I stand CORRECTED....LYME Disease

I stand corrected... it is LYME disease...not Lime.... I would like to blame my poor spelling on all of the stress I am under... but seriously, I have a learning disability.... not sure what it is called... but I am a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE spellar. (just kidding about the spellar bit.) I have searched the Internet...& have yet to find a name for this disability...But is very real...

I would like to thank my father, for calling attention to my spelling mistake in a private email...rather than posting it, like my baby sis normally does.

I am admitting my mistake publicly, rather than going back & changing my previous posts.... cause I am just too bloody tired at this point.
Oh...P.S. your granddaughters name is EVA...pronounced Ava, but not spelled that way..
mmm hmmm.

as promised... the post as to why my DEAR, DEAR MIL is driving me crazy.........

When I called to tell her Eva (Ava) had been admitted to the hospital, and probably had LYME disease... she asked if I had read the national paper... "Um, no, really haven't had time..." She insisted that I read it as there was a 4 page story about the epidemic here in Norway.
I told her I had retrieved more than enough information off of the Internet to scare the beeeejeasus out of me... (I did my Internet research BEFORE y'all told me NOT TO...)

When she came to the hospital she asked me again ,if I had read the story... I said no... so she told Dane to go down to the gift shop to buy it for me.... THANK YOU....

There was a 4 page spread about some man in the next town, who contracted LYME disease & was now bed ridden for the REST OF HIS LIFE.... he will NEVER have a normal life...bla, bla bla... ***sound of crickets**** HELLO?

YES...lets give the paper to the near hysterical mommy, sitting next to her baby, hooked up to all of the wires, who now has the same disease.... SHALL WE?

Seriously...you just have to laugh...(to keep from crying)

Or how bout this one......

for the past 2 days she has been insisting that Eva's facial paralysis is NOT because of LYME disease...but because I have been driving with the windows down...
(and it made her face paralysed? Something about the Norwegian wind blowing on your face...causes paralysis.... just so you all know now) ***crickets****

OK.... so I am just begging you all PLEASE... when you see me up on the ledge...ready to jump.... PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT call my mother in law to talk me down....

Thanks! : ) Love, T


S Club Mama said…
Driving with the windows down? What is it with MILs that they are insane? Does something go off in their minds when the rings go on?
Simple Answer said…
I promise I am upset for you. But that part about driving with the windows down? Utterly priceless. Funniest thing EVER! All my fingers and toes are crossed that you get home in 3 weeks. AND I hope if your family is reading this, they will make your cocktails a little bit stronger than usual!
Angie's Spot said…
If it weren't for spell & grammar check, I wood bee tha wursed spelar en tha wurled. :-) And bless you for not throwing your MIL off a ledge. Lord knows I wish I had the opportunity to get rid of mine.
Debz said…
oh jesus, is it wrong that i am laughing at that. not like you dont have problems and whatnot, but your MIL is certifiable, and from this safe distance...thats funny.
Jul said…
There's a new one - driving with the windows down causing facial paralysis! And I thought the Germans were bad with the made-up illnesses...
WheresMyAngels said…
OMgosh, that is so funny cause I think I also posted back a comment with the same spelling! I'm the last person to notice spelling mistakes since I am always making them.

Wow, MIL is a character!! lol
Mrs4444 said…
Okay, I won't call her for that, but I might call her to tell her she's a NUTJOB! (JK) Keepin' you all in my prayers...
Unknown said…
Tressa-absolutely unbelievable. I can only imagine what MIL is thinking-or NOT. Please don't jump! It will get better...More prayers coming your way!
Candid Carrie said…
Eye no watt ewe mene!

Good Lord Girl, it is just one thing after another with you and yours isn't it?

Come here, let me nurture you and yours. Pah-leeze?
Unknown said…
Don't feel alone. My son-in-law's last name is Pederson. The family is of Norwegian descent. My daughter's inlaws, during the short time she was living with them, would not let her use a modem,because they were convinced that their phone would get a virus.

And the old wives tales that her MIL used to tell her when she was pregnant and when the baby was born, used to drive my daughter crazy...

Only two weeks to go before the Martini IV ... hang in there!!
Suzanne said…
Your spelling is the least of worries in this life!! Just take a deep breath and take every little bit as it comes. I thought my Polish mother-in-law came up with some doozies. Just be polite. I'm sad that she wanted you to read that worst case scenario in the newspaper. As you know children are so much more resiliant than adults, so don't let anyone try to suggest what the outcome might be.

- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
Rhea said…
Oh dear. Driving with the windows down in Norway does that to you? Who knew. I wonder why the paper hasn't done an epidemic feature in the paper on THAT.
Jill said…
Oh I'm so thankful that I'm not the only one with a nutty MIL...

Goodness gracious! I bet you're not only looking forward to going to see your family and friends in the States... but also getting away from her.
JEDA said…
Ah, the Norwegian mother-in-law! I have one of those too, you know.

Mine thinks I can and absolutely should cure EVERYTHING with echinacea and apple cider vinegar. She's one of those highly strung, obsessive wringers of hands who can't just bloody well CHILL out even if it is only 60 degrees out and kids have neither hats nor scarves nor precious woolen underclothes on.


Lovely woman....but.....GAHHHHHH

Perhaps you and I should swap stories sometime when you're a little less stressed out, and she's a little less all up in your face and shit.

By the by....I pulled another tick off my 4 year old this morning. They are everywhere, aren't they?

You have my deepest sympathies. I can't even imagine how awful it is to see your baby sick like that and a hooked up to all those machines. And then to have your husband strung up in some other room of the hospital rather than right there next to you holding your hand and barking orders at the staff, making sure they take you seriously.

I haven't read through your archives enough to know the full story on you. I take it you speak Norwegian (you at least read the newspapers)? Myself, I'm marginally, so-so, slightly more than medium proficient, but my fluency lacks a certain conviction, so professionals find it exceedinly easy to disregard me.

My how I do go on....

Sorry about that. Anyway, good luck. Cyber hair-pats and all that.
Anonymous said…
My goodness girl when it rains it really pours on you.
Laural Out Loud said…
I have a Brasilian MIL, and the only thing saving her from my wrath is that I don't know how to tell her off in Portuguese! It is the most trying three weeks of the year when we visit. I can't even imagine having to deal with so much crazy on a day to day basis like you. Hang in there! And since you DO speak Norwegian, I hope you gave her an earful after reading that story.
Thinking about you! You will get through this - stay strong!!

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