Too much Oprah?

I don't watch much TV... but every once and a while ...if time & schedule permit, I will indulge in a little Oprah & Dr. Phil. This past week , I have had the opportunity to indulge.

Last night... I once again had the chance to watch OPRAH.... It was about some girl with a phobia of edges & corners... ? (hello?) Luckily Dr. Weiss, a guest, was there to explain that she was afraid of sharp edges because in her past life... she had been an Indian... (**Native American for all of you PC folks...)

HUH? It suddenly hit me.... I have had WAAAAYYY tooooo much Oprah time this week.

Don't get me wrong... I love me some Oprah....
I believe in Angels & spirits & all of the other good stuff...
but I am pretty sure I haven't been reincarnated... & am also pretty sure that if I have been reincarnated, I probably was NOT a member of the Royal Family, or an Indian Warrior... I was more likely a housewife from Skokie... who spent her life cleaning house & wiping butts...
(thus my fear of wiping butts & cleaning house) See, I always throw myself into what every her topic is.....
I did it again... damn me... I watched.. however it was another show about positive energy...
Mmmmm ummmmmm...mmmmmm (totally not being smart...I wanna get me some of that feel good energy!)

I have seen "My list of 20 things" on a few other posts this past weeks.... (20 things I still want to accomplish) & I want to start making mine... so far I think I have come up with like... umm 3.... I need some cool ideas..... I also want to hear some awesome stories about being 40 +...

Come on people... get me out of my OPRAH funk.....
About the neighbor... i am so BLOODY nosy because the woman has all of the bells & whistles most Norwegian homes do not... Built in Garage, ummm, errr...
& roll out grass... (sod to all of you yanks...) This is all we have seen thus far... but we KNOW there is more...has to be.... NO ONE pays that kind of money for SOD... they must be LOADED... (we are guesstimating that the house must be upwards of 1,500,000 US.... ( oh believe me, you will be so disappointed when I get a picture posted...)
Looking at my post it seems a bit silly doesn't it? We know the house is fancy because they have a garage & had grass put down before the house was finished???.... (Don't forget the boxes I saw her carry in....)
We are also assuming that is is fancy inside... with a garbage disposal...maybe even an ice-maker in their fridge.... (Ya'll think I am kidding....?) I am pathetic.....


Linda Sue said…
HAHAHAAHHA! Oprah in small doses, please! You might like to go online to her spirit series, whatever it is called. Tap into Ekart Tolle, sweet dear little man. Might get you over the hump of late 30ism...It is just a number, has no bearing on anything really.You are gorgeous , healthy, have beautiful family, live in the most beautiful country EVER! AND your blog is fabulous! So..."sew buttons on ice cream"
Rhea said…
Ok, turn off Oprah and put down the remote control. Slowly back away, slowly, now, yes, that does it. You're going to be ok. I promise.

Hang in there, girlfriend!
Rebecca Jo said…
Isn't 40 the new 20 or 50 the new 30? Oh, who cares - as long as you're enjoying life - who cares what a number is on your life! Dont worry about what the future holds as much as enjoying each day you have! Looks like life is full of blessings for you - ENJOY!!!
I have been meaning for the longest time to put together a list of why I don't like Oprah. You might just be the kick in the pants that I needed...

Or I might just procrastinate for another week. Or month. What was I supposed to do?
I have been meaning for the longest time to put together a list of why I don't like Oprah. You might just be the kick in the pants that I needed...

Or I might just procrastinate for another week. Or month. What was I supposed to do?
Unknown said…
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Anonymous said…
You are not pathetic. You were brought u in the good ole USA where things like garbage disposals and garages attached to your house, and ice makers (heck even ice cubes!) existed.

It's tough living in another country where you can't easily get these things. I always miss this silly (but not to me) stuff!
MoMo 2.0 said…
AN ICE MAKER IN THE FRIDGE?!?! Dont tease me that way! LOL...
Have you noticed the things we used to take for granted have no become AMMENITIES!!

I vote, go over there, snoop more and take photos!
SabrinaT said…
HA HA! Dangit, I have a stupid PTO thing to do, but then I am coming right back and reading about your freaky neighbors!
leezee52 said…
Thanks so much for visiting me on my special day…I could hardly sleep last night I was so excited!

Lee :)
Anonymous said…
I gave up on Oprah when, on one show she was preaching that we should chastise people who drive SUVs, but on another show--THE SAME WEEK--she was raving about her "eyebrow girl" and how she flies to LA (in her private jet) just to get her eyebrows plucked. Huh??
Anonymous said…
I love your window treatments, by the way. Where are they from and where is this Home Depot equivalent? Claus Olsen? Biltema?
(it couldn't be).
-Leanna again
Kelly said…
I found your new BF...the neighbor!! You can live vicariously through her and enjoy her cubes and all :)
scargosun said…
I heard about that episode. I like Oprah but I don't watch b/c I am afraid that Dr. Phil will make an appearance and I really think the world would be a better place if he was not on the TV. Anyway, I thought it was a bit of a stretch.

Go over and meet the neighbor and get it over with. Maybe she'll give you stuff the interior decorator wants to get rid of. ;)
I love her, but do you think she has gone a little weird? I can't put my finger on it....
Come on , make the neighbor some cookies and SNOOP! Oprah, she has gone a bit "over the top" for my taste. And it sounds like you and the girls had quite the night!

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