Yes... she really is THAT cute...

What a super great AWESOME day...
all of the "NICE" mommies will be happy to know
I played nice all. day. long.
Something about nice weather in Norway...brings a everyone out..

I know I have moaned A LOT about how reserved Norwegians are... - hard to take for us outgoing Americans over here....

But the weather was nice, the neighbors were out & Eva & I felt like being a little social....
We took some of the leftover cake over to the neighbors & ended up sitting out for hours on their veranda.... As the sun moved so did we... we all went over to each others house /veranda...(following the sun...) had a sneak peak at each others houses..FINALLY(cause I am nosey like that...)

The neighbors kids ended up being over here most of the afternoon & I had the chance to snap some pictures of this little SUGAR CLUMP... Could you not just EAT HER UP? Oh my GOODNESS:... She really is THIS CUTE!
I think Eva was in shock that I was taking pictures of someone else.

Remember when I was complaining about TRYING to be creative & making a birthday gift cause I was sick of giving the same ol'same ol'?

Well the neighbor that I made the gift for...(her little girl) & asked if I had painted the bucket... (it was pretty half assed...because I was in a hurry...) -but she just went ON & ON... & wanted to know if she could pay me to paint buckets & gifts for her because she had never seen anything like it.... Umm, sure & THANKS sooo much for noticing... (I didn't think anyone would & went back to giving little pet shop yesterday....) Ha..WOW... that was really sweet...

The buckets were filled with all sorts of summer stuff...jump ropes, bubbles, lip gloss, sun hat...
Oooohhh... & also talked the neighbor ladies into doing a
"BLOCK PARTY" ...granted we don't have "blocks" here... just one street with all new neighbors...
Said they were all up for seeing how we do things in AMERICA... (you know they all think I am out of my mind...) - but who cares... I know we will all have a blast & maybe it will get everyone on the street to warm up....


PiNG aka Patti said…
I have wanted to do a block party here - but I'm not quite sure my neighbors are ready for that yet!
Mum-me said…
Yep she sure it a little cutie. And so is that painted bucket gift. Might have to steal that idea because 4 young daughters = neverending birthday party invitations.
Roxane said…
That kid is too cute! Good luck on your block party :) I'm sure that will be a great way to have the neighbors warm up.
Jennifer said…
What a fun bucket! So cute, too!
sues2u2 said…
She is definitely a cutie! The bucket is adorable & do you think I could get in on that block party action? And honestly? Way to go on being the NICE mom! *huge grin*
MsTypo said…
We recently discussed having a block or progressive party around here. Great idea! :)

Love the bucket!! Great job! :)
May said…
Found you from Kelli's blog, I've been following your blog for a while and just love your writing and all the photos. :)

I don't know how it's done in Norway, but in Denmark "gadefest" (street party) is usually done once a year, at least out in the country where I come from.

I would suggest a "gadefest" to the neighbours, they will be familiar with it where you're living. :)
Scary Mommy said…
Oh, you know how I feel about buckets---- that one is adorable!!! As is she. So cute!
LadyFi said…
Brilliant! I must say that there are two types of Scandinavians: the winter anti-social one and then the sociable summer one.
Kelly said…
Yeah! I'm glad you're realizing you have great sounds like the start of something great!
Mammatalk said…
What a great bucket. Your neighborhood sounds so friendly. Sittin' on the veranda....Nice.
I don't think we have those over here. ;-)
Lacy Kline said…
That bucket is awesome, I'm stealing the idea. So glad you talked them into having a block party I can't wait to hear how it turns out! I'm glad you had a good Norway day.
cat said…
That is such a great gift ! Good luck on the party.
Anonymous said…
She is absolutely adorable! Oh I love the bucket too. Ok, wait, what.. block parties aren't done there? Uh ohhhhh!

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