Scarlet Fever... R U Kidding me?

Looks like little Miss Eva has come down with Scarlet Fever....


Isn't that what people came down with in those old Western Movies?

The CRAP that my kids have come down with since we moved over here is AMAZING... I would give you the list, but I wouldn't want y'all to think i am a bad mom...

We woke up this morning & Eva is covered in DOTS... poor little thing

Bjørn was pretty sure it was Ruebella/German Measles or as they call it in Norwegian RødHund with translates to the RED DOG Disease... NIIIIIICE...

But I am almost 90% sure she was vaccinated against it before we left the states....

Sigh... anyone with knowledge of Scarlet Fever? (I do have a Dr. appointment for her tomorrow..) They were trying to put me off until Friday so I had to pull the HYSTERICAL AMERICAN MOTHER card on them.....

So how is your day? (Polka Dot pictures to come... if Eva will sit still...)


Sarah - Kala said…
It is often associated with untreated (or unsuccessfully treated) strep infection from what I understand. You are a good mother - these things can't always be foreseen or guessed at. I would freak, too! Did your daughter have a sore throat lately? A bad cold? Anyway, I've had a-symptomatic strep before - thankfully after a mild fever I went to doc and complained of just feeling a bit "off". It was strep. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.
Karen said…
Strep..... Ugh.....I'm sorry. I have had it more than once and Scarlet Fever twice. Fortunately a good antibiotic goes a long ways. A couple of days on that and your little one will feel much better.

When we moved to Kansas, my little family was sick almost the entire 18 months we lived there. I seemed like they were all brand new germs and that we had no deffense against them. It is so taxing when kids are sick. would never hear me make any judgement on your parenting. Kids get sick. Try and get enough rest so you stay healthy. Oh and tell that Doctor to call you in an antibiotic and then you would be happy to see him on Friday, if not he will find away to see your little one today. Good luck.
Unknown said…
Good gosh...I have no idea. It sounds like you've gotten some good advice...
The housewife said…
Sorry to hear your baby is sick! When we moved to the UK we went through exactly the same thing.

This is our third year and it's been the best so far! In terms of illness or lack thereof.
Cristin said…
I don't know much... but what I do know, I won't tell you... good luck tomorrow...
Mammatalk said…
So sorry to hear. Having a sick child is the worst! Hope she feels well soon. Wish I had some advice!
Unknown said…
Ouch!! My mother had scarlet fever when she was pregnant with me.

As others have said, it's usually comes hand in hand with a strep strep throat or impetigo, etc. One sign that it may be Scarlet Fever, is if the rash has formed red streaks in her body creases ... you can't miss those! Also, if you press on the rash, it will turn white.

It's also possible to get measles, even if you have been vaccinated, so don't count that out..

Hope she's feeling better soon !!!
What A Card said…
Aw, poor little one, and poor worried momma! Hope she's feeling better soon!
Ash said…
Oh I'm sooo sorry!! For the worry and the illness.

Good healthy vibes to Eva (and the rest of the fam!!)

Unknown said…
Arghhhhh ...forgot to check the ID before I posted. 'Jay' is actually me :-)
Mary Ellen said…
We've dealt with that here. My oldest used to get strep throat, but Alex always got scarlet fever. Evidently it's the same virus that causes both of them. Easily treated with antibiotics.

I'll tell you a funny story about the first time. I noticed my then-4 year old's rash on a Saturday and called the doctor with a list of his symptoms. The doc said, it sounds like he has scarlet fever - bring him in right away. I panicked and drove to the office, over an hour away, at break-neck speeds, freaking out the whole way. When we got there, the doctor was calmly examining him, and remarked on how agitated I seemed to be. I said, "SCARLET FEVER? Isn't that what Beth from Little Women died from?????" He said, "Yes. That was before they invented penicillin." Then he did his best to hide a smile. Couldn't he have mentioned that on the phone?

