Latest Obsession...

Latest Obsession... ***Oh sigh***... it is an OBSESSION because NOTHING can only be 1/2 WAY WITH ME....

I run home from work... only to jump on the computer... (yesterday I went into my office, BEFORE I said hello to my family....I KNOW,... how BAD is that ?...)

It isn't my blog.... (that was last months obsession/ADDICTION) it is

FACEBOOK AKA ... FB(for those of us on the "in" )

I admit it...I am ADDICTED...

I should also admit, I am also being a little bit "whoreish" with my new addiction.... I added 30 friends yesterday.... I know it is wrong...but it just felt SO...RIGHT.

"Do you want to add so-so to your friend list?"

ME: "Sure...why not?" Maybe THEY have someone on their list that I might want to be friends with??....

I connected with people from my graduating class.... my neighbor who I used to play Flashlight tag with.... a long lost cousin in Germany...(same last name...) friends from our Cruise Ship days... my teenage nieces..... I AM ADDICTED!
Are you on FB? If not.... WHY? It is 5,000 x's better than MY SPACE... & safer (I think... is myspace "un safe"?)
Weirdos can not look at your profile unless you have added them as a friend... Boo Haa haa waa..

So now that I have made contact with all of my friends from HS....I have decided that I want to go home for my 20 year Class reunion.... I should right? JUST DO IT.... I have yet to make it home to a single reunion, I was either out at sea somewhere or birthing babies during the last reunions.... so this time (seeing as I am not planning on having anymore children) I should just go....
Which opens up a couple cans of worms.... ONE...telling Bjørn I want to go back to the states next summer.... (sans family....)
TWO losing umm, about 30 lbs....HELLO "Operation Skinny Bitch".... (swear I am going to get added to that group, tomorrow...)

Speaking of Skinny Bio-tches.... came across something VERY exciting today....
Blueberry PIE.. (at what is supposed to be our SAMS club....) OK, granted, for the rest of the world NOT living in might not be so exciting... But for me... & some other expats here....PRETTY EXCITING... People don't eat pie here.... not sure they do anywhere in Europe.

DID I buy it? NO... because I determination to drop 30 lbs & go to my reunion?
... Mmmm ya... NOT... because it cost $37 & we are not talking like a HUNGRY MAN, feed the football team kind of Pie... we are talking about a "Tressa atethewholething, watching Oprah"... sized Pie. Sad but true... guess I better learn how to make Pie Crust....

I know I sound like I am on crack....talking about everything all at once... but I must put the laptop away before the family gets home...& pretend to be a normal mommy/wife....

Final thing.... this is post 99.... Can you believe it? (& they said it wouldn't last....)
Any ideas what I should do for the big 100
(it should be kindda special shouldn't it?)...

Waiting for your suggestions....


JEDA said…
I've had a Facebook account for nearly a years now. I have 7 friends. SEVEN! I didn't run with the popular crowd in high school. Can 'ya tell?

I did get back in touch with a few random people it was nice to hear from though. I give Facebook kudos for that. And you're right, it is safer than My Space.
Unknown said…
Seriously, I don't think it has anything to do with being popular...Everyone is so excited to get into touch with everyone else... It also helps that I had a VERY LARGE graduating class....
Simple Answer said…
My SP has the same obsession - I sit and read blogs and he sits and figures out who he knows! It helps that he lived all over the world. Lots of random people to find.
Debz said…
I joined facebook and ... well, I joined facebook. I never cared much about it, only did it cause I was looking for someone.

Now blueberry pie??!! That's something I can join you in. I'll get the forks.
Frizzy said…
I have a Facebook account and have a few friends on it. I think you passed my # of friends in one day though. My friends on FB still don't add up to many more than 30. I don't work at it like I do my blog though. This is my addiction. That Blueberry pie is insane! If I could I would send you one. Where did you graduate from anyway? I am a KC girl. Lee's Summit really but KC to those who aren't from the area. Can I add you as a "friend on my FB account?" ;)
PiNG aka Patti said…
Your posts are hysterical - and thanks for the good wishes on my being sick! (I was addicted to faceobook for a few weeks but I seem to have run out of new friends to add, lol)
scargosun said…
Yea! I have a facebook account! I didn't do anything for my 100th. I kinda...forgot and then realized it too late. Maybe I'll remember for 200.
Kelly said…
Really?! Which highschool are you talking about...Dela-Where?! Really?! That's the most shocking part about your post!
Unknown said…
SOrry... texas reunion
Unknown said…
I think I have a Facebook account (that does sound terrible, doesn't it!!) . Just did a search in my email ... yes, I have a Facebook account. maybe, if I can remember my login and password, I should go and check what's going on...

