Let me just get this off of my chest...CRAP.. CRAPPITY... CRAP..... CRAP!
Anyone who knows me...knows that CRAP is not really not my first word of choice... but as not to offend my "nicer" readers... I will just say CRAP::::
It all started on Sunday during our family outing/hike my camera stopped working.. yes my brand new BABY... that i adore... the Auto Focus just stopped working... will not focus...will not take pictures.... (it will take pictures with M/F..but impossible to get good shots with MF)
I went into denial... maybe the camera was just "tired" just acting up because I take so many pictures? Maybe the battery was low (although it said I still had 1/2 battery left)
we came home & I drained the battery & then charged it over night....
Turned it on this morning.... STILL NOT WORKING..... WTF? I haven't had it for 2 months. I PROMISED i haven't dropped it... I have done everything right.... I put my little baby back in the case.... & it still is not working!
We saved about $400 by buying it in the states instead of Norway....However... we are not covered over here in Norway.... (maybe Bjørn has jinxed it by saying... you know we aren't covered over here...hope nothing goes wrong with it...)
OK so if that wasn't bad enough..... My computer DIED... we are talking D E A D... CRAP!
i knew it was a piece of crap...& it was only a matter of time.. & last night the time came....
Everything at once..... did I happen to mention I have THOUSANDS of pictures on it? I think I saved most of them...but who knows.....
Any camera experts out there who can help me trouble shoot?
it is a Canon EOS Rebel 450 D xsi ...been through the manual.. NADA....
I am going to go lay on my bed & cry for a while!


Ronda's Rants said…
I am sorry...that is very sad and two things at once!!! :(
Diane Mandy said…
When my Mac crashed I lost thousands of photos. Oh how I feel your pain. Sorry lady!
Angie's Spot said…
That sucks royally. I mean, it's bad enough to lose one or the other, but both at the same time. That's just criminal.

Hope you're able to recover all your pics and maybe the camera will miraculously start working again. Sending lots of camera healing zen your way!
The housewife said…
So sorry to hear that! You've just reminded me - I'm off to do a back up of my photos quickly.....
Suzanne said…
Is there a good camera store in your area? You can take it in and let them help you. Most of the employees are very savvy and can determine if it's something you're doing. There are settings that tell the camera how you want it to focus...... in the center or on the closest point. You would need to get into one of the menus to find that function. Good luck.

- SUzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Lizzie said…
not sure if i am the only one who has trouble seeing the first part of he blog. your header lays on top and i always miss out on the first few lines of each new post. (just thought i'd let you know.)

Ahhhh, damn cameras and computers!!! This has happened to me too, that is why i am now a USB flash drive junkie. i back up more then i should. but i am scared that ark day will come again. Cameras, i know nothing about, i really should by now, as many as i have gone through. Good luck :(
PiNG aka Patti said…
Could be that it's just a dead computer and that the hard drive itself is fine. If that's the case, you can just slip the harddrive into a new PC and voila, pictures back :)
scargosun said…
NOOOOOOOOOO! That is pure stinky crap. Maybe check out some messages boards for your camera. They have always been helpful to me.
Anonymous said…
Hmmm....I'm thinking the opposite of Ping AKA Patti...its probabl your harddrive that is bad and if you replaced that you wouldn't need a new computer. But, in order to save the pics, I would take it somewhere to see if a tekky guru could get the important stuff off the computer for you.

My harddrive just became toast as well, so I feel your pain on that one.....

Good luck!!! Can you mail the camera to Kelly and have her act like she's you and return it????
Jill said…
Oh NO!!!!! I'm so sorry to hear about your camera. I would honestly cry if that happened to me.... like you, my camera is everything!

Good luck!
Debz said…
I can suggest googling the camera and the problem (that's what I am doing right now) to see if you come up with something. It can be a tedious process though, if I find something I will let you know.
Debz said…
oh man i hope this link copies right:

try that and tell me if that's helpful or just comes up a blank screen (lol).
Debz said…
When it comes up, there is a search box - I typed in Auto focus and it gave up a segment called (interestingly enough) The camera wont auto focus. See if that does you any good Tressa!!
I found you through blokthoughts. Your blog is so interesting!

I have that same camera. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix such a problem.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
That is one thing that sucks being so far from the US.. my laptop crashed 2 weeks ago and I had to spend an arm and a leg on the phone with HP trying to troubleshoot... I am so sorry for you!!
Anonymous said…
I was going to suggest that you make sure it wasn't on manual focus but it sounds like you did that already :( What a bummer about your computer.

Um, also, I think I'm addicted to your blog now hehe

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