So I had a bad day...........

ARRRRGGGHHHHHH.... So I had a bad day....
(you know the song...I changed it from you to I...because darn it... I HAD A BAD DAY...)

Ok.. I admit, it could have been worse... but still.....

Just a few days ago I was ready to post a sappy sweet post about how adorable my hubby is/WAS... bla bla bla bla GAG... (he did get some kick butt tile put into our kitchen...however i will save that for another post when i don't feel like bitching)

But today... not-so-cute.... You know how it is ladies... once a month, everything you let SLIDE all month, comes to a great big giant head...ready to erupt.... today was that day... POP

Most of the time, i am very thankful anytime hubby steps in & helps with his children... but sometimes... he just screws everything up...and at certain times of the month...I can just no longer let it slide. (you know what I am talking about)

Today was the first "parents soup" (Norwegian thing...) at Eva's new preschool... the kiddies make a big pot of soup & all of the parents are supposed to come & eat with their kids....

I had made arrangements to leave work for a while today so I could meet Eva for the big..."PARENTS SOUP"... We were going to have our soup, would be a great little way to meet some of the other parents etc. then I would drop her off at the babysitters so i could get back to the office. i called the babysitter to tell them NOT to pick Eva up because I would drop her off on my way back to the office.... (after all... we were going to have a little mommy/daughter time.)

So I leave my office for the 1/2 hour drive to the preschool.. only to arrive & find that the babysitter had picked her up at the same time she picked her son up..... HELLO? No time with my chance to meet some of the other parents... & worst of all, it appears that poor little Eva's parents couldn't be bothered to take the time to come to her soup day....

I drove over to the babysitters.... mad...very mad.... (didn't say anything really...) to see if Eva was disappointed....& we could go back for a little soup....

Me: "Oh honey I am so sorry mommy didn't make it. Do you want to go back to school honey?"

Eva:"Nope...I want to play here....bye!...."

So back to in the car....where i cried during my 1/2 back to work..... (OK.. I am a LITTLE hormonal at the moment....but still....)

So you are probably wondering why i am mad at hubby..... BECAUSE...we had a 15 min. discussion this morning on why I thought it was important that I make it to the parents soup...he thought it was silly that i would leave the office & then have to drive back for the afternoon meeting....

So when the babysitter called him from the preschool this afternoon & wanted to know if she should take Eva home at the same time.... he said SURE.... HELLO??

will Eva be scarred for life? probably not... am i being a little sensitive? absolutely...

but this comes on top of everything else... that was wrong due to a lack of communication between hubby, myself & my well meaning MIL.... lets just say in addition to missing the soup today, I ran around this morning (in the midst of getting myself & both kids ready )trying to get a tool box (that she HAD to HAVE today.) together for my 4 year old DAUGHTER so she could build a bird house at preschool...only to find out that it is for NEXT WEEK...

UGH.... as I was FUMING on the way back to the office thinking of all of the ways to get him back for wasting my time....(taking my pillow & sleeping on the couch ...that will show him...) I thought of a little something BlokThoughts posted last week about SHUNNING... yes...I shall SHUN him..... until i feel better....or maybe for the next 3 years..... (have to admit thinking about this made me smile...)

this is really funny, NO?

additional things to get me out of my funk before I go to bed shunning my hubby.... he is totally watching deadliest catch... & I think is thankful for the shun... (that I have yet to tell him about because.... DUH... I am shunning him... umm yes.. I am 37 years old...)

From the file of things that make me happy.....

Comment of the week.... Jen said...
I love, love LOVE your blog! It is part of my daily routine. I think I have even neglected my children a time or two because I was reading your thoughts! :)

OK... how nice is that? Thank you Jen! So nice to know I am not the only one neglecting my children for my BLOG....

favorite blog of the week SEXY PEOPLE ....because I am just mean like that.... seriously...scroll down to the 80's & 90's pictures.... I have a few from High school of me & my partner in crime I was thinking about submitting....nervous Kell, (Song for Whoever) ?

Sigh... I feel better all ready.... this is way cheaper than therapy...

Off to go tell hubby that I am SHUNNING him (I don't think he has noticed yet)


MoMo 2.0 said…
Ok, the fact that he has not noticed the shunning... cracked me up! Not sure what the Danish word for OBTUSE is, but I definitely need to go look that one up!

Sorry you missed the soup day... hopefully there will be other special days at the school very soon to make up for it!
Lauren W said…
Oh dear... I totally know what you're talking about. Those days when you just don't understand why he does things.
I'm sorry :( I hope your rant helped!
Laural Out Loud said…
NOOOO! Don't break the shun to tell him about it! He'll eventually notice, and then feel worse that he didn't notice sooner, on top of feeling bad for why you're shunning him in the first place. Well, the latter might take a few days, but it always ends up working in my favor at my house. Sometimes men just SUCK.
Frizzy said…
I have tried this same technique on my hubby. My husband like yours appeared to enjoy the silence and either had no clue or honestly didn't care. HMPH!

