A visit to the ICE AGE....

Sunday... FUN-DAY, Another family day.....

Because we had such nice weather, (never knowing how long it will last) we decided to take another family hike.... (2.5 hours....) around the beach.

It is funny, each week, each hike, I see changes in our family....less whining (on my part) & more time learning, enjoying our time together....Bjørn who usually gets irritated with all of my picture taking, is stopping to find things to take pictures of...appreciating colors, nature etc.

Dane is less squeamish...touching & picking up all of sorts of things he finds along the hike....

Today we learned about Jettegryter
or "Stone Pots" these huge rock formations from the ICE AGE .... pretty cool... these holes are formed by pebbles/gravel being aggitated by water, over thousand of years.... WOW..The holes on our local beach date back to 15,000 years....

the kids had a blast.... & wanted to stay much longer than us..... (we were still feeling tired from last nights Soiree)
For being such great sports...we took the kiddos to McDonalds.. (kind of a big deal for them.... )


Jenny said…
Wow. Those holes are amazing.

I think that it is true - the more time you spend time doing things together as a family (ie walking), the whole family dynamics gets better.
Note to self: spent more time with family.
Unknown said…
Those photos are wonderful !!! It always gives me a sense of wonder when I am standing in front of things like those holes, that have been in existance fo 1000's of years.

I also agree with what Jenny said, re family time..
Kelly said…
Amazing pictures!! Those holes, stones, and trees are absolutely gorgeous. Unbelievable that they were made so long ago!!

I'm jealous that you guys do these family fun outings...we need to do this more!
Lizzie said…
great job getting your family out and about. and what beautiful landscape to explore! i miss hiking as a kid with my mom, some of my fondest memories, i'm sure your kids will feel the same :)
Absolutely gorgeous. And that one of the water below and the hole - oh, wow! Is it dangerous??
Simple Answer said…
that looks like a ton of fun! would love to see all that someday...
Anonymous said…
Wow, beautiful! I think I'll definitely have to get to Norway someday. It looks like a nice tradition of going for walks with the family. Getting out and just enjoying mother nature and each other.
Those are some amazing photos!!! I would love to go visit Norway!
Treasure these moments, I guarantee you're going to miss these.
Suzanne said…
Those stone pots are so cool. My friend the geologist would be going crazy over this. I'm glad you had a good day. Is the food at McDonald's the same as the U.S.?

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Diane Mandy said…
I am so happy your camera is working. Nice photos!
scargosun said…
I'm a geology geek and I am loving the pics of all the rock formations. So cool!
Lisa Petrarca said…
How COOL! I love the pics, keep taking them, it gives us all a little visit to another country (and the Ice Age.)

Thanks for stopping by my blog on my SITS day. I'm sorry I took so long to get back to ya, crazy schedule right now.

I can't wait to see your next pics!
Incredible! Now that's a prime example of why I want to travel the world - the things you get to see! I have family over there and I'm suddenly wanting to save up for a trip...
Brittany said…
How awesome that your kids get to explore such things!
Anonymous said…
What a fun way to get in family time! And what kid wouldn't do what they were asked for an opportunity to go to McDonalds?! How long have you been in Norway?
Kelli Nørgaard said…
the pics are amazing...but what is even more amazing are the things your kiddoes are getting to experience!
Anonymous said…
I'm amazed at how nature creates itself. I've just added this place on my list of 'must sees'. Have to wait til next summer though ;)
Tiff said…
Those are very cool..my kids would love playing in those to...good pics! :)
Anonymous said…
Hi! I found my way over here through SITS. I'm an American expat, too (I live in Japan) so I can relate to a lot of what you're experiencing ... although the landscape is very different! Your pictures are beautiful and I'm looking forward to learning more about Norway through your stories. Thank you!
trash said…
Loving those holes. Perhaps wecould create some great Norse myth about their origin? Hmmmm.... how about - Loki tried to hide from Thor by digging a tunnel? No? OK, I'll work on it.
Melanie Dickens said…
The stone pots are amazing. I should make my whole family start walking with me. It sounds like great family time.
Kimmie said…
Those pictures are amazing! It's fantastic that you get quality family time.
Unknown said…
Wow, I love the photos of your children in the holes. The hike looks like it was a lot of fun. Congratulations on your SITS day!
Mandy said…
Happy SITS day! Those are so neat!
Yelowflower said…
wow, what a wonderful place to be able to explore! thank you for sharing.

