More on Rome....

So, as I already mentioned ROME was fabulous... just what we needed.
The sun... the sites, the food.. the GELATO...
(despite walking about 50 miles in 4 days..i didn't lose a single pound thanks to the COCONUT GELATO...)

Having said Rome was fabulous...
the old Travel agent in me... thought I would compile list of the good & the not so good...
( I can't say BAD... it was ROME after all..)

One of the benefits to living in one of the
worlds most EXPENSIVE countries (Norway)
anytime you travel out of the country, you can count on getting a good deal.... it is always cheaper to go out & eat & drink & shop... hotels....looks like
Rome is the exception...

I have to say I did very NO planning for this trip.
(Normally I am a FREAK when it comes to planning... I think it is FUN... to learn everything about the place I am going... & have everything planned out... with backup plans.... have I told you I used to be a KICK BUTT travel agent?)

But, this was our friends trip, on which we were invited. (they had to cancel at the last min....)
& we were just going along for the ride...

Our hotel was booked on the Spanish Steps... in the heart of the shopping district.... GUCCI, PRADA, FENDI... FABULOUS if you are a SHOPPER..which my friend is...

we however, are not.

I guess it is great to say you bought your GUCCI while in Italy...
(a nice little story to tell behind the bag/shoes)
but price wise, you would probably get a better deal in the states.
If we could have a re-do.. with the hotel, we would have stayed closer to the historical sites or even better...we would have rented an apartment...
Restaurants...sorry to say, we didn't find one I can rave about... We ended up getting sucked into all of the tourist traps... expensive, & not particularly good food.... (I kept thinking of European Vacation the movie, with Clark Griswold in France... where they took frozen dinners & put French flags in it..)
the first night we were sucked in by a man who looked very much like Pavarotti, who told us his wife made all of the pasta... so cute, such a charming man....
We planned on having a pasta... "Nooooo.. you take a salad & split it...No? "
"Um, OK, why not?" we ordered one salad...the waiter brought two... we ordered two glasses of wine... they brought a bottle....
We SHOULD have said NO, we ordered ONE salad... & 2 glasses of wine... but I guess we figured what the heck... how bad can it be?
Almost $100 later we realized how bad...
we had.... been had.
I like to consider myself pretty worldly... I have traveled most of the world.... however ,that polite...don't make a fool of myself ,DUMMY pops up every once in a while.... & I get suckered.
**Tips for eating out in Rome...
DON'T order anything without knowing in advance how much it cost.. in our case the "starter" ended up costing DOUBLE what the main courses were...
also most of the restaurants will charge you a "cover charge" (12% )- without telling you about it... & the waiters were pretty insistant about being "tipped.."
If you get outside of the tourist traps... you will find everything to be about 1/2 price...
Another DUMB thing I did...I brought ONE pair of shoes... with the idea that I was going to buy some super fabulous ITALIAN SHOES.....
While I LOVE my "Birthday Boots"... I think I was looking kind of silly climbing through the ruins in them....
Besides looking like a huge dork..instead of looking chic...
my feet were KILLING me....
So instead of buying some super awsome shoes that
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE forever....
I bought an EXPENSIVE pair of MOM shoes... which I am not loving sooo much, however they were flat & my legs could BREATH .
Note to everyone, trying to be CHIC & cool touring Europe... dress cute, but for goodness sakes where GOOD, COMFORTABLE SHOES!
Even the
comfy shoes....
You have never seen such a selection of jeweled tennis shoes.... (maybe not so fab... but they still looked comfortable..)
Tomorrow... the things I LOVED about Rome & HIGHLY reccommend...


