Dear Mom & Dad...from your REAL favorite....

Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad.
Wow, 46 years… that’s a long freaking time.
xoxo, your REAL favorite
(I can't believe my little sister stole this post from my blog.... gosh ALI, get a life....)


Mary Ellen said…
Happy Anniversay to your folks. They look awesome - marriage certainly agrees with them!
Stephanie said…
That is a long time! Happy Anniversary to them!!!
Anonymous said…
you're such a terd. I posted this...
hopefully mom and dad don't find out that both you and Heidi had to contact me to find out if today was their anniversary.
Cristin said…
Awwww... Happy Anniversary!
skywind said…
Congratulations to your parents married 46 happy anniversary.
Kelly said…
What a great picture!!
Happy Anniversary DiAnn & G-dammit Bill!!
sues2u2 said…
That is pretty exciting! Happy Anniversary to your parents.
Karen said…
Happy Anniversary to your parents.
The housewife said…
Happy Anniversary to your mum and dad - well done!
Anonymous said…
Thank goodness there is no sibling rivalry between you and your sis! ;-)

Happy Anniversary to your folks!
Debie Napoleon said…
Wow, that's a lot time and they seem so happy! Congrats to your folks!
Kelli Nørgaard said…
What a legacy that your parents are creating for you and your sister.... this is incredible!

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