Rome update....

I know y'all are going to think I am making this crap up.... but I am not....

First, I was kidding about not going because I was sick.... if they had to wheel me in the plane, because I was too sick to walk... I would go... I live to travel.... (I did make note of the mickey mouse ears ..& will ask for cups to cover my ears if I have a problem.....)

So tonight, our friends that we are to go to Rome with called....their son is in the hospital...

they aren't sure what is going on with him yet... so not sure if they are canceling... I guess they are going to wait until the last min. to decide... if he is ok, home & if they can go.

So Bjørn & I had to decide if we are still going to go even if they don't.... eek....

I feel like a kind of crappy friend...but our travel insurance won't cover us for their son's illness....

Are we horrible for going anyway? We went back & forth on this all evening... if we don't go now... we can't go...

So OK... we decided we will go... just the two of us in Rome....

Then as we watched TV...& thought some more... Bjørn came up with the wonderful idea of bringing the kids with us......................


Sure it sounds like a great idea...the kids would be THRILLED....

I'm not so sure..... ugh... going to have to come with a back up plan by tomorrow...

Please keep Petter (our friends son) in your thoughts/prayers that it is nothing serious...


Will pray for Petter!!

Oh I would go!!! I'm sure your friends would understand!!

But I would leave the kids!
skywind said…
I am sorry to hear this message. We will pray for him.
Health is the Greatest Happiness
The World at The Present
Mary Ellen said…
Praying for Peter. I think you should go - you were meant to take this trip!
Anonymous said…
Just checking in....I hope their son is scary.

I can totally understand you all still going would be a fun trip for all 4 of you. ;)
Cristin said…
that's a tough one....If it were MY kids it would be a BIG FAT NO!!
Kids or no kids, I hope you enjoy Rome!!

And hoping your friend's son is ok...
sues2u2 said…
Gotcha on the prayers; hope he will recover quickly.

Now, leave those two adorable kiddos w/ Grandma (Oma?) & get the heck outta Dodge! (I mean Norway). If you were in the other parent's shoes (& if you were even thinking that far ahead) wouldn't you tell your friends to go? I would. No sense all of us loosing out.

But LEAVE your kids home. PERIOD. As in, NO discussion! (remind Bjorn how much fun it is when it's just you two sometimes! *wink, wink*)
Skogkjerring said…
Oi the dilemas in your life!! Well, first of all, sad to hear about your friend's son...hope it's nothing serious. Second if they didn't go, I'd probably take my kids...but that is me..I'd have a blast sharing that experience with them and firing their curiosity about the world around them. There will be plenty of years after the kids are gone to have all the romantic trips I want with my I'd take the kids...but we're all different and I'm sure you'll choose what is best for you guys.. keep us posted!
Anonymous said…
I'll keep Petter in my thoughts.

As for going to Rome - of course you must go! It will make your friend feel even worse if you cancel just because they're not going.

Take the kids!! Travel broadens the mind and is good for everyone! Of all ages.. but you know that already.
Rune said…
I will pray for Petter.

And you must go to Rome:)

Jill said…
Nobody can fault you for still going on your scheduled trip... you already have the reservations, and probably couldn't cancel without a penalty anyway.

Take the kids and have a great time! It will be one to remember!
Batgirl said…
Will keep Petter in my thoughts. You should go, and don't take the kids - they'd likely be bored with Rome anyway :-) Although I guess it all depends on what you hope to do whilst you're there.
Debie Napoleon said…
Keeping my fingers crossed for good news for Peter.

And I would leave the kiddies's your time.
Leah said…
Yeah! Go, go, go! I hope you are feeling better with the cold sitch. My vote would be no kids... I think time alone as adults is a great thing in a marriage :)
Stacy Nyikos said…
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's son. I hope he's all right.

As for Rome, go! sans enfant. My husband and I have been to Rome twice, and I honestly can't imagine trying to battle Roman streets with wee ones. I mean, okay, the Romans do it, but the Vatican Museums with kids. Nightmare. Then again, they do have a great aquarium there that I've never seen because I never had my kids along. And you could take some trips out of the city. Either way, GO! ENJOY! Drink lots of wine :-)
Unknown said…
Ah yes...go. I'm sure your friends would want you to go...especially since you can take your kids.
Rebecca Jo said…
I dont see what's wrong in going at all... it may not be as planned, but I bet your friends wouldnt want you to loose out!!!

Hope Petter is alright!! Maybe it'll all work out anyways - so dont worry!!!
Rune said…
I have awards for you:)

you're not a bad friend! you should go!

i will say a prayer for him!
OH GO FOR SURE!!! Are you kidding me...what kind of friend wouldn't UNDERSTAND that?

As for the kids? Ummm...I'm one of those that likes to bring them if its loaded with fun kid things to do...but ROME...romance...I'd see nilch the kids idea! lol!

I will keep Petter in my prayers!
Karen said…
I hope all are well now....
Peter, you, the kids. What is with the threat to your Rome trip? It's like the forces of nature are uniting against you. Crossing my fingers and praying you will have a lovely trip.
Robbi said…
Hei Tressa,

I'm praying for Petter.

I hope you and Bjørn go to Rome. I would leave the kids home as originally planned. How often do the two of you get away alone? Anyway, have a great trip no matter what!

Robbi i California
Tim said…
Praying for Peter.

Have a great weekend!

Love and Prayers,

Kelli Nørgaard said…
You are a great friend and you will do the right thing! And sometimes it is ok to do something for yourself too!! ´:o) You deserve this getaway!
Anonymous said…
rome. jealous here!! i love it there! i went, back in 1994, on my 1st honeymoon.
thoughts go out to petter.
your friends will completely understand if you still go...which, you HAVE to!!
kids. ugh.

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