HA! If nothing else, I am EXCELLENT at aiding and abetting those wishing to procrastinate. All of my closest friends will confirm this.
I'm so glad I was helpful :)
Anonymous said…
OH MY GOD!!!!!! Are we really going to be seeing each other in two weeks!
We will have to take a third picture for you to add to the blog of the two of us!
We are all soooo excited that you are coming.
You are, after all, the life of the party...Hooker boobs and all!
Love ya
Can't wait!
S Club Mama said…
I really love the new look...very beautiful. I need to do something for my blog.

And procrastination just means that you work very well under pressure. Not a bad talent considering your past month.
Unknown said…
I love your new header !!!

I need to ge my bum into gear and do one for my blog. I started to change the look of it a couple of weeks ago and we ended up with a major virus and the computer crashed.

I've been slowly building up my courage again..

Sounded as though you've been having a lot of fun over the last couple of days :-)

How are the two patients doing?
Kelly said…
I love the header; you are SO creative!!! I can't given any advice regarding procrastination...I'm right there with you!!! At least you're doing fun things (tonight)
Apple Joos said…
I'm new here and I cannot wait to figure out what on earth is going on with you! Starting tomorrow, I'm going to try to read through your earlier entries. Sounds like you've got quite an adventure ahead!
Unknown said…
Glad you got the header up-were my directions right?

I am so excited for you for your trip! You deserve it!
Lisa Petrarca said…
Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with your PROCRASTINATION disease. I call it a disease because it makes me feel sick, tired, angry, and nauseous. Problem is I have never heard of a cure for this particular guess we will both have to suffer through this together!LOL!

Love your blog...oh yeah, you beat me at roll call last is sooo on tonight, j.k.!
Jill said…
ooohhh - totally dig the new header! That's really fun...

Who cares if you procrastinated. You're a mom - and I'm quite sure you'll get everything done before you go!
Jill said…
Ok you keep talking about these hooker boobs... one of these days I'm going to have to ask you to give it up sister!
Jennifer said…
The new header looks GREAT!!
WheresMyAngels said…
A black bra and tank top! Classy!! lol Had me rollin.
Rhea said…
Love the new header! Looks great!!
Andrea M said…
I like the new look! And I do have to argue about the procrastinator in the dictionary, it shows my picture thank you. Or maybe it's like in Snow White where the evil stepmom looks into her mirror... and it just shows us ourselves... interesting.
My parents have my children's entire fall wardrobe sitting in boxes at their house waiting for next week. And lots of other boxes as well. Well, just less to pack that way!

Diane Mandy said…
Let people think what they will. Don't spend a penny on shoes or clothes until you get to the US. It's a bargain for us right now! Have a great trip. I can't wait to read about it.
Diane Mandy said…
Oops! I foget to say I like the new header!
Heather said…
The new header is ADORABLE!! Yeah, I think we can all relate to the procrastinator in you. My big thing is laundry. I wait until we're out of underwear and then finally wash some clothes.
Debz said…
I love the new look - I feel like I have been away for soooo long. Everybody is getting new looks and I want one too. dammit!! (heh)

you may be a procrastinator, but that's ok with me cause your posts just sound so much more relaxed and on track shall we say. its good to see :)

of course, i am terribly disappointed that you chunked the passports - now I know you are never coming back home (*sigh). i guess i will have to get to norway then if i am ever gonna meet ya (now thats what i call a "road trip"-heehee)
Teri said…
I love the blog header. As for procrastination, I have to keep lists all around me to make sure I get stuff done...sometimes that includes re-writing the list to include the things that I still didn't get done from the previous list.
I really like the new heading! And despite the blondehairblueeyesdimpleshookerboobs, I really like you!
Angie's Spot said…
Ok, I'm making my way through all these posts here, trying to get caught up.

Wow, you accomplished a lot this week! I'm really impressed. And again, I love the new header. I'm working with a designer on a new look for my blog. I'm hoping it will be up next week. Woo hoo!

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