Suggestions for you 100th post .., an online party? :-)
Rebecca Jo said…
I love looking at the Flair & Stickerz & Bumper Stickers on Facebook. I could spend HOURS looking at that stupid stuff!!!
Angie's Spot said…
My name is Angie and I'm addicted to FB. Especially, the Flair option. So, so bad. Stay away from Flair.
Teryn said…
Just found UR blog by accident through the SITS girls- my father in law is from Norway and still has a lot of family there. I've heard of the $37 pies and $50 pizzas. I thought it might be the stuff from legends though- guess it's true! I hope I get to visit there someday soon. (Sans Pie)

Kelly said…
You're so JUST got the title?!
Besides it's more about you discovering just how musically cool I was (;) than the trip to Ireland w/ Trish...and it just seemed appropriate
Debz said…
How did you get the 'top commenter" thingie on your sidebar? i want one and cant figure it out. HELP!!!
Jul said…
The most important thing I learned in Norway is that you guys get Dr. Phil! In English! I'm jealous... anyway, watch him and change your life. Or at least be extremely amused...
Laural Out Loud said…
I really really really want to do Facebook, but I can't. I'm boycotting them because they think pictures of breastfeeding babies are obscene, and won't let you post them on your account. That disgusts me enough to not open an account. It may not mean much to them (they are SO popular), but I do what I can.
Rhonda said…
Well, just so you know...The facebook thing wears off too, once you have found everyone. I go on there now to check people's status updates. Every now and then someone new finds me or I find them and we chat a bit. I am up to about 270 some people now. I swear, I haven't actually known that many people. I don't know where the heck they all came from. When you're bored the games are fun.
And I'm totally with you on the whole run to the computer without sparing the time to say hello to anyone! lol Sad, isn't it?
My 20 year is in about 5 weeks. I totally wasn't going to go and then I reconnected with a guy I was totally good friends with then and haven't talked to in about 15 years. He and his wife are flying out from Atlanta--cross country--so, I thought: "Why wouldn't I fly one state away?" Anyway, talked to T-Daddy tonight, and he is up for joining me. I only have 5 weeks to lose 30 pounds. AHHHHHHHH!

As far as FB... I also love it. I was able to reconnect with some other high school friends--from the year I attended in Ecuador. That was awesome!
Tulsi said…
I haven't tried Facebook. Is it as easy as Myspace? I only got that because my cousin said it was great. I didn't think so.

How long have you been in Norway? My husband lived in Denmark for two years and can speak and understand Norweigen

Go to your 20th. It's the funnest. People have grown up and are themselves. Not so much of the ego thing.
WheresMyAngels said…
Ok, I don't get it! I HATE FACEBOOK. I don't get it at all, I don't get the plants, the drinks or the Flair. I understand MySpace and you can make cook pages on it and blog, maybe you can on MyFAce but I don't get it. Did I mention that I don't get it!

I wish my friends would stop MyFacing me!! lol Cause I hate it plus I haven't found one person I have been looking for.
Donna said…
Facebook scares me. Do I really want to keep up with all of those people? Do I even have the time? I'm already on the computer for WAAAY too much time. I'm afraid of pushing it even one step further.
Anonymous said…
Ciao, nice to meet you! :) I have a nice visit today, it was nice to read a li'l bit of your experience as en expat. I moved from Italy to Scotland 3 months ago… and I’m still trying to like my new life here LOL! ;) Cheers!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I agree.. FB is ten times better than Myspace.... and don´t worry, I am sure there is some form of electronic therapy for your addiction.. lol..

And getting to your 100th post...that is like when the school kids get to the 100th day of school... super BIG DEAL!! :o)
Jill said…
I'm a FB person too! I'm not on it all the time... but it's fun seeing people from the past (and present!)
Linda Sue said…
Hey My little Norge Troll...KIDDING! I have facebook too, and it rocks for now! Be my friend! Linda Sue Nelson Hoofnagle- I don't know how to find people- I am a bit slow at tech anything...still haven't figured out my camera that I have had for five years! PLEASE be my facebook pal! HS reunion...hmmmm ambiguous..
Fifi Flowers said…
I have facebook... but I don't go on it everyday... hmmmm... am I missing out on something... hmmm... I guess I really don't have the hang of it.
Diane Mandy said…
Oh add me! Please? I want to be your friend!
I would be rail thin if I lived in Norway! I'm THAT cheap!

And I have friends that want me to join FB (I'm pretending to be "in") and I just might now. ;)
Keri said…
They dont eat pie in Europe? Oh my Gawd! I would just die!! I love pie. (hate cake, LOVE pie)

I've had a facebook page for about a year and I just cant get into it. I don't think I'm cool enough for it. All the people I hadn't talked to from High school and college I stumbled upon on myspace like 5 years ago. So the excitement of that is pretty much over, haha.
Rhonda said…
Let me guess, you didn't blog today because you are too busy on FB??? lol
amelia bedelia said…
I do have a facebook, and I love getting on there and playing. Most of my friends are just family members, but I am adding everyday!!!
kari and kijsa said…
Okay...maybe we will break down too!
We are celebrating our first anniversary of blogging and wanted to thank you for being a special part of the last year!

kari & kijsa
I have a facebook too! You are right...A-D-D-I-C-T-I-N-G!

I have had a blast catching up with old college friends. It's so fun! I have friends that are like "facebook? why are you doing that??" They just don't get it. *sigh*

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