Dentists chair...most unattractive place on earth!
So how did I get to spend my day off yesterday? Sitting out on my veranda sipping coffee in the Norwegian Spring sun.....
I spent the morning at the dentist...
I like my dentist.... he is a very nice guy...& kindda cute to boot... but I can't remember the last time I wanted to kick a man in his PRIVATES... (ouch!)
He asked me if I wanted to be numb before we started....
Ummm ... Y E S... Hello?
actually, I would prefer to be put under...but apparently, that wasn't an option.
What kind of FREAK doesn't want to be numb before someone starts drilling on your teeth?
( Turns out that FREAK would be my husband...(or so he says....) because it is FASTER...) whatever...
Just so you are not thinking I am a big, funky, ROT mouth.... I had to have 2 fillings replaced....
I left EXHAUSTED... Not sure if I was more tired from the procedure... or from my mind going 150 miles an hour....
I am pretty sure after the conversations I was having with myself (in my head of course)
I AM a FREAK of Nature....
After 5 min in the chair.... & a glance at my Dentists gloves, i ask my self..
WHY oh WHY? I wear lipstick when I go to the Dentist?

At first I thought his hands were covered in BLOOD...
Holy S&%& what is he doing to me? & then I realized it was my lipstick.... took me back to the time I had my wisdom teeth removed in MEXICO..(not smart) & I wore my brownish lipstick into the dentist....
One glance up at his gloves... well, you can imagine what I was thinking ...EEKKK... Ewwww
As he continued I knew i must look a little like this....

however, seeing as I am not a model, I imagine I am looking a little more like Ethel Merman
Not to mention my double chin, which now was a QUAD...
Dude...I am PRETTY SURE it is possible to break my jaw when you push on it that hard!
& what about my larger than life pores?
Please sweet Jesus.... don't let me have any random stray hairs popping out anywhere....
& boogers? don't get me started....
is it possible to be any less attractive then while sitting in the dentists chair?
Hmmmm... does he do his wife's teeth? is he able to look at her the same afterwards? I would NOT want to be cleaning my husbands teeth... TOO MUCH INFORMATION... ewwwww...
Does anyone keep their eyes open when someone is working on their mouth... As soon as I hop in the chair eyes that weird? Or is it weirder to stare at him for the next 45 min?
I can only imagine the things I could find after staring at someone's face for 45 min... ewww.
So now you all see why going to the Dentist is like going to the gyno for me.... F UN FUN F UN..
I spent the morning at the dentist...
I like my dentist.... he is a very nice guy...& kindda cute to boot... but I can't remember the last time I wanted to kick a man in his PRIVATES... (ouch!)
He asked me if I wanted to be numb before we started....
Ummm ... Y E S... Hello?
actually, I would prefer to be put under...but apparently, that wasn't an option.
What kind of FREAK doesn't want to be numb before someone starts drilling on your teeth?
( Turns out that FREAK would be my husband...(or so he says....) because it is FASTER...) whatever...
Just so you are not thinking I am a big, funky, ROT mouth.... I had to have 2 fillings replaced....
I left EXHAUSTED... Not sure if I was more tired from the procedure... or from my mind going 150 miles an hour....
I am pretty sure after the conversations I was having with myself (in my head of course)
I AM a FREAK of Nature....
After 5 min in the chair.... & a glance at my Dentists gloves, i ask my self..
WHY oh WHY? I wear lipstick when I go to the Dentist?
At first I thought his hands were covered in BLOOD...
Holy S&%& what is he doing to me? & then I realized it was my lipstick.... took me back to the time I had my wisdom teeth removed in MEXICO..(not smart) & I wore my brownish lipstick into the dentist....
One glance up at his gloves... well, you can imagine what I was thinking ...EEKKK... Ewwww
As he continued I knew i must look a little like this....
however, seeing as I am not a model, I imagine I am looking a little more like Ethel Merman
Not to mention my double chin, which now was a QUAD...
Dude...I am PRETTY SURE it is possible to break my jaw when you push on it that hard!
& what about my larger than life pores?
Please sweet Jesus.... don't let me have any random stray hairs popping out anywhere....
& boogers? don't get me started....
is it possible to be any less attractive then while sitting in the dentists chair?
Hmmmm... does he do his wife's teeth? is he able to look at her the same afterwards? I would NOT want to be cleaning my husbands teeth... TOO MUCH INFORMATION... ewwwww...
Does anyone keep their eyes open when someone is working on their mouth... As soon as I hop in the chair eyes that weird? Or is it weirder to stare at him for the next 45 min?
I can only imagine the things I could find after staring at someone's face for 45 min... ewww.
So now you all see why going to the Dentist is like going to the gyno for me.... F UN FUN F UN..
When I had to have a root canal I listened to my ipod the whole time with my eyes seriously tightly closed. I don't want to hear or see what they are doing. Ever.
And we always go while on vacation because we much prefer the US dentist to the German dentist. Great vacation don't ya think?
Anyway. Thanks for following Venus/Mars :)
It does feel like you've been through a fight when you leave a dentist chair.... no wonder no one likes to go there!
My new dentist did do a filling without novocaine for me. It wasn't was a little cavity. She actually was really excited I let her do it without novocaine :)
My bil is a dentist & he works on his family. I've even had him work on us if we're there & need something done. He's really good; quick, efficient & will/won't use novocaine depending upon what you prefer.
I must confess that my first sexual fantasy was about my dentist! What can I say I'm weird! :D
Health information
Humor & Fun World
I loved the lipstick scenario - so true - why do we wear lipstick to the dentist???
I think I prefer the dentist to the gyno. At least his hand is in my mouth, preventing me from saying something stupid.
I like to be able to go in my sweats and not worry about it, because if I'm not comfortable when I go there I TENSE up and the pain is worse...all that poking and prodding!
SO funny!!!
Congratulations on getting past that appointment.
You? 4 chins? Doubtful!
Thanks for the MUCH needed laugh!
Good morning!
Checking in from sits. It's FRIDAY!!!! Yay!!!
Have a great weekend.
Zen Cupcake