Jen said…
I was jealous of your trip before but now I am UBER jealous! Look at that food!!!!!
I love me some Gelato and that is the most beautifully decorated Gelato I have ever seen!!!
I would love to go visit Rome! What an awesome trip. And then to top it off your friend gave it to you? Sweet!
Frizzy said…
My friends payed like 100 Euro for Salads and Sandwiches in Florence because they sat out on the sidewalk cafe where the musician was playing. Cost supposedly was to hire the cutlery, enjoy the view and the entertainment. NICE! I learned from their mistakes. My mom and I had the best dinner in Florence thanks to a local's suggestion. Always ask a local where to eat.
Kelli Nørgaard said…
Now you have ROME shoes to match my PARIS shoes...
when will we learn?! LOL
Laura said…
That gelato looks amazing. I think we had gelato twice in four hours when we were in Rome! We were only there for a day (cruise), or I'm sure we would have had more. But I've never seen any as beautifully presented as that!!!
Anonymous said…
I love real Italian gelato, there's nothing like it.
Bummer about getting suckered. The food is so good in Italy! Maybe it'll be better on the next trip! (You'll just have to go back now won't you?)
Roxane said…
That Gelato look divine! Remind me to ask you for trip advice next time I travel somewhere new, now that I know you used to be a travel agent! :)
Kelly said…
Urghh! This post brought back my negative memories of Rome!! I remember wanting to leave the city so badly after being screwed SO many times. I remember refusing to throw a coin into the Trevi (sp?) fountain because the superstition is that if you throw a coin in the fountain you'll come back to Rome...which I did not!!
The restaurant story reminded me of the restaurant across from the Vatican we ate at...I remember that we argued at the end of the meal about the tab and only leaving the fair portion and thinking that we were going to be arrested for leaving part of the bill unpaid!!

Can you tell I am not a big fan of Rome?!!! :)

At least you and Bjorn enjoyed the sites and had some enjoyable kid-free, adult-only time together!!
Okay...I've NEVER had Gelato in Rome...but I love the stuff!!! Gosh it's fun living your trip through your blog! Someday I'll get there!
Angie's Spot said…
That gelato looks AMAZING! Sorry you guys had misfortune with dining and footwear, but I can't wait to hear some raves about Rome.
Laughed a lot about this post :-) Yes I ABSOLUTELY KNOW what it means to travel from one of the world's most expensive countrie! We feel (almost)rich everywhere else in the world :-) We have one lovely story about Italy too, when we were in Venice and sat down for a coffe in the middle of the San Marco Square...we thought it can't hurt, and we ended up with an 80€ bill for 2 tiny cop of coffe :-) Thanks for this great post and I'm so happy to see you on my blog! Love: Evi
I have not been on a vacation lately that didn't feature rides and sorry actors dressed up like storybook characters. Sigh.
Jill said…
We never made it to Rome when we did our Italian Vacation 5 years ago... it looks like a fabulous, fantastic trip!

So totally agree on all of your pros and cons... especially about getting sucked in to eating in tourist traps. That happens to us wherever we vacation - though it's usually because we just go to the first restaurant that looks decent for kids!

I give you LOTS of credit for bringing only 1 pair of shoes - holy cow lady, you're brave. I don't even go to the swimming pool here w/o two pairs. :)
Karen said…
Your trip looks and sounds like so much fun, even if your feet were killing you.
Lizzie said…
once armed with all this good advice i hope to make it to Rome some day :)

and i'll remember my comfy shoes!
Mammatalk said…
Thanks for "taking us" along with you. Love it!
Vera said…
I've never been to Rome and always wanted to go. I will be in Oslo though in May (Ryanair flights are really cheap in May) and I am already saving all my money to afford a hotel ;-) Any advice what we have to see? Maybe something that is not in the Lonely Planet?
Greetings from Germany :-)
I'm not sure how you found my blog either, but thanks for coming! :)

I am a big fan of Rome, but we also were not so impressed by the food. Even at the "local" places. We much prefer some of the Italian places in Germany. But the Gelato.... Mmmmmm!

The only thing I didn't like was the gypsies. Ugh. I refused to ride the subway we walked that whole place!
Briya said…
Those boots are beautiful! It looks like you had a blast..I'd be jealous except I am TOTALLY going there one day.
SS said…
Hi! First time visiting your blog, the name caught my eye when I saw it on a comment at another blog. Norway is one of the few places overseas that I've been and it so happens that we went from Norway to Roam so loving your posting about the trip and the pictures. Now I can go dream of coconut gelato. mmmm.
Laura Kay said…
I love gelato - it is one of the best things about Italy. Enjoying a cone a grapefruit gelato while people watching and window shopping is one of my favorite ways to spend an afternoon in Italy.

Don't you hate it when that happens at a restaurant?! We once forgot to ask for a menu by the Vatican and order a coffee and tea and the bill was 15 euros - I could have bought the pot and the a kilogram of tea for that amount!

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