I heart Faces...CROP week 9

I am playing again this week....
Sorry for those of you who follow my blog & have seen these pictures before...(yawn...) I know...
But they are some of my all time favorites... This week it is all about my favorite guys....
For my adult entry I choose one of my hubby Bjørn & son Dane....
Bjørn went to sea 2 weeks after Dane was born.... & the picture below was from their first morning together after 3 months.... I love how they are analyzing each other..... getting to know each other...

This is Dane fast forward 6 years....
right out of the swimming pool, with the pink on his cheeks from a little too much sun & fun.... I love how all of his features just POP in the photo... his sweetheart mouth... his little nose & the real reason I love this picture is because of my baby's baby blues......

Go check out who else is playing iHeartFaces - Sharing Photography of Faces .... sooo many great photos!


Tiff said…
Love the pictures...
Roxane said…
Aw that's so cute!
Becky said…
I know that I've said it before, but WOW, those blue eyes are killer!
I LOVE dads and kids...I DO...and your little boys EYES are gorgeous!
The look on your sons face in the adult entry is priceless and the meaning behind the capture makes it a 10 in my book!
sweet pictures! the crop is great. WOWIE you have some pretty blue eyes in your family! :)
Jill said…
Love the photos - especially love the piercing blue's from the bottom!!
Rune said…
Beautiful pictures:)

Jen said…
those are some great photos and your kids have some crazy blue eyes. they are just beautiful!
Unknown said…
Such sweet photos !!
Randi said…
That's a beautiful moment in the first one, and the second one is so cute! :)
Skeller said…
Yikes! You're going to need a bat to keep the girls away from those baby-blues!!
Your kids have the most beautiful eyes!!!
Mum-me said…
Both photos are just gorgeous!
Anonymous said…
Both of these are wonderful! :)
Your son is soo handsome. Not does he just have beautiful eyes but his lips are very nice too. They are soo pink! Beautiful pic!!
Stacy Nyikos said…
Love the pictures. My oldest daughter got her northern German dad's amazing blue eyes too. You can't help but fall into them hook, line and sinker :-)
Tara said…
så flotte bilder du viser...must be the bluest eyes i've ever seen:)))
thanks for comments...the lighting in the original photo was so good...so all I really did was to use a little "dodge tool" in photoshop over his eyes!!!

have a nice day...
klem tara
Amy said…
Well, this is my first time seeing the photos :) and I LOVE them! The first is just flat out touching! What an amazing moment! And the second - how cool to see this adorable young man 6 years later! Love the pics, Love the crop, Love the rosy cheeks, LOVE EVERYTHING :)
Mary Ellen said…
Sweet photos, and man, does that boy have some amazing eyes!
Red said…
love the B&W version for your adult entry!
your son's eyes are amazing
Thanks for stopping by my blog.....Your pics are great! I just love pics with babies in them!!!
I'll have to read up on your blog....I ended up in Norway a bunch of years ago for a piano seminar and LOVED it....So beautiful.
Kelli W said…
Great pictures!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Adrienne Zwart said…
Love your pictures. I especially like the conversion to black and white. Draws my focus straight to your subjects.

Hope you are feeling better soon! Sinus infections are no fun.
Brooke said…
Priceless picture! Love it!

Unknown said…
Love the pics and the cropping.
MangyCat said…
Great cropping job! What a lovely moment.

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog! I thought I would return the favor. :o)
Missy said…
His eyes are beautiful
Nene said…
I love the expression you captured in the first shot! And those blue eyes in the second! Beautiful!
Erin said…
Beautiful photos...and your son is so handsome....his blue eyes are gorgeous!
Cristin said…
Those eyes!! Admit it... you totally photoshopped that blue color... that doesn't exist in nature...

Bethany said…
Beautiful photos! You can tell Dane enjoyed his time at the pool! ;)

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