1/2 Norwegian.... ( I really am...)
So I was at work the other day when...what should I hear? E N G L I S H... AMERICAN ENGLISH...
I am dorky enough to admit I get just a little bit EXCITED when I hear "American" out...
So of course being the DORK that I am... I walked up & said...
"Oh hey...Your AMERICAN..." (super smile...)
HIM: Umm Hmm... (me, feeling a little MORE dorky...)
ME: "From where?"
ME: (reverting back to my sorority days...) OMG! NO WAY... I'MMMMMM from Houston.!
(He's from Clear Lake...I'm from Kingwood...) Just when I think I couldn't be a bigger dork...
Mr. Texas goes on to explain...but really... he is 1/2 Norwegian...
Oh really? Then he goes on to explain that yes...he is 1/2 Norwegian because he has a Norwegian kid & a Norwegian Girlfriend.....
Ummm..OK the DORK TABLE has just been flipped... (He is now the BIG DORK..) If you would like to march around proclaiming your "Norwegian-ess" You better.. Learn to SPEAK Norwegian.. & tone down the screaming English across buildings or no one is going to believe it.
After planning my upcoming weekend... I have discovered that
I really AM 1/2 Norwegian....
1st clue.... instead of going to a concert on Sat. night... I have opted to stay home & watch the Eurovision Song Contest - Moscow 2009 Anyone living in Europe KNOWS what I am talking about....
2nd clue... instead of picking out & planning my cute SUMMER outfit for 17th of May (National day...) I have decided I will WAIT until Sunday morning & see what the weather does... Every year I get my hopes up because we have nice weather... & then the actual day the weather goes crazy & I am the only person in the country wearing a summer dress & sandals. Mother Nature isn't going to fool me this year...(toes are polished, legs are shaved JUST.IN.CASE)
3rd. I just spent $20 on a 6-pack of SUMMER BEER... for the Eurovision party I am holding... (yep...I am now OFFICIALLY 1/2 Norwegian)
Thanks for the sweet comments yesterday...all turned out well... we did the play/art show/birthday party..... I always pull it off....I just like to bitch about it the entire time... : )
I high tailed it from work to make it to the play...only to find my daughter looking like she had just left the set of "CARRIE" covered in blood... little Miss had taken a nose dive off of the slide & had busted her lip & bloodied her nose.... we cleaned her up & painted her whiskers & nose back on... because she still wanted to be the "pappa bear". Thanks to the crying , when Eva delivered her lines, she sounded like she had just finished a bottle of whiskey... which got a little giggle out of the crowd... I know I am her mom, but really, she was the BEST

Glad she didn't get hurt too bad.
I hope National Day turns out nicely for you - you should get to show off the painted toesies!!
Rant on!
I guess I'm half Norwegian too by those standards, but they ain't no way in Hell I'm going to sit through that MGP nonsense! You're a better Norwegian than me.
Again, rant on!
: )
Hope you have a fabulous weekend.
congrats on "finding yourself" lol!
No video of the play?
She is a beautiful lil Papa Bear!
how CUTE is that little one?!! aahhhh!
So, I'm moving to Fredrikstad on June 1st! I would love to meet you someday soon :)
Your profile described you as nomadic. I was recently described the same way. It's such a weird feeling, and yet we do not seem to slow down.