NOT Scarlet Fever & my DATE....

So sorry to concern everyone...(I was VERY concerned....) after I heard that little miss PROBABLY had the FEVER...SCARLET FEVER....

I, like most of you, thought of the Old western movies about how Miss Kitty didn't make it to California because she had caught THE FEVER......

I tend to worry about the worst.....

we did get into the Dr. today... & had to do blood tests... because her horrible break out didn't really "FIT" into anything... she had signs of some things... but it didn't add up to Scarlet Fever or RødHund (the RED DOG disease) heldigvis... (luckily)

To make a LONG story short... looks like my baby girl has the Chicken Pox... (the, been vaccinated kind...) which means it isn't going to look like regular cases...

Eva's teacher...(the one that I am not CRAZY about...) told me last week that the Pox were going around... where I smugly answered ...

"No Worries, she has been vaccinated... In AMERICA...we vaccinate our kids against them...hmmmm...
(like ... why won't Norway give the Chicken Pox vaccination? you silly, silly people....)

Where she replied...

"Lets see how well it works for you..."

DAMMIT... I think I would rather eat dirt than have to call & tell her Eva will be out for the next week & a half....
(I'll make Bjørn call so I don't have to hear the "told you so" in her voice...)

So now the fun part... waiting to see if Dane (my other vaccinated kid) comes down with them...

Did I mention that Bjørn & I are SUPPOSED to be going to Rome next weekend? Crap... cross your fingers that Dane doesn't get them & Eva is better so that we can still go away....

So about my DATE last night... not with my husband... (sounds so much more exciting when I call it a date....)

I ended up meeting up with an old friend from HS who I haven't seen in 22 years.. EEK.

Funny thing is, we weren't really friends... we ran around with different groups... but we had mutual friends... (We had a graduating class of almost 900 kids...)

He lives in London now, but came to Oslo on business last night... I took the train to meet him & had an absolute RIOT... We drank & talked about everyone/everything... about life as an EXPAT.... We are going to try to get the families together... with them visiting us here & us taking a trip to London...(our kids are about the same age...)

I was careful the entire evening about checking the time.. the last train leaves at midnight... & if I didn't make it, well basically I was screwed... to take a taxi home would be around $250-300...

Sure enough, I look down at my watch & it is 5 min to 12.... You have never seen two middle age, out of shape butts move faster in your life... I wasn't sure who was going to have the heart attack first..Tom or me....

We SPRINT & make it to the train station at 5 over 12... CRAAAAAPPPPP... only to discover the train was DELAYED:.. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOU!

I had sooo much fun re-hashing the GLORY DAYS... gosh I had a good time in HS... well in College too.. & cruise ships... & I have had a blessed & fun life.. (not that I am planning on going anywhere anytime soon...) But it is nice to reflect & appreciate all of the good times...

I know she doesn't look THAT bad, well not in the pictures anyway... & she is smiling for the camera...(I have trained her well) but she has them E V E R Y W H E R E
In real life her little face looks like WOOGIE from Something about Mary.... Bless her little heart...

Off to go snuggle my little Pox baby.... (she told my mother last night that she had the POLKA DOTS... what a cutie...)

Keep your fingers crossed that Dane doesn't get sick & I get to go to Rome anyway... (PLEASE)

Ciao for Now...


Anonymous said…
I think it's the strain in Europe b/c my US vaccinated baby got them last year too. Thankfully he didn't pass them to his baby sister.
Sounds like last night was fun :)
I hope all stays healthy in your house so you can get to Rome and have a blast!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
YEAH for NON-scarlet fever... but boo for "teacher we dont like being right"!!

But the way you presented it sure gave me a smile today!!!

And I have a good feeling the Rome trip will 2 deserve the time away together!
Rune said…
Good to hear that it was not scarlet fever.

Are you moving back to the US or do you want to stay in Norway? Where in the US are from?

Have a good day:)

KCLC said…
Glad to hear your snugglebuggle doesnt have SF.

I did find the following on the net... While no vaccine is 100% effective in preventing disease, the chickenpox vaccine is very effective: about 8 to 9 of every 10 people who are vaccinated are completely protected from chickenpox. In addition, the vaccine almost always prevents against severe disease. If a vaccinated person does get chickenpox, it is usually a very mild case lasting only a few days and involving fewer skin lesions (usually less than 50), mild or no fever, and few other symptoms.

The other thing I read is that you are suppose to get a shot for it TWICE. Once at 15/18 months and then again around 4 to 6 years.

Funny(?) Fact about me...When me and my family moved to Norway, the day before we were to leave Texas, my mom found 3 chicken pox sores on me. I was feeling okay so we decided to go ahead. On the KLM flight I was COVERED.MOMmade me wear a hoodie and blanket so the flight attendents wouldnt see me.( I have the scars between my eyebrows!)Can u imagine how many people I infected on that flight??? Needless to say my Dad also ended up getting them and was sicker than a dog.
jewelstreet said…
So glad it's not Scarlet Fever! Can I send my vaccinated kid to you? I want her to have them now. Gosh darn it. No kid around here has had chicken pox in ages. Yet, I get shingles(chicken pox for the all ready had them crowd). How the heck does that happen?!
Chicken Pox!!! REALLY! After a vaccination. Wow. At least you know what it is now.

