NOT feeling guilty...(much)

We are going. to Rome. this weekend. NO kids.... (sigh)

Bj & I realized that it has been almost 5 years since we last got away without children.... & the last time we did get away, I was pregnant with Eva.. & sick... so does that even count?

5 years? How does that happen? We used to be sooo good about getting away.. once-twice a year.... it helped that we only had one child, we lived close to my parents who LOVED having Dane, & I worked as a Travel agent & had access to cheap/free get aways....

So we are going to ROME.... we are going to RELAX...we are going to do whatever we want for the next 4 days-3 nights.... & I don't even feel bad... (much....)

No word about Petter as of yet... it is something with his heart.... they think it is a virus...but they are meeting with a specialist today.... Cross your fingers/say a prayer for them...

So now I am off to do all of the things I was too sick to do all week. What am I going to pack? eek... I have only had 6 months to plan.... typical Tressa.

Ciao for Now. : )
(promise I will stop saying that....)


cat said…
Oh enjoy! I am just so jealous - love Rome!
Rune said…
Have a wonderful trip to Rome:)

The housewife said…
Have a fabulous time!
Debie Napoleon said…
Fingers still crossed! Have a great time in Rome!
Suzanne said…
Ciao Babe ....have a great time. Guilt? Hell no. You and Bjorn just enjoy being a couple again. Pretend you're single and courting, or young and in crazy love. Oh yeah, I forgot, you are still young and crazy in love.

- Suzanne
Sarah - Kala said…
post plenty of photos when you get back so I can live my dream through you - at least until I can get there myself one day. Thanks and have a great time - I'm glad you don't feel guilty (much) - you shouldn't!
Rebecca Jo said…
good for you! You totally should go & enjoy yourself...

I gotta tell you... this is hilarious - I had a dream last night we met somewhere... we were fast friends & had so much fun shopping... I didnt even remember it until I clicked on your blog... but I can remember it all now.. how funny is that!
hexe said…
Have fun! Drink some good wine and relax.
I'm glad you decided to NOT take the kids! Because you will have so much more fun without'll miss them for sure; just think how romantic it is going to Rome. Ugh, I'm jealous!!!
jewelstreet said…
I'm hoping for lots of pics! Blogs are how I live vicariously. :)

Have some wonderful alone time!
KCLC said…
I am so jealous yet totally delighted that you are going on your trip with your honey. After the year you have SO deserve it... dont you think????
I mean seriously, I personaly dont have any nails left from reading your blog! Its that much of a nail bitter! HAHA!
So relax, enjoy the sun, eat, drink and tanto divertimento sotto le coperte. ( I am raising my eyebrows up and down on that last part.)
Betsy said…
Have a wonderful trip!!!
Have a FABULOUS trip!!! Thanks for the advice on my blog :) <3
Robbi said…
Have a great time in Rome!

Ha det bra
Karen said…
Hoping you have a safe, lovely weekend!!
scargosun said…
I think I remember you talking about going a long time ago (before my hiatus). Have a BLAST and eat lots of good food and tell me about is when you get back. :)
Sounds awesome! I would love to go to Rome. It looks beautiful!
WheresMyAngels said…
You are so lucky. I might be going to Alabama with mine!! lol Then again, he might be going by himself!
Skogkjerring said…
You did what is best for you and Bjørn, how can you feel guilty about that??? Have a great trip!! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you are back.
Stephanie said…
Have a GREAT time!!!
Corinne said…
Have fun! I have a sick, crankypants husband so I kind of wish you could put me in your luggage.... Enjoy! I love Italy! Please bring back some Spring!!
Mammatalk said…
Enjoy! Enjoy! Sounds simply magical! Well, heck, a trip with hubby to Walmart without kids sounds a bit magical these days. But, a trip to Rome!? Wow!
Leah said…
Yeah! I hope you have a fantastic time. Romantic weekend away, nothing better.
feather k said…
have a wonderful trip! Eva was my mother's name...thanks for stopping by on Monday!
Lucky girl!! Enjoy your trip
The Blonde Duck said…
Hope you had a great time! I saw in SITS rollcall you're back!

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