Beacause you asked....

Wow... I felt like a celebrity answering all of your questions... thanks for caring..
(or pretending-if you could really give a big &%/) : )

Here we go....

what is the wing speed of a sparrow?
African or European?

How did you meet your husband?
Love at first sight... on a Cruise Ship...

Will you always be an "American in Norway?"
NO... I would like to move as soon as the kids are out of school... at least for the winters...

What's the hardest thing about being an American living in Norway?
Being away from my family & friends at home... everything else I can deal with...

Why did you decide to raise your family in Norway instead of the US?
Why did you choose to leave the U.S.?
To say I wasn't thrilled to leave would be an understatement... Bjørn carried me on the plane screaming & crying.. (OK, not really...but almost..) Bjørn was ready to stop sailing & there were better job opportunities for him here in Norway.

If you were to advice me on what countries that would be "must see" what would you say?
Russia, (St. Petersburg), Hungry, & Norway (of course)

I always wanted to ask you what your heritage/ancestry is, since you always say you're not Norwegian. You LOOK so Norwegian, are you sure there isn't some in there?
I am German & Scottish... Funny because many Norwegians are shocked when they hear me talk... they just assume I am Norsk because I look the part... then they get a big Ol'Howdy Doody & it throws them for a loop....

um... so tell us more about that tractor traffic on the way to work?
&¤%&# THEY MAKE ME CRAZY! can't they do they crap between 1-3 am?

My question is were you fluent in Norwegian before moving there?
NOOOO... stepped off of the plane in a country I had never been to & didn't speak a WORD! Crazy ...I KNOW... During our wedding, Bjørn had to squeeze my hand each time I was to answer JA (yes) to the priest... I didn't understand a word!

What did you study in college and do you plan on having any more children..Oh! And do you have any pets?
I have a double major in Poly Sci & German with a minor in International Relations... No more babies here... (knock on wood..) & No pets... (It would be too hard to travel with pets at home... that's my excuse anyway)

how long did it take you to learn the language.....and, do you get back to the U.S.A. much?
It took me about 5 months to learn Norwegian & I get home once a year (or at least try)

How many languages do you speak?....How do you like your fish?.....why orange? :-)
Languages.. English, Norwegian & German.. I understand/read Danish, Swedish, Dutch
I only like Tuna (in a can) & Orange... I like bright colors... : )

If I were to come visit NORWAY would you show me around???
Heck YES! I really am one of those people who doesn't know a stranger... I WOULD love to show you around... start saving your money for a ticket over! : )

Hmmmmmm... what's your favorite meal?
Anything MEXICAN.. with a margarita... sigh...

"big uh-oh lesson" you learned to make blogging easier?
You've stumped me here... I guess to be better about balancing my time... nothing worse than having a 4 year old complain about mommy blogging A G A I N....

When will we see/hear about the wedding of the century? I'm talking 'bout yours!
Oh, you mean the HO-Down? Soon, very soon... (I am such a dork)

what is the one food staple or condiment that you can not get in Norway that you miss?
VELVEETA! (pathetic, I know...)

Christmas- do you eat pinochette (pardon the spelling if I am off there)and can you cook that?
I ate Pinnekjøtt last Christmas for the first time... I am a HOPELESS Cook of Norwegian food. Thank goodness Bjørn can cook what he likes.. My specialty is Tex-Mex...

What was the toughest part of getting settled in Norway?
Getting used to the SYSTEMS where it comes to the kids... school, daycare... forced vacations Ugh... don't get me started....

why did you start blogging and why do you keep blogging?
So I didn't have to talk to myself anymore... I keep blogging because of all of my bloggy friends, keep friends & family at home updates & easier than keeping a diary... : )

so after the kids are grown, do you think you and Bjorn will go back to the cruise lines? Bjørn NO... me... I would love to.. but I don't want to be that OLD, LOSER, CREW MEMBER that everyone talks about... I want to do something with travel for sure...

