595 things to blog about.....

Oh where to start? is it Friday yet? Mommy needs a drink!

What a week... i am over the computer drama.... it is still broken, but nothing I can do about it until next week....

sigh*** it has been a CRAZY week .... Bjørn is off gallivanting around Europe, & I have had my hands full with work & the kiddos. (not to mention computer & camera drama)
Today was picture day for Eva...I laid out her prettiest pink dress with her a big pink satin bow.... I knew we would be running short on time this morning so I decided to pull out the


Not sure if this was an 80's thing or a Texas thing.... But believe me... One look at Eva this morning & you KNEW her mommy was N.O.T. NORWEGIAN...
Oh ya...baby girl had some big ol' 1980's Texas hair going on.... (so much for trying to BLEND in...)

I did take pictures of her hair... (but the cable to my camera is not working...go figure...) So after about 15 min of trying to make Eva NOT look like every ones favorite Orphan.. we were out the door..
Due to a work conflict, I was going to be unable to make the parents meeting this evening at the preschool.... i apologized to the teachers, explaining hubby is out of the country & I had to work... (strike two ...after missing the soup last week) but i will be more than happy to volunteer to be ON any committee... just let me know....
Perhaps this is a very American thing to do...( sure sign me up for anything)... because the teachers eyes lit up, as she informed me that I was the new head of the activities committee.... Oh you know... planning the 17th of Mai parade (like 4th of July) End of school party...start of school party...etc....
Ummm, what i meant was, I would be happy to bake a cake... occasionally....
Nope, done deal... Oh well... I said I wanted to get involved right?
So did i tell ya'll that we were going to one of the HOTTEST parties of the year? we scored an invite last year, & I was thoroughly I.M.P.R.E.S.S.E.D... it was like Martha Stewart meets NORWAY... (i am going to bring my camera this year & be a total dork.... but I just have to share with y'all...right?)
It is an outdoor shin dig.... last year they had a huge tent set up outside.... a long wooden table seating 16-20 people... fresh flowers.. wine... and reindeer skins all over the benches... it was very INXS-ish (kelly, do you remember that video?) they had the pig roasting on the spit...lots of Norwegian dishes... now this was my idea of a REAL Norwegian party...or how they should be..
So this year it just so happens that the party hosts will be hosting Bjørns best friends 40th birthday... (y'all get that?)
so it is going to be a MARTHA STEWART does NORWAY 40th b-day shin dig....
Now the dilemma... What do you get your best friend for his 40th? Other than lots of money or a fancy vacation..what does a 40 year man really need?
We wanted to avoid sweaters & books & that sort of thing.... he is a big fan of red wine... thought we could get a couple of nice bottles....
But we wanted to do something FUNNY...
Bjørn is in Hamburg this week & thought he could go down & get something for Rogers birthday at the REEPER BAHN.... (Ok...FYI... we have only heard about this place... never been there I SWEAR!!)
So Bj calls me last night a bit concerned.... he said... "you know there is a very FINE LINE between FUNNY and FREAKY...."
we think we have agreed in something... but i thought i would get a 3rd opinion....
What do you think....
I am sorry I think this is funnier than #%%¤¤###&&... but then again... my ultimate goal is to BLEND in.....


Laural Out Loud said…
If your husband's friend has a sense of humor, then that gift would be hilarious! Though you might have to give up the whole blending in thing.
Debz said…
UH-huh. You blend. Really, you do! That's what is on all the runways this year.
Momisodes said…
LOL! I have to admit, I think it's kind of funny :)
That is a hilarious gift. Maybe add a little french tickler. Some leather cuffs. And he'll be all set. :-)

What? You don't blend? They don't do Texas 80's hair in Norway??
scargosun said…
You know what would be even funnier? The hood and a box of Depends.
lol...too funny! I'm envious, I want to go to some sheek party/birthday party!

Love PINK hair rollers...oh the days of falling a sleep at night just to wake up and have Mom do my hair and me ending up looking like a poodle...miss those care-free days...

Even though I would get to school and wet my hair to get the ringlets out...I hated it! lol!
Rhea said…
We did the pink sponge rollers here too! Maybe it IS a Texas thing. I remember sleeping on those darn things...
Ritch in Love said…
LOL!!! Oh that post was too funny!!
Unknown said…
That hood is hysterical. I like the suggestion about The Hood and a box of Depends :-)

I had a bag of big, sponge rollers, back in New Zealand, so it's not just a Texas thing :-)
Kelli Nørgaard said…
you freaking crack me up!!
And I cannot believe you have those rollers in Norway! What a "vintage" thing! :o)
All of us Texas girls have had those on our heads at one time or another!! going to bed with wet hair and waking up with magic spongy curls!

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