Learn from MY mistake...

THANK YOU all of my bloggy friends.... My camera is OK... I took the lens off A G A I N... & all of a sudden...it worked.... Big ol' sigh of relief...

I was hoping things were going to change & go in my favor & the computer would all of a sudden just start working... Ummm...NO such luck...

There is power...it just seems that the plugs/Ports are not working...

I ran desperately to the trusty laptop to see what I had backed up..... I do, back up from time to time... what did I find?

5,000 DUMB A&S photos...

photos of my sisters wedding? NO... photos of my kids with my parents...NO... all of my nieces & nephews... ARRRRGGG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

Learn from my mistake...go & back everything up right now.... if your computer dies tonight... you will have no regrets..... WHAAAA...

OK, so ya'll get ready for lots & lots & lots of pictures...cause I am going to be downloading them EVERYWHERE...just in case...

I know there is a possibility that I will be able to get the pictures off of the old computer... but I have heard lots of horror stories....& am not getting my hopes up!

Hubby is off traveling around Europe this week... I had a big ol week of BLOGGY LOVE planned... & then the computer disaster hit..... (I know I can use my laptop...it just isn't the same...)

Looking on the bright side...I am FINALLY printing out all of the pictures that I have been planning on.... The printer is going a mile a min....


Laural Out Loud said…
Phew!! For the camera at least.

The same thing happened to my computer recently, and now I back up NIGHTLY. I don't add new things every day, but just in case, I wanted to get in the habit. Hopefully that will never happen again. And hopefully you'll be able to retrieve your pics!
Lizzie said…
let's just pray the printer isn't in on the "electronics pooping out" gig going on in your home
Unknown said…
No kidding! i am afraid to touch ANYTHING!
Frizzy said…
I'm sorry about all of this. I know that doesn't help as I would be frantic myself!! No fun for sure. Here's to hoping it all is fixed quickly and that somehow by some miracle you can everything back.
Angie's Spot said…
Glad to hear the camera is back up and running! And after my Best Buy disaster earlier this summer, I learned the hard way to back up regularly. It's a tough lesson that I'll not soon forget.
Stacia said…
That just plain stinks.:-(
It's amazing how much we come to rely on the computer to pretty much do everything.
Good reminder though to do those back-ups!
Kelly said…
I missed the earlier drama with your camera...thank goodness it was an easy fix!!

There's a company online that will back up all your stuff for $50/year. I am racking my brain to try to remember the name...I'll foward it as soon as I do.

Doesn't it always seem like these things break down at the same time?!

Sorry you had a lousy day with this stuff!!
Sniff. I know :(. I am in the exact same place right now:(. I sent my hard drive to drive savers in CA. We will see if I get my pics back... I will ALWAYS back up my pics from now on. Sigh.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I know just what you mean. I have started loading things to Picasa the minute after I upload them to my computer.. losing those precious pics SUCKS!
Rebecca Jo said…
I immediately send my photos to an online photo place just in case my computer plops....which actually happened. And how, the local Walgreens can put your photos on CD easily when you order prints....how nice is that! I put those in my fireproof safe too in case of an accident - then the pics are always there - SAFE!
Thank goodness! And yay for pictures! I love pictures...you can never post enough of that beautiful family of yours!
Unknown said…
Glad the camera is okay!!!

I flirt with disaster re my photos on my computer. I really do need to start backing them up to disk, as I have lost photos in the past. You'd think I'd learn, wouldn't you?? I think there is a part of me that likes living dangerously!!

Can you take the hard disk to computer store? They may be able to retrieve the dta on it, even if the computer is dead and the hard disk fried. I've had to do that before ...
OK... you had me at Annie. I loved that movie. Seriously, I have lost tack of how many times I watched it, how many times I tried to do the It's a Hard Knock dance, and how many times I tried to pretend to be as drunk as Carol Burnette--and as good doing it!!!

And... I am sooo sorry to hear about your computer. Mine died this summer and I about lost my mind until they told me they could retrieve the data. I wanted to kiss the computer dude right smack dab on the lips for that one!

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