At iHeartFaces - Sharing Photography of Faces the theme this week is -


I knew in an instance which picture I wanted to use...

This is Dane when he was 4....

I had been taking pictures of him when he decided



(this shot still makes me laugh)


Sarah said…
Now that's a perfect pout!! What an adorable child!
Jen said…
this is a great photo.
Vodka Mom said…
he is truly adorable. I love those shots!!!
So cute! He looks like he was definitely committed to the pout in that picture!
April said…
Excellent pout he has going on! Good Luck!
Roxane said…
He has mastered the poutty face! bravo little dude :)
Katheryn said…
What a great pouty face! Cute photo!
Tim said…
My kids have this look all the time when it comes to me taking their pictures. I should start shooting them if I can get shots like this. Wow! I love it.

Love and Prayers,

K...that is ADORABLE!!! I love it, I'm still trying to figure out which one I want to use! :)
sues2u2 said…
That is indeed the perfect shot! He is adorable.
Anonymous said…
What a GREAT picture!!!!
Simple Answer said…
Oh, that face definitely says 'pout' to me!
The Blonde Duck said…
I can't help it. That pout made me giggle.
Heidi said…
Yes, most definitely a pout. Great photo.
Janet said…
Haha, he looks like an Abercrombie & Fitch model in training!
Ha ha ha!!! Love that pout! I guess they know how to tell us when enough is enough, huh?! Great photo!
magicdarts said…
He He, like our little man Dane knows his own mind!!
Karen said…
That is a great pout!
Unknown said…
He is definitely pouting hard! :-) Great shot!
Mary Ellen said…
SOOOOO handsome, this pouty little man! Great photo.
becky s said…
hahahaah! my mom has a pic of my brother just like that. he so didn't want his picture taken and pouted in all of them.
Oh, what a shot! He's got the pout down, doesn't he?
Stacy Nyikos said…
Priceless! He'll love seeing that one again when he's a teenager, I'm sure :-)
melissa said…
that is so stinking adorable!!!
Melinda said…
I am so looking forward to when my kids tell me no more pics. My oldest is at the stage where he just likes to be goofy for all of them : ) Your photo is great...perfect for this week's theme!
Anonymous said…
This is perfect! I think the pout is adorable! Great choice...
Karin said…
Great shot! He looks soooo done with getting his picture taken. :)
Erica said…
I love that picture! He is just adorable!
Perfect!! How adorable is that, dont you just love taking pictures of them when they are over it?! It makes me laugh and I just keep taking more some of which have turned out to be my favorites!
Lizzie said…
ohhhh pouting kids are just the cutest :) if they only knew we secretly loved those poked out bottom lips.
LadyFi said…
All four of us kids looked like that in nearly every picture or video my parents ever took!

Love it!
K said…
Awesome picture! You can definitely tell he is done! Great capture and very handsome little guy!
Rune said…
Great picture:)I love his face.


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