Sugar Sweet...


Angie's Spot said…
Aw, she is precious! That 2nd pic especially. Too cute!
Rhea said…
Those pictures are way too precious. Look at that smile. She's adorable. Thanks for sharing, she made me smile!
Jill said…
Oh she is adorable! And I'll never get tired of seeing photos of your kidlets!
Robin said…
She is sooo precious! Love her!
Kelly said…
She looks like she's a pretty happy kid!!
I saw that you signed up on twitter...good..another way to communicate!!
I really hope that you all come down next year...I need to adopt Dane for a couple days at the theme parks...
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I will never grow tired of looking at pics of your kids...they are SUGAR SWEET AS WELL!

But this little ... wow. I imagine she has her daddy wrapped around her finger.
So precious! She is a doll! Great picture taking!
Anonymous said…
Wow. She's adorable; her happy little spirit just glows. :)

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