M I S E R A B L E....

Is it possible for your head to pop off from a cold? I am seriously HOPING that this is just a cold & not some horrible sinus infection.....

Had both kids home from school today... Eva the Polka Dot Princess.... (she is doing GREAT!) hope she can go back to school on Thursday...

& Dane because he has gone pretty much deaf from his cold... the boy can't hear a thing, bless his heart.. He has had his hearing tested several times...

Took him in to the Dr. to have his ears checked just to make sure there is no infection.... Nope...
Just fluide behind his ears... suggested nose spray... Um, OK... hell I will try anything, just so he can go back to school.....

Do you think I would have been smart enough to askthe Dr. if he thought I had more than a cold while I was in there?

NO, I didn't want to bother him.... (We all have the same Dr.....) Sometimes I am such a dummy

I feel like my eyes are about to pop out of the sockets... N-I-C-E- I know.

Cross your fingers for me that this clears up befor this weekend so I can get on that plane
to ROMA...
Cause the way I feel at the moment, I would have to tell Bjørn to go on without me.... Whaaaaa...


Mary Ellen said…
I think it's unlikely that your head will pop off, but if it does, you can totally do the talk show circuit!

Seriously, get better fast. You don't want to miss that trip. Drink gallons and gallons of fluids - and rest lots! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Well you have three or four days, you know the drill, plenty of rest, fluids, and maybe try some zinc losenges which are proven to shorten the duration and severity of a cold (if you can get them there.. can just get them in CVS or anyplace here). I'm sure you will be well enough by the weekend, and if you're not GO ANYWAY!!! Seriously
Simple Answer said…
Oh man. How do you and I have the same cold? I swear by spraying saline spray up my nose.

Fingers crossed for Roma. My hubby the pilot says Afrin the only nasal spray that works and keeps your sinuses from feeling like they are going to pop!
Ash said…
I second the Afrin. My mother has horrible ears and cannot fly without the stuff - get it. Now!!

And "Mickey Mouse" ears too if they hurt on the plane - have the flight attendant place hot towels inside a couple of insulated cups, and then hold the cups over your ears. The heat helps you ears to open if you can't get them to pop.


I'm living vicariously through you and your travels.

Your bootie is going to Rome!!
Leah said…
Ahh! I have that too! I feel your pain. I never knew that my had could produce so much liquid, it is disgusting. I agree that you should go to Rome anyway. You'll get better soon :)
:( hope everyone feels better SOON! hope you get to go to Rome!
Khadra said…
I dont think your head will pop or explode, but I do know it sucks pretty badly!

I hope you get to go on your trip!
sues2u2 said…
Having just been through this but still having no voice! I agree w/ the saline up the nose solution. Also pop into a hot shower & get the wash cloth (very warm & wet) on your face to try & get some of that stuff out. You Have to go to RomE!!!
Frizzy said…
No way! You can't tell your hubby to go to Roma by himself. There has got to be a magic pill at the Pharmacy! Do they sell Zicam there? It always reduces the duration of my colds. Good luck will continue to pray you are all healthy again very soon.
What A Card said…
Oh, feel better! And your kiddies, too!

I had that AWFUL cold last week. I thought my head was actually going to explode, or I was going to suffocate in my sleep from how congested I was. Good luck...the worst of it only lasted 2 days for me. Now I just have that lingering regular cold that's far easier to deal with. I hope yours clears up that quickly, too!
Rune said…
I will cross my fingers:)

hexe said…
Hope you are feeling better and packing for Roma!
Skogkjerring said…
Are you kidding??? Give up Rome??? Why that is just what the doctor would have ordered for you had you bothered to tell him you felt like crap also while you were there with the kids (feel like I can relate to this WAY TOO WELL)...Sun, Italian food, shopping, relaxing, Sun, Italian food...it's everything you need to get better!!
Hope you all are better by the end of the week!!
Karen said…
Drink water like your a fish. Sleep as much as you can and use a Neti-pot if you've got one. They can be a life saver.

I hope you are feeling better.
Debz said…
Girlie girl unless your bleeding from those eyes, you get on that plane.
Hope your feeling better and getting on that plane most any time now....
WheresMyAngels said…
Prayers for your friends son!

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