Anyway, he's had it at least two or three times. No biggie, as long as he got his meds. I actually think it's preferable to strep throat, if you have to choose.

Good luck, and try not to worry. I hope she gets on some medicine and feels better right away.
sues2u2 said…
Poor Eva & momma. I hope that she gets better fast! I have to agree that scarlet fever is easier than strep throat even if it does look worse. Hopefully no one else will get this too.
Roxane said…
I'm so sorry that your little one is sick but I am proud to announce that I am a 3 time Scarlet Fever survivor :) I just asked my mother and she said that antibiotics didn't really work for me (eek!) but that once I had my tonsils removed I never had it again... Keep in mind, this was 20-some years ago so I wouldn't trust my mom's memory a 100% Good luck!
Leah said…
I'm pretty sure I had this when I was Eva's age. Went away quick though. Best wishes.
Frizzy said…
Poor little one! I'll keep her in my prayers. Hang in there mom!
Jill said…
Oh T!! What in the heck is going on! Scarlet Fever? Rash's? We seem to have the never ending rashes in our household lately...

Good luck - and let us know what happens!
Skogkjerring said…
Poor Eva- hope she is feeling better soon. It's true what you write, for being strong vikings these Norwegians sure get sick A LOT...and all the people on sick leave around here...geez...I never ever heard of so many people on sick leave at one time in such a small area before in my's amazing. But their welfare system gives them the opportunity to go on sick leave and get paid the same as if they worked- so why not...
Our daycare has been bombarded with sicknesses- some kids are falling more often and harder then others..but there has been tons- feel like wearing a mask to work and rubber gloves...ugh....
Unknown said…
Thanks y'all! Here is crossing my fingers! My reg. doctor is on Maternity leave, at home with a premie or she would have come right over to look at her. Here is hoping it isn't anything serious...
Jen said…
poor little girl, I am sure its just a virus but I hope it passes quickly.
The Blonde Duck said…
Oh my God. I thought it didn't exist anymore.
Rebecca Jo said…
oh my goodness....
Kelli Nørgaard said…
I am glad you have all these smart friends to offer advice because I have NO CLUE !! Your poor polka dotted doll....
Anonymous said…
Oh no...yeah, I didn't know people still got that anymore either! I hope all goes well and she is feeling better soon. ;)
Anonymous said…
It's just a strain of strep really. It went through my kiddo's school last year.
Lizzie said…
poor thing :( i hope she feels better soon.
I've never had it...only read about it in those OLD westerns you were talking about!!!

That is scary!'s caused from Strep throat. My oldest had it when she was on the 4th grade. Antibiotics will get her feeling better in no time.

I had it when I was in kindergarten and was very sick....then I got it again in the 10th.

Hope she feels better soon.
I haven't been by in AGES! No. You're not a bad mom.

But I have made a mental note to make sure my shots are up to date should I come to Norway! : )

And I will say, my Norwegian was on POINT with "red dog". My college Norwegian teacher would be so proud.

Hope the little kiddo feels better!
Nicole said…
You already got some great advice here.

Just feel like you are not alone. Since I am in the States my kids came in contact with sickness and illness I just heard off but never ever had to deal with in my whole lifetime in Germany before.
Anonymous said…
Hi there! I have intimate knowledge of scarlet fever as my son had it last year... It is a streptococcus but can develop into scarlet fever in some kids. So, your kid could have caught it from a kids with a sore throat...

Although you might associate it with the bad old days when people were quarantined, it is actually on the rise these days. Kids get a very very high fever - my son had around 41 C... and it is very important to treat it NOW, right away, without waiting!! My son went on a ten-day antibiotic course and was off kindergarten for nearly two weeks as it leaves you very weakened.

It can be serious if not treated! Don't take NO for an answer...

One problem is that kids can then go onto to infect us adults with the strep - most often in the form of tonsillitis. About 2-3 weeks after he had scarlet fever, I came down with tonsillitis and was quite ill..

You can mail me if you want more info about scarlet fever...

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