FAITH - Candid Carries Fx4

It's Friday, It's Friday, Thank Goodness it's Friday!!! YIPPEE!I'm playing Candid Carrie's Friday Foto Fiesta Finish again this week .So after you're done here, go over there and check out who's playing this week!!!
I found this picture I had taken a few years ago while on a ferry going from Sweden over to Estonia....

Storm over the Baltic Sea...

Everytime I look at this picture though... it just screams FAITH...

I can't look at this picture whithout just knowing that there is something bigger than all of us out there....


Great pics. Loved browsing your blog. (Found you through Candid Carrie's Friday Photo thingamabob.) Someday I hope to tour/live in Europe.
Ronda's Rants said…
That is the most beautiful picture and I agree!
I will remember this picture today...and it will help me through a difficult time.
Unknown said…
Gosh...that photo is beautiful! I love the pockets of sun shining faith!
Anonymous said…
Gorgeous! You always take such great pictures.
ACR said…
Very calming ... something I needed the last two weeks. Great shots!
Rebecca Jo said…
OH MY GOSH... that is stunning!! I've got to save this picture to my computer...

I love the light on the water, how BRIGHT it is... & how dark it is in the background... so much that speaks to close darkness is to surrounding the light - but the light WINS! WOW!!!
AMEN! I see the same thing when I look at the photo! Wonderful picture taking!
Stephanie said…

That is a GORGEOUS photo!! I love it! I tend to find some of the most spiritual inspiration in nature. It is awe inspiring! This photo captures it beautifully!!
Stephanie said…

That is a GORGEOUS photo!! I love it! I tend to find some of the most spiritual inspiration in nature. It is awe inspiring! This photo captures it beautifully!!
Beautiful pictures!! I does scream faith.
jen721 said…
That is a beautiful photograph. It would make a nice background photo for the laptop.
Karen said…
Beautiful picture. It does make one think about faith when you look at it.
Frizzy said…
If only you could send this picture to everyone who needs to know God is with them. What a gift it would be. I agree this picture SCREAMS FAITH!!!!!
That is gorgeous! Did you take that picture?
Have a great weekend :-) Fantastic pictures...lil' scary.
shortmama said…
Stopping by from SITS. That is such a beautiful picture. Hope you have a great weekend.
It's an AMAZING photo! Thanks for sharing!
Skoots1moM said… it!
Unknown said…
That's an amazing phot...and yes, I agree, it does scream 'Faith'..
Emily said…
That picture is amazing, in so many ways.
Happy Phriday!
Shannon said…

That photo is stunning.
I have never seen pictures of the Baltic Sea, but somehow I am not surprised to see it looking like that.
skywind said…
Since human beings have faith, so with the soul.
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Humor & Fun World
Bethany said…
Wow, that's beautiful!! A guy I know from church just got back from Estornia-- :)
Raymonty said…
Thank you for sharing your sun and cloud photos with me; they look just the ones that I take here in the Adirondack Mountains of the land of the 'Original People' of the Great North East,USA. Have a nice Sunday!
Anonymous said…
That is a beautiful picture....and I love your beautiful sentiments to go along with it! Perfect!
magicdarts said…
It also looks like its about to chuck it down with rain!!

(sorry couldn't resist that - it is a beautiful pic)

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