My old life...

This weekend I ALMOST felt like I had my old life back...
With so many things on the agenda , it felt like the good old days...

Thursday I kicked the weekend off a little early by going to this great little French restaurant,Brasserie Blanche in Oslo. We had a "meeting" with our co-workers from the other side of the Fjord....
One of our distributors treated us to a night out... after dinner & about 5 different wines, we headed for a little night cap at a bar around the corner... Can you say COSMO.... *sigh*... I can't remember the last time I had a cosmopolitan... Norway, probably N E V E R...

On Friday, Bjørn & I headed to the other side of the Fjord with the kiddos, to the oldest town in Norway. Tønsberg...

The city has about 35.000 inhabitants and lies in the county of Vestfold.
Tønsberg is also surrounded by some of the countys major tourist attractions like old viking graves and museums. (this info is stolen off of the internet.... thought I would give you a little history lesson...)

Ummm... we didn't get to do anything cool like check out VIKING GRAVES... (I have actually been to the viking graves & it is totally overrated...but that it another post...) We went over to check out a car that Bj wanted to buy... we did end up going out for dinner as a family, so that is always very exciting for us over here....

On Sat... I went to one of my co workers weddings... B E A U T I F U L... *sigh* They had their reception in Fredrikstad's "Old" town.... & when I say old I am talking about 1500's...
(here is the beautiful bride.... yes, I shot the photo on my new Canon Rebel)

I really miss my old busy social life.... but I also realize I am not as young as I once was...... I am POOPED

We wrapped up the weekend with a surprise birthday party for my niece who turned 18....

I now have about 400 photos to download for the bride before i am off to bed....


I have a Canon Rebel, too. I love it. And your picture of the bride is beautiful...and the picture you took of your daughter yesterday - I just love it...
Simple Answer said…
Wow! What a fabulous place to have a wedding! Glad you got to enjoy.
WheresMyAngels said…
Thanks for the birthday wishes!
scargosun said…
That is a gorgeous pic! I also noticed the cobblestones which I have a soft spot for.
Kelly said…
All your pictures are beautiful...I'm glad you were able to relive some of your busy past!!
Rhea said…
Gorgeous pictures! You're doing a great job with the new camera, I'm impressed!
Debz said…
that camera takes great pics! they look professional.

looks like you had a nice weekend. :)
Anonymous said…
That sounds like a great weekend! You're so right about being tired after a full weekend. That's not really fair that we don't have enough energy to do the fun things like we used to!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
There are so many things I THOUGHT I wanted to see in Norway, but each time I read about places you have gone, I add more to my list!!!

Any idea of when you will get to head to DK for a visit?!
Swirl Girl said…
thanks for stopping by my site!
I love your design and your photos are great!

I'll be back!
Ndinombethe said…
I am incredibly jealous of your Rebel. Was supposed to buy one in Miami last week but by the time I got to the store(s) they didn't have the one I wanted, even though the websites said they did.

Should've ordered online before I went to Miami and had it delivered. DAFT!

How many mega pixels did you get? Curious cause I'm not sure I know enough to make an informed decision
Rebecca Jo said…
You are becoming quite the photogrpaher! The bride truly looks like a Princess!!! I love weddings!

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