Rhea said…
What an awesome beach! Those hole are magnificent. My boys would love exploring them. Cool photos!
~Trish~ said…
LOVE the pictures!! It is so beautiful :)
Elisabeth said…
How cool! I love being outdoors, and have yet to take our first "hike" with our son. Soon, though, soon. Although, the closest thing to the Ice Age we have here are some big hills in the Southern part of Wisconsin....
Heather said…
I have your comments on other SITS blogs, but somehow I think I missed visiting your blog. These photos are amazing. What an incredible experience for your family!

Congrats on your SITS day today! Enjoy all the comment love headed your way!
Shanda said…
great post...this looks like such a fun place!
What A Card said…
Wow, that's so neat! Beautiful pictures, too!
Anonymous said…
What a great place to spend a family day!
Lorie said…
What great pictures! Those pots are amazing!
Jacie said…
It never ceases to amaze me what wonders the earth can create. I'd love to share that beach with my family one day.
Staci Loalbo said…
VERY cool, ive always enjoyed doing things like this....i remember going to look at dinosuar foot prints once...fossils of course. thanks for sharing!!
Casey's trio said…
What an awesome family fieldtrip!
Happy SITS day:)
Karol said…
Those pictures are beautiful! That's definitely an awesome way to spend a sunday with the family!

*Happy SITS Day!
What a great day! I like the "less whining" line. :) Have a great SITS day! Enjoy the comment love!
LeAnne said…
What a treat to live in such a place. It looks like you are creating wonderful family memories.
I found you through SITS. Those holes are amazing! So neat!
Happy SITS day! Sounds like you had a blast on this journey. The pictures are just great!

I'm going to check out more of your posts!
Your family is beautiful. What a great experience for your kids!
Tamie said…
happy SITS day to you! :)
that is one amazing family field trip. the only thing that i think can compare here in the states is if you were on an indian reservation and saw one of those rocks that they used to grind corn into meal---but just not as old---that seriously is just so amazing! and you're right there to experience it!
Unknown said…
Awesome pics, looks like you had a lovely time. :D Nothing like that here to even compare.
Debbie Y. said…
Ice-age holes formed by ancient pebbles! Who knew? I learned something new today. Thanks for the story and photos.

Congrats on being the FB on SITS today!
EmmaP said…
awesome pics! those are amazing. I am glad you had such a fun outing with the kiddos! and at least Dane didn't ask to take some of his slimy findings home! ewww.
Tabitha Blue said…
Wow, that looks amazing!! What an incredible experience. Love the holes... so cool.
Tinabean said…
That place looks beautiful & amazing.
Congrats on your special day enjoy!!!
koopermom said…
That looks so beautiful!!
Laural Out Loud said…
Yay, Tessa! I hope you have a great SITS day.

The ice age stone pots are so cool! When I come visit you in Norway (oh, you didn't know I was coming?) this is one of the places I want to go. M'kay?
Creative Junkie said…
omg - those holes are amazing! What gorgeous scenery!
Crazy Momma said…
Beautiful pictures!
Ronnica said…
Cute blog and cute kids! That looks like a neat place to visit!
The Boss Lady said…
I have a friend from California who lives in Denmark (her husband plays soccer there). She sends the most amazing photos over. You are blessed!
Simply Stork said…
those are amazing...boy would I love to take some pics of some of those.

family time is indeed wonderful ;o)

happy sits day :o)