Oh just tell the teacher to go shove it!!! haha
WOW! i really didn't think you could get them after being vaccinated! crazy! well, she's still precious even with those CP's.

how fun to see an old friend!

hope you get to go to rome! saying a prayer for you. :)
Debie Napoleon said…
Hope she feels better soon...fingers crossed for Rome!
Leah said…
crossing my fingers for Rome!
Roxane said…
Hooray for no SF! Polka dotted or not, she is adorable :) I hope you still get to go to Rome. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Unknown said…
Unfortunately, it is possible to get CP, even after being vaccinated. However, the good news is ... it is usually a much milder form of the disease.

My daughter had all her vaccinations against whooping cough (Pertussis), but still got it. Fortunately, because of the vaccination, it wasn't as bad as it would have been, if she'd been unvaccinated.

Sounds like you had a fun *date* night !! :-)

I'm sure that you will still make it to Rome...keeping my fingers crossed for you!!
skywind said…
Very glad to see Little Miss Nothing problem, everything normal. Should let children vaccinated.

Health is the Greatest Happiness & The World at The Present
sues2u2 said…
I'm so relieved to hear that Eva has "polka dots"! And yes, it is supposed to be much more mild after the vaccine. So here's to hoping that a) it is mild & she feels awesome quickly b) Dane does Not get it & c) you & Bjorn still get to go to Rome!

Ready for this one? My house was crashed into by a van (long story) & while no one was home it was very stressful. I had just weaned my then 15 month daughter & guess who got shingles w/o ever having been vaccinated? Yep, my baby! You should have seen the er. I swear they brought in all the dr's & nurses on duty to come & take a peek @ the baby w/ shingles. Later that year I did end up having her vaccinated against cp. Guess this means she's double protected?!

My 25 yr reunion is coming up. You actually made me want to go.
Caution/Lisa said…
We were assured that if our kids got the pox after getting the shot, that there would be 10 spots MAX. I'm thinking that doctor lied.
I'm a bit jealous that you even get to GO to maybe I will wish that Dane DOES get the Chicken Pox...hehehe

Okay I sucks for kids to get them because they are so ITCHY...but once they get them, they never get them again!

How fun to rehash memories with old friends from high school!
Mary Ellen said…
Glad to hear she's okay - the after-vaccine pox should be easier.

Calling them the Polka Dots? Cutest thing ever!
Frizzy said…
Oh my what a story! How do you keep everything so upbeat and light hearted? Even when you are scared you find ways to laugh at the situation. That my dear is a special talent! I'm so happy she doesn't have Scarlet or Dog fever. I HATE EATING CROW so I feel for you!
I'll keep all of you in my prayers for no more Polka Dots. It wouldn't be much fun to be in Rome with the pocks either. UGH! By the way, I am soooo jealous! I want to be in Rome with you.
Glad it's not The Fever. I had it when I was about 12 and my hair has been very curly ever since. But, I suppose it's possible puberty curled my hair... Maybe the conbination? Anyway, not to worry you but chicken pox can be a dangerous disease, and they are fools not to vaccinate. BTW, My mom had had three of us with CP at once, that must have been fun.
Funny Date story, I always seem to screw up times like that somehow too. Got paged at the airport for boarding (mixed up boarding time with departure time) which made throw away a brand new cold and desperately wanted super expensive beer waah.
Anonymous said…
I had no idea you could vaccinate against chicken pox... hardly seems worth it though if they can still catch it anyway! Help!

Thank goodness it's not scarlet fever - as I said, it's a horrible thing for a kid to have!

Having said that, chicken pox can be bad too.. Hope both kids are OK.. and that you can still go to Rome! Fingers crossed!
Julie H said…
My nephew got the "chicken pops" after the shot too. He was at my house and none of my kids got it. Weird isn't it, how some kids get it and some don't.
Oh how I remember the Chicken Pox! Good Luck and Take Care--Renee
Lizzie said…
i can't believe you put a picture of WOOGIE on here. you silly girl :) she is WAY cuter than him!

I hope Rome is still in the cards, what fun!! and Glad you caught the train :)

hope everyone is healthy soon.
Mammatalk said…
Chicken pox? Oh, my. So glad it wasn't Scarlett Fever.

Hope Rome happens for you guys. I have sooo been looking forward to it! (cuz I feel like it was happening to me.)
I hope she gets to feeling better soon. She is a little cutie
Julie said…
Maybe you could tell her teacher she has something way more exotic, like eagle pox, or something. Hope she gets better soon.
Batgirl said…
Poor thing – I hope she feels better soon! Might be an idea to offer the other parents in the neighbourhood a chance to get chicken pox over and done with. My sister, cousin and I were all lumped into the same room as kids, whenever one of us got sick. They wanted to make sure we’d all get it! Apparently, you can even get the chicken pox again, without it being shingles, if you had a mild case as a kid. Don’t think it applies to vaccinated kids though. Happened to a colleague of mine, when another decided to bring his kid in to work. Turns out she was quarantined from kindergarten due to chicken pox, so he brought her to work instead!!!
Lacy Kline said…
So I have to wonder what the point of the vaccine is? That sucks that the teacher was right, hope she feels better soon. Love the Somthing About Mary reference!
Kaleena said…
Thank you for leaving me a comment and praying for my girls! Bless you!
Kaleena from McNabb Land
Tiff said…
yea..only one of my kids had that vaccine..and it did not work either..well i guess he only got a light case..all the other kids had the chicken pox before they got the vaccine...glad about less shot..

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