What do you work with and how did you get your job?
I am a Cosmetics & Perfume buyer/manager for 2 stores... L U C K


MsTypo said…
Great answers! One fo the best parts about Norway for me was that for the first time EVER in our journeys Hubby was the "local" everyone spoke to in the local language.

I can't wait to hear about this wedding! :)
Jemma said…
ha ha ha, my speciality is also tex mex. we have tex mex night once per week and I have the whole norsk side of the fam into taco night too!
Doriana Gray said…
Thanks for answering my question! I have never been to Norway- its one of the lands of my dreams :)
sues2u2 said…
I loved this! I so wish that Hubby's orders hadn't been canceled to Oslo in the early 90's. I know, you wouldn't have been there but I still would love to visit. Maybe when my son graduates from hs & we take him to see where he's born we'll swing up to visit!
Oh, I love reading this stuff when I am new to a blog. I got to know you a little better and How cute is that when he had to squeeze your hand to say yes! That is just mushable...;)
Betsy said…
I assumed (by your looks) that you were Norwegian. Very interesting that you had never been there. Hubby and I drove our car from Germany to Denmark, Sweden, and then from Oslo to Bergen. We loved Norway. My lucky husband has gotten back there at least 5 times in the past few years. I can't wait to vacation there again!
That was a fun read!!! Thanks! I love the question and answer thing...and i blog for the same reasons you do!
LadyFi said…
Great answers (and questions)!!

I'd still like to know what you LIKE about Norway too?

And I'm very impressed with your language skills. You rock!

Oh - where do you live in Norway? Near Oslo?
MoMo 2.0 said…
Ok, we are in Norway around July 17 and stay until the 21 to come back.... we have a day trip planned to Oslo for sure, and would love to hook up!! We just need to figure out how far you are from Amy!
Mammatalk said…
Ol' Howdy Doody? LOL!
Anonymous said…
That was fun! Thanks, now I have only known your blog for a few weeks..but I like you even more :)...Brave..very brave! Happy one year!...shi~
Skogkjerring said…
That was fun to get to "know" you a little better! I'm with Lady Fi, what do you like about Norway? For Kelli- aren't you around Oslo? Oslo is two hours from our place (almost exactly)..I'd invite you guys up same time Kelli and family would be here but it's going to be busy with puppies, so I'll probably send them down to you ok? :-))
Pseudo said…
As a newer reader, I really enjoyed getting to know you more with this post.

My favorite meal is Mexican with a margarita too ; -) I am thinking it is even more difficult for you to get that in Norway than me in Hawaii.
Jennifer said…
I love all these quesitons, and I love all your answers!
Joanna Jenkins said…
What a great way to get to know you! Thanks for taking the time an answer all the questions!
Jen said…
this was a really cool post. I liked getting to know you better.
Cristin said…
Loved learning more about you...I was curious about the language too... only 5 months! Wow.. that seems like a short time to learn a language... I suck at new languages...
Laura said…
I met my husband working in the cruise biz too-- not on a ship. What ship did you work on? I worked in the cruise industry for a really long time!

Velveeta??? Really? Oh no.
Holy crap it only took you five months to learn Norwegian? I suppose knowing German helped a little. I am such a typical american that can't learn another language. I gave up on French and tried Norwegian because it seemed easier, but I would have to be emmersed in it to really learn it.. and then just five months. You must be gifted with languages (French was HARD and I could never get anywhere) Anyway thanks for answering my question, so we are both Scottish German girls. Party On!
So can we ask any more questions? What is your Scottish clan? I'm a MacBean.
beaverboosh said…
Batgirl said…
I know exactly how you feel about the tractors!!!!!
Ronda's Rants said…
That was really fun...thanks for answering all of our questions!
Lizzie said…
loved the Q & A! i might just have to steal this idea from you come next week on my 1 year blogiversary :) don't worry, i'll give you credit. from the looks of the questions, you might be getting a lot of visitors soon! oh i so would come if i could :)

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