Your going to miss this moment....

Your Gonna Miss This Moment
Play along with this new meme!

I am not sure how I stumbled upon this blog You're Gonna Miss This .... but after a bit of reading I was hooked....

I LOVE the whole idea of posting the moments you are going to or already do, miss the most..... go on over for more info....
I have been having the most emotional week when it comes to

.... All of a sudden, he is no longer a little boy....

This week he have finally agreed that he no longer has to go to the after school program at school... he can come home on his own & get started with his homework..... when did he get so big????

This is a picture of him going away for his first camping trip in the mountains today.... without mom & dad..... (not by himself..silly...)

WHEN did he get so BIG?
OK... I am getting to the "moment" .... yesterday when I got home from picking Eva up from school... I called up to Dane, to let him know that I was home... & he started crying.... sobbing.... my great big boy... i asked him to come down... asked him was wrong... it had just been "one of those days" You know...over tired... nothing going right... they went hiking all day at school.... trip to the mountains.... (I went to pick him up from school..they told me he had already I went to pick up Eva...) Dane however, did see me.... Dane yelled for me but I didn't see him... Dane ran to try to catch me.... but I just drove away...

I sat there with this great big boy on my lap, & just let him cry...
he is almost as big as me... & as I held him on my lap yesterday.... it really hit me... t
there won't be many more moments like this... sure, he can always come & cry on mamma's shoulder.... but it won't be long before he is just too big for my lap.... that makes me S A D.... so sad.....
I know, I am going to miss these moments...


Linda Sue said…
Yes indeed! You are going to be broken hearted when the chickies fly away...So good that you realize fleeting moments are just that - the mother love that lad has lasts for eternity- lap sitting, not so much. Thank GAWD! my baby boy weighs 200 pounds!
Your pictures are awesome!
Kelly said…
:( You're breaking my heart with this meme...I don't like to think that they are getting so big. But they are aren't they?

I hope Dane has a great time on his camping it really that cold there already?!
Tiff said…
I know how you 13 year old does not like hugs.. :( You have some beautiful kids :)
Anonymous said…
Awww....what a sweet post. What a handsome boy!!!
Frizzy said…
I was going to say the same thing Kelly did. We mom's have all been their. I think this week has been really hard on you for many reasons. Hang in there. I hope you have another fun week like a few weeks back after your girl's night out. Thank you for sharing your heart. Big hugs are on their way!
MoMo 2.0 said…
I wish I could tell you it gets easier.... wait till that day he drives off ON HIS OWN because he does not legally need you in the front seat with him anymore... I think that was one of the toughest... I counted the minutes until she came back!!
WheresMyAngels said…
It's funny I was just talking to my 4 year old today about how she is getting so big and I'm going to miss the little her :(
Pam said…
I am so glad you stumbled on my site and decided to join us!! Being aware that I am in a time that is fleeting, and actually treasuring the moment, is where I want to live... sounds like you accomplished that this week. He is so handsome, how old is he? I have one that is just 10 and it sounds like we are in the same stage. Thanks again! Hope you play again!
Stonefox said…
Oh, now you're breaking my heart! Got to go now, got to give my little ones some lovin' before they are too big :)
Laural Out Loud said…
My daughter is only four and the snuggly moments are already tapering off. It's bittersweet to watch your children grow up.

Even though it was because Dane was upset, I'm glad you got to have another one of those rare moments with him. What a sweet boy.
Gosh, girl..I don't have children but that just made tears well up in my eyes! I think those moments are so great though. They are fleeting but thank the Lord they happen. Because once they do, they will never leave your memory...which is amazing. Your "babies" are precious!
Ritch in Love said…
OH how sad. That just breaks my heart. Those are the magic moments that stay in your heart forever.

Hey, I was going to email you but I don't see your email on your profile. I took down the post about his ex stalking me because she started stalking me again and I didn't want her to read it. (annoying)Anyway I track all of my visitors with GetClicky at
and I block the people I don't like with an IP blocker at Now they used to be free. Now you can only block 3 IP addresses for free. If you want to block more you have to pay. This changed just this week. But because of our situation we pay for it. It's worth it for us, I'm sure you know why. :) My email is if you have more questions!
Have a great day!
Mrs4444 said…
I don't think I'd like doing this meme, though I do love the pics. I think it would make me sad.
hexe said…
My daughter is in first grade this year and already I am seeing her pull away a bit. My heart just catches a bit because I know how far I have moved from my parents.

At least your "big boy" knows he can still come to you and have a big old cry when needed. That is so sweet.
amelia bedelia said…
I love getting "love" from my big boys, too. It's nice to know that they are never too old to give mom a hug. sweet pics!
Angie's Spot said…
Wow, that was something. I went out of town this weekend and when I returned 48 hours later, it seemed like my oldest had aged 2 years. This will be a fun meme to do, especially since her bday is right around the corner. Thanks!
Rachel said…
It is sad isn't a bitter sweet type of way. He is so handsome!!

First time to your site...thanks for visiting mine..I will definately be back!
Jill said…
Wow... amazing how fast they grow up. It seems like it was just last week I gave birth to my oldest - this week she's in KG.

Oh the photos of him are SO adorable!!!
Rebecca Jo said…
Dang - now you got me teared up!!!
Debz said…
The kids will fly the coop someday, but you'll always have the memories of those moments.

I don't know why your unable to follow my blog, no one else has said anything.
Thanks for stopping by on Friday!

- Jennifer and Sandi
his eyes are gorgeous!!! I feel you though...its hard to see them grow up, they are so cute! :)
Hollie said…
I know what you mean, my daughter is only 15 months and I already miss things that she doesn't do anymore.
I found your site through a comment on Rebecca Jo's and wanted to say Hi!
Love the blog!
debi9kids said…
OMGosh! What a sweet and tender moment. I am completely touched.
Look at how cute they are. That is me trying NOT to think about how much I am going to miss the younger years as my kids get older. We watched home movies of when the kids were 3 years younger and it was amazing the difference. Crazy how fast time flies!
Scary Mommy said…
I'm totally tearing up. Time flies! Gorgeous photos!!

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