a DEEPER post

This is my second post today.... I posted all of the gory details from last night.... (it will make you all want to get up a tad earlier next weekend won't it?...)

SO after I posted, I was going through my blog roll when I overheard Dane talking to his classmate who had come over to play.

They were playing battleship (remember that game?) when I hear Dane say... OK I will be the American Navy... & you be the Iraqi navy....

DAAAANE! I yell from my office... mortified... see, the little boy over playing is named Mohammed & he is an Iraqi refugee...

Of course Dane didn't think about being from Iraq... nor did he mean anything about it... He saw Mohammed like all of the other boys in his class.

But seeing not all Iraqi's are happy with the situation... & not knowing where Mohammed's familiy stand on things(pro or anti American... I thought it better that the boys didn't play war. Iraq war...

(I have seen his dad & he looks like the police guard from Midnight Express... & I really don't feel like starting an international conflict)

So of course I start thinking... thinking about my blog & what I had written. It was a bit shallow... about my MOJO... (still got it baby...) about the free drinks & the good time we had... about me teaching all of my Norwegian girlfriends the art of flirting TEXAS STYLE....

But truth be told...my last post could have been written by anyone, anywhere...& it doesn't really say anything about my life here in Norway.

What I didn't mention, was where some of the girls were from... We had one girl from Sudan, 2 girls from Cuba...(one girl has been trying for over 6 months to get her brother out...) my Norwegian friend who is married to an East German who ESCAPED on a motorcycle, through Hungry, a year before the wall fell.... & then of course all of my Norwegian girlfriends....

It just kind of hit me.... My gosh, look what I am surrounded by... all of the stories, so many people from so many different walk of life.... this girl from Texas,KC,Chicago... right in the middle of it all....

Cause, I know y'all are wondering...we didn't end up in the police cars...but the guy buying us shots did.
we were a group of girls from all over the world... who had one heck of a time....


Ritch in Love said…
Ahhhh the Glory Days! I'm glad you had such a blast!
Debz said…
Well I cant see the first post from today. I know it was titled The Details (or something like that) but when I clicked on it , it said it was gone.

I hope you had fun nonetheless and I'm glad you didn't end up in the back of the popo's car. Been there done that. ;)

Rhea said…
I'm having trouble reading your blog...the format is messed up or something. I can only read the bottom part of this post...and not the top? Weird.
Brittany said…
Well, I can only read the bottom part, but the last few paragraphs were amazing. It's funny how you don't realize the amazing culture and stories around you when you are in the middle of it...only as an after thought. Happens every time.

You are so lucky to be around women like that!

Plus...how fun are free shots!
Hi! Just stopped in for a visit. Saw your comment on another site and thought I'd see what you are all about. I'm glad I stopped by for this post. I wrote about culture today and am soooo interested in your perspective. I love that you are surrounded by such an array of traditional differences. I am dying to hear more of your experiences there.

So glad I stopped by. Happy Sunday!
Angie's Spot said…
This is one of those times that I'm glad to have a reader that captures posts that are deleted. (I'm nosy like that)

I don't blame you for deleting it, but I didn't think it was shallow. Sounds like you guys had a good time. Hope you enjoyed Mamma Mia!

And I wish I had a group of friends as diverse as yours. Sounds like you guys have such different life experiences to share with each other. I'm sure it makes any situation interesting.
scargosun said…
It's funny, when you don't stop to think about it, it's cool and when you do, it's cool too. They are your friends with good stories, nothing less. :)
Frizzy said…
I'm happy you weren't the one in the cop car. Would still be interested in knowing why the guy treating ya'll to drinks was though.

I understand your concerns re. your son's innocent comment during play. However, I can see that you are teaching him through example to love all people no matter where they come from or their backgrounds. You have such an eclectic group of friends from so many walks of life. That my friend is a blessing in itself plus your son is watching you and learning to love all people in the process. Good JOB!
Simple Answer said…
Isn't it frightening how much our kids know, and yet how little they understand? Dane will be a man of the world sensitive to having friends from everywhere - just like his mom!

I hope this story does not frighten off drink buying men around the world!
Aww I missed it!!! POOPERS! Well, glad you had fun regardless! :) And sounds like an awesome group of girls!
Anonymous said…
I saw your first post (and couldn't comment because when I visited your actual site it wasn't there) but I think you were just detailing a fun night out.

I think that culture is one of the things that we hope to teach our children and respect for peoples differences. I think we find a lot of times they are learning it (especially as having a multi-cultural family and living in different places) even when we don't realize it.
Raúl said…
me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito todos los dias visita tu el mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos linkeamos los blogs
Diane Mandy said…
I enjoyed the last post because it reminded me of fun time with my gal pals back in the U.S.

You don't have to be deep and meaningful in every post! What fun would that be?
running42k said…
Although a little cringe worthy, Dane was just being a kid.

As for the ladies, that is nice that such diverse backgrounds get along so well.

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