I'm a winner!

Yes.. I am a W I N N E R ...but I guess y'all figured that already... : )

Seriously I NEVER win ANYTHING... however... last week I won a $25 gift certificate to

TAR-JAY from Daily Gif Blog

So I wanted to give a big shout out to Doublebanker who is my clickingbuddy.... (he gives me clicks...& I click him back..

Thanks Doublebanker .... (go give him a little clicky love for me!) MUAH - I am off to shop...


Skogkjerring said…
Congratulations!!! I never win anything either- kinda use too it by now..but still it's fun when and if it happens.

Clicking buddy....sounds kinky....
Unknown said…
I know... doesn't it... he clicks me... I click him back.. ; )
sues2u2 said…
Who doesn't love Tar - jay? I mean all of those lovely things in one convenient place? That's awesome you won? & I'm w/ Amy. It does sound kinky! Love it.
KCLC said…
Makes sure you tell us what you buy!
Did you know I can walk to Target from my house. ;p
Mammatalk said…
Yeah! Isn't winning fun?
Rune said…
Congrats to you:)

Laural Out Loud said…
That's awesome! How much is shipping? Or do you have it mailed to someone in the States who then sends it on to you?

I've only been away for three weeks and already really missing my Target!
Unknown said…
Congratulations : ). I don't know what a clicking buddy is, but it sounds nice : ).
Anonymous said…
Congratulations!! I don't usually have such luck, but everybody has their day someday I guess. Good to know there is another American in Norway. The name of your blog caught my attention at Carolines, since I am an American in Norway too.
Karen said…
Congratulations! I love Target! Do they have them in Norway?
Tiffany said…
Congrats on winning.
I love Tar-Jay! They have the nicest home decorating stuff!
Frizzy said…
Anonymous said…
Congrats! And Target? YOU have Target in Norway? I'm going need directions and flight info cause I'm on my way to get me some Tar-Jay lady :)
Doublebanker said…
My wife would definitely oppose a female click-buddy!

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