Pinktulip said…
There is nothing like the great outdoors and spending time with family. Living in Africa we do that often. I have however never seen such beautiful rocks before. Norway looks amazing!
Anna Lefler said…
Very cool post! I know basically nothing about Norway...but it looks beautiful.
Jenni said…
I love family hikes and outings. You have such a lovely place to do it in. And my kids have gotten used to the million pictures also, constantly asking me to take pictures of random things.
Leiann said…
That looks awesome. Sounds fun to be able to take your family out for hikes. Once my little ones are older I'd like to do that sort of thing.
Wow, the pictures are great. What a neat experience for you kiddos. Congrats on the Saucy Blog!
Michelle said…
Wow, what an incredible place! The photo's are really great!
BITRCountryGirl said…
Congrats on being the Saucy blog! Those photos are phenominal! What kind of camera do you use?
Tracy P. said…
Those are such gorgeous photos! Some of my favorite photos are from hikes we took this summer. Glad you've got such great places to go!

You are so fast--I stop in this morning and say hi, get interrupted before actually reading any other posts, and before I can come back you've already gotten to me! I'm totally impressed.
April Kennedy said…
Very cool photos. Family time is always the best time. Loved your post!
Anonymous said…
What a wonderful place to be! Not often a parent has a chance to be somewhere that beautiful, educational AND entertaining. The kids are adorable!
Very pretty scenery. My heritage is Norweigan, so I've always wanted to visit there. Unfortunately, your blog is probably as close as I'll ever have a chance to get!
Ash said…
Wow! So incredible to have such a place to investigate. What an awesome adventure. I wish I were there!

how cool! great blog!
Live.Love.Eat said…
Hi there. Congrats on being featured today. These are awesome shots!!!!!!
Sarah said…
Wow! The scenery is awesome!
Anonymous said…
Those are amazing pictures!!!!
Anonymous said…
What amazing photos! I would love to see something like that someday!
sassy stephanie said…
Congrats on your feature!

Those pics are amazing!
angie said…
I doubt I'll ever make it too Norway, so thanks for the great pictures!
Mammatalk said…
I have never seen holes like that before. How interesting.
Heather said…
Your pictures are amazing! I have never seen anything like those holes before.
Melodie said…
Sounds like you had a lovely day together.
Anonymous said…
what cool holes! How neat! I love pictures from nature.
Natalia said…
You have a beautiful family.
Jen said…
those are some beautiful pictures. what a beautiful country you live in.
Unknown said…
Those holes really are amazing and I love that photo of dane holding up his *find* for you to photograph... :-)
ChezChani said…
Gorgeous photos!!!!!
Michelle said…
That's some pretty impressive geography! I've never seen anything like that. So nice that your family is able to (happily) spend time together like that.
lynn said…
Happy SITS day! That looks like such an amazing place to hike and take pics! What a great way to spend time with your family.
Cheryl said…
So nice to meet you. I am from SITS. Love those pics. Looks like a pretty place to visit!
Tiffany said…
SO beautiful!

My boy would have LOVED to see holes from the Ice Age!
Nessa said…
Great pictures!

I wish my kids would start enjoying nature more. They are serious whiners when it comes to such things.
Cristin said…
What a cool beach!

Happy SITS day (a little late)!
mrsmouthy said…
What an awesome day for everyone! You are a crazy-good photographer, too. Have you ever had professional classes?
Amy said…
Visting from SITS! I am a day late, but I wanted to say congrats on your featured day.

*off to read some more of your posts* :D
Bebe said…
Happy Belated SITS day!! I've been enjoying your posts about Norway and it is a beautiful country. You pics are wonderful and I've enjoyed my virtual visit!
Hugs, Bebe :)
Melissa Lester said…
The landscape is so pretty there! I can see why you would want to take your time exploring and capturing every moment in your photographs.
magpie said…
WOW! great photos- absolutely amazing shots. congrats on being featured at SITS!
ann ominous said…
oh m y gosh that's just gorgeous....

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