LAME - O Monday Post

I MAY have some very EXCITING news for ya'll- But i am waiting for a little confirmation..... as soon as I know for sure....I will spill the beans....

In the mean are going to have to settle for a LAME-O Monday post... where I complain... A LOT-.... I complain about how TIRED I am.... (Eva konked out about 5:30 this evening....) Maybe too much fresh air over the weekend... We all pooped from the weekend

I complain about it being FALL breakfor the kids and not going anywhere AGAIN... Yes, I do feel like we need to GO somewhere anytime the kids are out of school... Living in Europe...I feel like we should just be able to hop in the car & go to France for a long weekend.. & then I remember...oh ya, we live in NORTHERN Europe... & unless I want to go to Sweden or Denmark... we aren't going anywhere ..... AGAIN.... (are y'all feeling bad for me yet?)

Did I mention that hubby leaves for Dubai next week? He just returned from Germany last week.... (this is very painful for me.... I am the TRAVEL FREAK...he would rather stay home)

I have to find at least one cool thing for the kids to do this week... I am thinking maybe a day trip down to OSLO with some visits to the kids museum & the Munch museum... Maybe we will be able to talk daddy to skipping a half day of work & meeting us for lunch...

I dunno....but I am determined that i will not be the lame mother who spends her kids vacation cleaning out closets....


Unknown said…
I'm going to resist the urge to guess at the news. :-)

That day trip to Oslo sounds really neat!! Go for it !!
The housewife said…
You go girl!

I'm sending hubby to Oslo for a week next month. My friend's keep phoning me and reassuring me that "it is the place to be!".

I haven't told him that I intend to visit my parents in Spain for that week......Ole'
scargosun said…
1. Not lame. Hmmm tired huh?

2. My Dad was also the traveler and spent 3 or 4 months in Dubai. All he wanted to do on vaca was spend time at home.
Anonymous said…
That's not to many complaints..
Oh, I hope you can spill the beans.. I can't hardly stand knowing that someone has something to tell but can't do it yet...
amelia bedelia said…
I don't even know where Dubai is. I am a texas panhandle county bumkin! I'm checking back tomorrow for the news!!
Donna said…
Now I'm just depressed. I spent yesterday, the first day of my kids' weeklong holiday (Chinese National Day celebration) CLEANING OUT CLOSETS. Are you calling me lame? Seriously - it's getting cold, and there was nowhere to put their fall clothes. I had to do it. But okay. Today I'll do something with them, promise.
Lizzie said…
i am cautiously optimistic about my hubby getting a job in Arizona. The company has said it's a go, but i want paper work, not just a phone call. i want to tell everyone!!! (this puts me a days drive from all my family as apposed to 6 days!) but... i can't say a word about it, what if someone from his work reads my blog??? can't quit this job till we have the next one in writing. anyhow, i can say "I'M SO EXCITED!" on here, but no where else, it's killing me!!!

i hope your news works out, can't wait to find out what it is :)
hexe said…
Autumn in Oslo sounds lovely to this Florida resident who is so very tireed of hot weather. Will check back for your news.
Kelly said…
Oooh! A fair!! I NEED to know!!

What is Bjorn doing that he travels so much? I thought he found himself a job where he stays put!

I have no idea why you can't "follow" my blog...I don't have you blocked (or shunned ;) or anything like that!!
Simple Answer said…
A secret? I didn't think we kept secrets from each other! Spill the beans!

We're on Fall break and have no real plans. 9 AM and I'm still in my robe. Talk about lame...
Anonymous said…
I love secrets...can't wait to hear yours!
We don't usually do anything over breaks either. October break is wide open...wide, wide open.

I hope you find something fun to do to keep the littlies busy :)
Anonymous said…
Hi! Very interesting blog! Your husband gets to travel, and you are the travel's that for irony? :-)

-Pink Ink, a SITS gal
Tiff said…
Can't wait to hear your news! Oh and I feel just terrible for you that you only can go to Denmark or would love to visit those day :) As for now I am in high hopes that my hubby gets a job in Alaska he is applying for..fingers crossed!! Cause I am a travel nut myself and have not gone anywhere in a very long time..and I am sooo ready to go anywhere at this all is well your way!!
MoMo 2.0 said…
does the news involving peeing on a stick?!?! lol...sorry, but we are in the "the baby making window is open" mode so that is the first thing that pops into my head !!
Nicole said…
Found you through SITS...

Living in Norway sounds wonderful! I live in HOT California and would love a little Norway action right about now. (Love your blog!)
Jill said…
Oh I'm feeling for ya...

Hubby leaves all the time here - and frankly it's just not fair!!

I want to travel too ya know.
Jen Sue Wild said…
I cant wait to find out you good news!!
Nessa said…
I found you via SITS and wanted to say hello. Your blog is great!

Living in Norway must be quite an adventure! I look forward to visiting your blog often.
Heather said…
You're going to leave us hanging???? I can't stand the suspense!
Ritch in Love said…
Tired, I hear ya there! Can't wait to hear your news!
Mom said…
Okay you've had plenty of time spill!
Anonymous said…
Uh, the suspense! Can't take it. Now I have to go stress eat. Thanks :)

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