Here's to not having to hit him over the head with a brick or cup of soup before he GETS a CLUE!!

I recall receiving a card in college and it is still so appropriate to this day.

The front had only a photo of a brick wall.

The inside said,
"Next time you feel like communicating with a man, hit your head on this brick wall until the Feeling goes away."

I'm glad to know your daughter wasn't heartbroken but sad to know your's was in the process of trying to be a good mom. Hang in there! There will be many many more opportunities for such girl time.
Anonymous said…
Hello, thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog design. It's nice to know that other moms have endured the baptism by poop experience. Your post today reminded me of when I was a working mom. That sort of thing happened too many times to count.
Kelly said…
Forget shunning...especially if you have to inform the shunnee they are being shunned. Banishment is so much better; you get the bed and HE gets the couch!! :)
Bill will do this kind of crap to me is VERY frustrating and Eleventybillion times worse when dear Aunt Flo is visiting!!! With Lauren, hoping the ranting and crying made you feel a little better! Sorry you had a disappointing afternoon!! {{hugs}}
hexe said…
A new visitor to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your blog. Doesn't it totally irritate you when your husband doesn't even realize that your mad and punishing him by ignoring him? They are just clueless sometimes (alright, most of the time) :)
thanks for the linky love! I love that shun clip so much! I watched it again thanks to your post!

SHunning is the best...did it work? lol!
Slap him with silence baby!
You are so stinking funny! Shun away sister, shun away! Cause damnit, hormones are a beeyotch! And oh he'll notice alright...just wait...haha!

Sorry you had such a bad day though! :(
jacque said…
I am sorry you missed the soup day...and had a bit of an all around bummer day. I am also sorry that I didn't come out of my lurking mode and post a comment on your 100th blog entry. I am not so savvy yet with logging on to comment and I just plain run out of time and patience trying to figure out my username and password when I'd like to comment.
...Anyway, I think you are loads of fun and enjoy reading what you have to say. Thanks for doing it!
Jill said…
My husband wouldn't know a shun if it shunned him in the flipping face! He just moves on with his day and doesn't give it a second thought!

That video clip is hilarious. It makes me miss the office even more. I need to get slingbox.

Bummer about Eva's soup thing... does it really surprise you that if you don't do EVERYTHING yourself, it doesn't get done the right way?
Funny... we just had a "peek and picnic" at school today. Sounds risque, but really it was just a book fair. They lure you in by putting on a big picnic lunch that you can eat with your kids. At the same time, you meet the other parents, and then the moment arrives... you pull out your wallet books and buy way more things than you need at the book fair. Yep! I gave in and bought Chatter Box a Home Depot race car poster. WHAT?

Back on topic... I can relate to wanting to be there, driving home just for it, and being frustrated it didn't work out.
The housewife said…
Ahhhh - I would have been upset as well. forget about the shunning stuff - just get even! Patience my dear, your time will come...
Robin said…
Just stopping over to give you some comment love, hope you will stop by too. I just got a blog makeover, sooo excited.
Angie's Spot said…
Sadly, I have used the shunning technique on my hubby and found it to be very effective. Maybe my guy is just uber-sensitive or something? I think he also subscribes to the school of thought that "if mama ain't happy, then no one's happy". It's a good thing he does too. :-)
scargosun said…
P pulled some 'shun worthy' crap yesterday. I wish I could blog about it but those who it has to do with read my blog. :(
Anonymous said…
ha, my husband was always grateful when i shunned him during that time of the month. it was much better than the alternative bitchiness, thankfully menopause has pretty taken care of the problem!
The G' Unit said…
Love the blogging...and Kent has been shunned some as well...when my ducks get out of line and not in the row they are supposed to line up in! *smile* I admit...I'm a newbie blogger...but I too have put my babe's on hold a time or two...trying to get my page just right! I loved reading about your bad day...who happens to us all...Thanks for sharing! Tritia
Anonymous said…
I came out of hibernation long enough to surf blogs. Bummer about the day week month you've been having! I'm listening to the song (a fav by the way) on your behalf today.

I frequently ignore my kids to read blogs, is that bad or something? ;)
Lizzie said…
goodness, do i understand your feelings this day! I have been there. men, ya gotta love them, crazy fools! :) somehow i stumbled upon your blog, maybe from "you're gonna miss this"? cant remember and i just love it! my grandparents were both born in Norway so it caught my interest right away. hi I'm Lizzie, nice to meet you :)

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