Friday Foto Fiesta.....First Love....

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!

I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!

This is Eva & the little neighbor boy right after he moved in.... this was the beginning of them being "BEST FRIENDS" ...


Debz said…
That's an adorable picture.
Lauren W said…
I love that picture :D
It's so sweet.
Angie's Spot said…
Aw, young love. Too cute!
Unknown said…
What a cute picture!!!
Susie said…
Oh my gosh!! That is the cutest thing!! Definitely a keeper!!
Jennifer said…
Such a sweet pic and a great moment you captured!
Anonymous said…
this picture is TOO CUTE! they are adorable :)
Teri said…
I wonder how many friendships start this exact same way? So cute!
Rhea said…
That picture is ADORABLE! Seriously cute.
You need to enter that in a contest. It warms my heart.
Kelly said…
I love it!!! That is the cutest pic!!

Eva is so pretty!
K--that's freakin' adorable! Way to be right there when such a moment happens! :)
Nik said…
Well if that's not the CUTEST thing!!
Frizzy said…
I'm thinkin it's true love at first sight. Look out!
Stacia said…
Wouldn't that be something if they married one day and you could share that photo with them.
It's great you had your camera at the right moment. :-)
Candid Carrie said…
I've got you entered (phinally)! Thanks for playing again!
The Rule Maker said…
OOOOHHHHHH! My first best friend was a boy! Great picture.
The housewife said…
Aw man..... that is soo cute!
Tiff said…
Such a cute picture!! That is a contest winner sorta pic... :)
Mama Dawg said…
That is sooooo sweet.
Diane Mandy said…
Ok, that's the cutest picture... EVER!!!

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